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Tips for brand new members by Polarbird (and others)

posted 16-5-2011 @ 03:19 PM www

Thanks for all those tips i shall use them and hopefully win something soon, i am a newbie and never won anything in my life so i want to change that and thought i am gonna enter enter enter until i do:)
posted 16-5-2011 @ 04:52 PM www

Well that's the only way. It's a numbers game

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 5-6-2011 @ 03:12 AM www

Hi, just found this site and joined, I have been a on, off comper for a while now and had a couple of questions:

1) if you have the option to snail mail, web, ring or sms do you think the method you choose will make any difference to your chance of wining? how do they do it any way? is it a different pool for each method? I choose the free web method if I can.

2) I have noticed, for instant winning, where you have to have a recipt and barcode and you do have it but what is stopping you entering lots of times with that same recipt and barcode, then if you win show them, you dont have to show them the 10 barcodes you suposedly have? Thanks:)

3) the 25 words or less, are some of them luck? or do they attually read them all?

Thanks heaps
posted 5-6-2011 @ 03:24 AM www

thanks once again for all your tips! i had one more to add that was asked before but not answered,

4)When entering online do you think it would increase your chances if you tick the box asking for more info rather than leave blank?

5) oh oh and one more lol thanks: do you need to look out for if you won? like if you win and they only leave it on the website and you dont see it do you miss out?

thanks once again and good luck for everyone!
posted 5-6-2011 @ 05:26 PM www

Hi, rabbitgirl, and welcome. ;)

Originally posted by rabbitgirl
Hi, just found this site and joined, I have been a on, off comper for a while now and had a couple of questions:

2) I have noticed, for instant winning, where you have to have a recipt and barcode and you do have it but what is stopping you entering lots of times with that same recipt and barcode, then if you win show them, you dont have to show them the 10 barcodes you suposedly have? Thanks:)

3) the 25 words or less, are some of them luck? or do they attually read them all?

2) You couldn't do that because your receipt has to match the number of times you've entered. So, if you enter 10 times your receipt has to show you purchased 10 products

3)We think some of them are just drawn, not judged but you can't say for sure which ones!
posted 5-6-2011 @ 05:30 PM www

Originally posted by rabbitgirl
thanks once again for all your tips! i had one more to add that was asked before but not answered,

4)When entering online do you think it would increase your chances if you tick the box asking for more info rather than leave blank?

5) oh oh and one more lol thanks: do you need to look out for if you won? like if you win and they only leave it on the website and you dont see it do you miss out?

thanks once again and good luck for everyone!

I tick the box to subscribe just in case. You can always unsubscribe after.
Yes, sometimes you can miss out on a win if they don't contact you so every now and then it's good to google your name.
posted 5-6-2011 @ 07:21 PM www

Not sure if its been mentioned but always go through the T & Cs and write down the date of the Second Chance Draw.
Heaps of people have won second chance prizes and also a few have won but already got rid of the receipts.
posted 5-6-2011 @ 07:25 PM www

Originally posted by rabbitgirl
2) I have noticed, for instant winning, where you have to have a recipt and barcode and you do have it but what is stopping you entering lots of times with that same recipt and barcode, then if you win show them, you dont have to show them the 10 barcodes you suposedly have? Thanks:)

I have won lots of times where they've asked for ALL receipts for ALL entries. So if I put in 10 entries I've had to send in 10 receipts or receipts for 10 products. Some promoters even do audits before the comp closes asking to see ALL your receipts for every entry made so far. Pura is one that does that and they've got a big promotion going right now.

posted 6-6-2011 @ 12:32 AM www

wow thanks heaps for the advice, I think you might be right about ticking the box just in case, I mean they have the comp for advertising so they would probably like people who lick the box:) don't know if they are legally aloud to do that however. Some do say if you tick the box you get more enties though.
posted 6-6-2011 @ 01:49 AM www

The store comps record your IP address, rabbitgirl, so they know exactly how many entries you have submitted. They will then ask for that number of receipts.
Same for mobile entries.
Free online comps don't need receipts, so they usually record your email address as a track of your entries.
posted 23-7-2011 @ 04:37 PM www

Thanks for all your suggestions. As I only joined 2 days ago I need all the information I can get hold of.
posted 25-7-2011 @ 10:28 AM www

hi i am very new only a few days and trying to work it all out. can all comps be trusted i just got a txt message saying i won with a uk mobile phone company and email them or phone to claim prize would this be true im a bit weary as it is a uk comp and dont remeber what i entered.thanks
posted 25-7-2011 @ 10:39 AM www

Dont respond to that its a scam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be careful, if it looks to good to be true it generally is. I have a good idea about which comps I have entered so if I get info saying I've won something else I am always alert. Just delete them !!!!!
posted 25-7-2011 @ 11:37 AM www

Originally posted by dommydoodles
hi i am very new only a few days and trying to work it all out. can all comps be trusted i just got a txt message saying i won with a uk mobile phone company and email them or phone to claim prize would this be true im a bit weary as it is a uk comp and dont remeber what i entered.thanks

My 16yo son got that message last night. I think it said he'd won something like 17million pounds. Definately a scam. Delete it.

posted 27-8-2011 @ 06:11 AM www

Hi, I'm a newbie (started last week) and I love all these great tips. Thank you everyone for all your tips! I know that this topic is old but its helpful. Just want to give my own.

So my tip is for anyone who does not want to write down all their entries in a book or look at the entered page on your control panel, like myself, and likes to see when each comp finishes clearly;
Get Microsoft Office Outlook or another program that has a calendar function within it and every time you enter a competition, add a note or name of the comp or/and details, on the closing date so you know which comps have closed or closing on a particular day and then you can google yourself eg your name, state and the word winner/win to see if you won anything.

Also it's a another great way to track your comps.

p.s Googling yourself to see if you are a winner is a really great tip I've learnt on lottos and getting a seperate email account for only comping is a excellent idea too.

I'm just wondering if anyone has a separate mobile number especially for comping? Not only to enter via sms but to enter competitions online. I'm not fully comfortable to give my mobile number out and especially my home number as I still live with the family.
posted 6-11-2011 @ 09:04 PM www

:D thanks so much for the tips. As a newbie I can do with all the help I can get.
posted 9-12-2011 @ 10:27 PM www

Wow, my first night on here. My eyes are about to fall out and I have a cramp in my fingers from holding the mouse.
So much information people! Fantastic, everyone is so helpful.
My tip for when you join is take the offer and ring Andrew. He is a great help. Thank you Andrew for getting me started.
Good luck to all who have given tips. It's very nice of you all to share! :)
posted 27-12-2011 @ 05:14 PM www

It'll never happen but I'd love someone to compile a collection so I could read and see all the creative entries that winners put so much effort in to.

The colouring in comps my kids used to do took hours each. (It was well worth it and they loved it though.) One daughter has many of hers as she used to include a stamped envelope to have them returned.

Meanwhile, your local newsagency will often give you a bag of envelopes if you are tired of writing on white. They dispose of the cards with dates on them, eg New Year cards.
posted 27-12-2011 @ 10:46 PM www

Originally posted by gr82do
It'll never happen but I'd love someone to compile a collection so I could read and see all the creative entries that winners put so much effort in to.

The colouring in comps my kids used to do took hours each. (It was well worth it and they loved it though.) One daughter has many of hers as she used to include a stamped envelope to have them returned.

Meanwhile, your local newsagency will often give you a bag of envelopes if you are tired of writing on white. They dispose of the cards with dates on them, eg New Year cards.

It wont happen because unfortunately people copy peoples' answers & efforts and use them as their own. :thumbdown:

posted 1-4-2012 @ 07:10 AM www

thanks everyone for these helpful tips..I too am of the belief that you have to be in it to win it, and since I only just joined this amazing community this week, I am hopefully in for the time of my life!!

It is lovely having this "soft place to fall" with the wealth of tips... and I wish everyone the very best of luck always :thumbup:
posted 1-10-2012 @ 08:56 AM www

thanks guys .
posted 1-10-2012 @ 09:24 AM www

I HAVE been asked for receipts several times now for free online comps like Facebook comps fred111, so maybe that is the new trend.

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 1-10-2012 @ 08:07 PM www

It is not so much a tip, as just plain shameful. I have swiped shopping receipts, usually Foodland comps, that other shoppers have left lying in the vicinity of check-outs. The comps where you purchase eligible products and a receipt (entry form) is printed out at the check-out to be deposited in an entry box. Yes, I hang my head in shame. (Remember to carry a pen, as it is annoying if you head home telling yourself that you'll swing by a supermarket/shop, and then completely forget until the comp has finished.) I have politely asked supermarket staff for a pen, only to be told that other shoppers swipe them on a regular basis. Now, that's heinously shameful, if I do say so.

The polite way of doing it, is to make superficial chit-chat with shoppers ahead of you in the queue, and, of course, politely ask if they mind whether you may have their receipt, especially, if they leave it lying on the conveyor belt. No need to verbally assault them with what a mad, keen, comper you are. Ask politely and let them think that you're crazy; they'll gladly hand over receipts, if only because you scare them on some level.

If anyone is still reading this, you will have figured out that I have no problem driving other people crazy with incessant, nonsensical, chit-chat, if not bore them to death. I would, of course, draw the line at mugging other shoppers, or engaging in physical combat, such as, wrestling them to the ground. ;)
posted 1-10-2012 @ 08:23 PM www

Originally posted by moondove
It is not so much a tip, as just plain shameful. I have swiped shopping receipts, usually Foodland comps, that other shoppers have left lying in the vicinity of check-outs. The comps where you purchase eligible products and a receipt (entry form) is printed out at the check-out to be deposited in an entry box. Yes, I hang my head in shame. (Remember to carry a pen, as it is annoying if you head home telling yourself that you'll swing by a supermarket/shop, and then completely forget until the comp has finished.) I have politely asked supermarket staff for a pen, only to be told that other shoppers swipe them on a regular basis. Now, that's heinously shameful, if I do say so.

The polite way of doing it, is to make superficial chit-chat with shoppers ahead of you in the queue, and, of course, politely ask if they mind whether you may have their receipt, especially, if they leave it lying on the conveyor belt. No need to verbally assault them with what a mad, keen, comper you are. Ask politely and let them think that you're crazy; they'll gladly hand over receipts, if only because you scare them on some level.

If anyone is still reading this, you will have figured out that I have no problem driving other people crazy with incessant, nonsensical, chit-chat, if not bore them to death. I would, of course, draw the line at mugging other shoppers, or engaging in physical combat, such as, wrestling them to the ground. ;)

Wow, you sound pretty fanatical! Happy to hear that physical combat is not on your agenda lol!. :)
posted 1-10-2012 @ 08:53 PM www

Fanatical? Oh, please! I wouldn't dream of stealing pens from supermarkets or elsewhere. What to make of those people? They should enter competitions to win pens. ;)
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