If A Competition Needs Altering. |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 05:51 PM
If A Competition Needs Altering.
I've just been going over some competitons and have found several posts from members asking for details in the competition to be changed.
eg - Please change to Daily entry
Sms needed
Wrong close date
Already posted
and so on.
I'm sure you can understand that us mods can't read every thread posted, even though I'm sure 99% are, it would be greatly appreciated and so helpful
if you could either send a u2u to a mod online or click the report button and let us know details need changing.
I/we appreciate your help!

edit -

Can be found when veiwing in full version and not lite. |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 06:02 PM
That may be me as i asked a few questions on my posts (L plater here ). Didn't
want to seem impatient with u2u. Will u2u you now thanks Jenny
posted 6-9-2007 @ 06:13 PM
Fantastic ... thanks Jenny.
I know that the mods/admin don't have time to read all the posts but this will certainly ensure lottos runs smoothly.
Now maybe I can start wearing blush again instead of being embarrassed each time I forget something and it's pointed out.
posted 6-9-2007 @ 06:28 PM
there you go--I never knew what the report button was for! |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 06:31 PM
Chasp it's also for reporting any thread you may find inappropriate! |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 06:42 PM
thanks Jenny
I actually thought it was more for the 'norty' stuff, so now will not be afraid to use it |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 07:06 PM
not red button petrie... report button. |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 07:08 PM
Wow I've never noticed that button. Thanks Jenny. It's better than complaining on the post and hope someone notices.
posted 6-9-2007 @ 07:29 PM
Agree  I never noticed the report button before. Would be much better to use if needed  
I don't even think I make an L Plater Beachluva.  
Thats whats so great about this site is that you learn something new everyday 
I didn't even realise we had email here until yesterday when it was bought to my attention through a thread posted
I often think I should really open my eyes a bit wider and utilise the wonderful things that are offer to us on this site instead of staying in my
little safety zone 
Many thanks Jenny for bringing the report button to our attention.   |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 07:38 PM
I think maybe things like that go unnoticed when you view the posts in 'Lite' |
posted 6-9-2007 @ 07:56 PM
ditto here chasp...I usually view all the posts in light mode, so didn't know that button was there  
from my point of view, if I add something like that, I'm hoping the original poster sees it, cos they can amend their own post
posted 6-9-2007 @ 08:03 PM
Please and thank-you usually helps to
posted 6-9-2007 @ 09:40 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by WhitePointer
Please and thank-you usually helps to |
Pretty Please do the trick????
posted 6-1-2011 @ 09:02 AM
Could all members please be aware that while the report option for posts allows anonymous reports to be sent to the poster in question, the moderators
are aware of who sends each report.
Do not abuse or attack members via this method.
Attacking fellow Lottos members is against the rules and will not be tolerated.
Try to word your reports in a kind manner to avoid undue stress on the recipient.
Never accuse the poster of doing/not doing something out of neglect, spite, laziness, deception, etc.
People make mistakes, and the report function is there to help get any mistakes fixed quickly and without fuss.
It is not a tool to be used for baseless and gutless attacks. |
posted 9-5-2012 @ 12:47 AM
Rediscovered an old thread that I hadn't read before. Probably worth 'resurfacing' it for newbies like me. Am only just hitting my two month
anniversary on lottos.
This is useful information. I've been guilty of posting comments about errors on a thread. I'll make sure I use the 'report' function from now on.
I haven't wanted to use it to date because I thought it was like sending in the big guns! Now I realise that it isn't really 'reporting' on someone's
thread - it is more like letting a moderator know that something is amiss and needs fixing, so they can let the poster know or so they can fix it
themselves. |
posted 9-5-2012 @ 01:58 AM
Please members follow Netiquette when making a report.
The report is received by the poster and the mods so that any errors may be fixed. The posters do a fantastic job and often the details of the comp
will change after they have posted. Please try to report any errors politely. Without the tireless work of our dedicated posters we would have no
comps to enter.  |
posted 9-5-2012 @ 02:35 AM
Good advice fred111. I decided to post comps within 24 hours of joining lottos. I like sharing info with people - it is in my nature. I had only
been posting for a short while when I received a very curt response about a mistake I'd made when I posted a comp. I took the advice on board so I
could learn, but it could have been written in a nicer way. After that, I thought twice about posting anything again, but decided that I wasn't going
to let it upset me. All water under the bridge now.... For the most part, I've found lottos to be a lovely, supportive place where I can share comp
related stuff (and completely non comp related stuff) with others who share the same interest. Your link provides a great reminder about remaining
polite, courteous and constructive, not only on the forum, but in general. |
posted 9-5-2012 @ 07:21 AM
I for one would much rather be reported than my many mistakes emblazoned across the thread for everyone to see lol. I have been told to change things
on the post and driven myself nuts only to find out that I wasted hours trying to do something only a mod can do. I ended up reporting myself lol. |
posted 9-5-2012 @ 07:27 AM
Quote: | Originally posted by chasp
I think maybe things like that go unnoticed when you view the posts in 'Lite' |
I almost always use "lite"and I have a report button right next door to the quote button. |