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Pacific Magazines:ALSO Womans Day .... Magazine List for checking as per new t&c's.

posted 24-6-2008 @ 04:16 PM www

Womans Day also added to the list

ONE win every 3 months....
posted 24-6-2008 @ 04:52 PM www

I've just called the Woman's day t & c's line and it does not say anything about one win every 3 months.

Is this printed in the mag somewhere Nelke?
posted 24-6-2008 @ 04:59 PM www

I was told by a member and when I rung Womans day to double check the girl in the promotions dept said Yes it has just been changed from this week....

Their phone number at Womans Day is 0292828508
posted 24-6-2008 @ 05:06 PM www

Thanks Nelke :)
posted 24-6-2008 @ 06:27 PM www

I'd suggest people complain to Pacific Mag. I've rung them. Here is the number. Sydney Head Office 02) 9464 3300.
posted 24-6-2008 @ 06:37 PM www

They hold these competitions in order to attract more readers to purchase, so I wonder if this is going to impact on sales.

It seems wrong though that a movie ticket winner is deemed as ineligible as an overseas prize winner.
posted 24-6-2008 @ 07:18 PM www

This change could well be Pacific demonstrating a social conscience.

They must be aware that some people must spend hundreds of $$$$$$$s on SMS calls each week and are probably receiving complaints that the same names crop up week after week.

Pacific will lose income from their share of SMS charges. Perhaps it would be easier if they just made all their comps coupon/mail-ins. That would save them chasing up people's real identity too because there could be lots of bogus names coming out of the woodwork.

Personally I doubt they'll be too worried about us ordinary compers who only win every now and then. I see they are really doing us a favour in the long run by giving us more of a chance to experience the occasional win.

Just my opinion anyway. :)
posted 24-6-2008 @ 08:35 PM www

Originally posted by magwheels
New Idea have No Idea what's going on.

I know that they drew a name, then invalidated the entrants entry over the 3 month rule - the lass admitted it. They alledgedly claim they miscounted the 3 month period.

If they pull names "mistakenly" how do we really know whats going on?

If this is a new t & c, they can't apply it to previous comps. Wouldn't this have to start from when they started changing the written t & c's ? For instance Girlfriend mag, TV Hits, Kzone, Total Girl etc etc, don't have this condition written in their web comps, so does it apply or not ?

posted 24-6-2008 @ 08:39 PM www

Melvass - New Idea has had the 3 month rule since last September.
posted 24-6-2008 @ 08:49 PM www

Excuse my dumbness lol...

I won one of the gaggia coffee machines from BH&G about 3 weeks ago. That one was on telly as an SMS / Ph comp. Does that mean I cannot win ANY prize from BH&G for another 3 months?
posted 24-6-2008 @ 10:21 PM www

For the That's Life comps u don't know u have won unless u read it in the mag or the prize rolls up so r u wasting your sms's if u don't know u have won and u enter another one of thier comps.

posted 24-6-2008 @ 10:36 PM www

Well all is I know now, I buy the magazine and enter through coupon and I win a $3.95 that s##ucks and I can no longer enter for three months. Oh please:cool::cool::cool: Not impressed:cool::cool: Totally wrong way to go about it.

Suggestion and I'm sure you will all correct me if I am wrong:cool::cool::cool:

Sms If you win above $100 your out for three months:)

For those who enter with the original coupon from the Magazine well so be it. I think if you have the original coupon, you should be able to enter as many times as you like and not be locked out by the current rules:cool::cool:;);)

Oh dear I hope this is okay to post;);)

Best wishes to all who enter these types of comps:)
posted 25-6-2008 @ 09:41 AM www

looks like this is messy

so, if you win from one magazine does that knock to out for the other mags as well, or just the one you have won from
posted 25-6-2008 @ 09:57 AM www

thats a good question clover. it's a little confusing.Does anyone remember the month we won the spray tanning kits from famous?Thanks:)
posted 25-6-2008 @ 10:05 AM www

Part of Girlfriend mag terms and conditions

14. Competition entrants who have previously won any prize from any Pacific Magazines magazine will be deemed ineligible to win any prize until after three (3) months has elapsed from the draw or judging date of the prior prize winning. It will be the responsibility of the prize winners to calculate the time period in which they are eligible to enter future competitions outside of the three (3) month ineligibility period. The Promoter will not be responsible for alerting entrants as to when they are eligible to re-enter and no correspondence will be entered into.
posted 25-6-2008 @ 10:07 AM www

Thanks. Looks like I'll be entering in hubbys name for a while.
posted 25-6-2008 @ 10:09 AM www

It seems if you win from one magazine you are out for a win from any Pacific Mag comp.!!!
IS THAT REALLY RIGHT......So I have had a small win from now i will not be buying, Famous, That's Life, New idea, or the Woman's Day for the next 3 months!! Guess I will be saving money.
posted 25-6-2008 @ 10:09 AM www

I don't quite understand why we get knocked out of entering if we buy New Idea and win something and buy Who and win something else. It is great to ensure things are fair but with 2day or triple m they have a clause that you can't enter for 3 months if you've won a prize of $10,000 or greater. I think that is a more logical amount.

Just my thoughts.
posted 25-6-2008 @ 10:12 AM www

thanks for clearing that up for me seadust

I don't usually enter many of the mag comps but I received a book from New Idea yesterday (can't find comp) so now it looks like I will have to give them all a miss for a few months

do regular readers (non lottos compers) ever the t & c that carefully

imho I think this has come about because of regular winners, either from complaints or from the publicity dept of the mags seeing the same names over and over again - just going the same way of so many promoters tightening conditions
posted 25-6-2008 @ 11:12 AM www

when does the 3months exclusion bit start? is if from now on??? surely it can't be back dated or is it??????? I am confused...

Dumb T&C if you ask me....they will be seeing drops in revenue especially in sms/phone comps!
posted 25-6-2008 @ 02:54 PM www

Originally posted by seadust
Part of Girlfriend mag terms and conditions

14. Competition entrants who have previously won any prize from any Pacific Magazines magazine will be deemed ineligible to win any prize until after three (3) months has elapsed from the draw or judging date of the prior prize winning. It will be the responsibility of the prize winners to calculate the time period in which they are eligible to enter future competitions outside of the three (3) month ineligibility period. The Promoter will not be responsible for alerting entrants as to when they are eligible to re-enter and no correspondence will be entered into.

What is more confusing though is this t & C is not stated in the t & c's for the Girlfriend July 08 Giveaways. So I am assuming it only applies to those comps it's stated in, would that be correct ?

posted 25-6-2008 @ 04:30 PM www

I just received my prize in the mail from Famous, the letter now has the heading Girlfriend/Famous/New Idea and says Pacific Magazines would like to thank you for partcitipating blah blah blah, before it would say congrats from Famous etc So looks like the new t&c's were in place when I entered the Kylie Showtime Comp.

posted 25-6-2008 @ 05:14 PM www

I've emailed That's Life to clarity their terms as it still states 1 prize per entrant per issue. I'll let you know what they say if they get back to me.
posted 1-7-2008 @ 03:51 AM www


Despite what has been hinted at along the way in this thread there is no 3 month exclusion period with That's Life! magazine. So enter away.

Here's what the Editor wrote to me today:
"Thanks for taking the time to email us. I can assure you there is no exclusion period for That's Life!. It doesn't exist in our Ts and Cs."
She has also stated their competitions department will email me as well. I will let you know what they say as soon as that happens.

OCW :)
posted 1-7-2008 @ 01:40 PM www

Thanks OCW for the clarification on That's Life T&C
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