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Pacific Magazines:ALSO Womans Day .... Magazine List for checking as per new t&c's. |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 04:57 PM
These are about the only comps I get anything from and does it apply to runners up prizes, I've had a few movie tix from different mags but does it
mean if you win from say Famous that you can still enter Girlfriend or are you out of them all cause if you are then that'll be the end of me winning |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 05:09 PM
Just crazy, I have read this at lightning speed and just think sucky sucky sucky. So if Ive won a book or something so small, Im ineligible to win
another thing for 3 months, I just cant beleive that. Yes when I joined I used to see similar names popping up all the time, but all it did was get me
more motivated to enter knowing it can happen, and it certainly did for me, 2 holidays in 6 months. So I do find it very annoying.
Plus the silly part, now if I get an email or winning phone call, it wont be the same excitement, I will be stressing as to whether I am eligible for
Lastly, it would be awful if they dont keep a database, I would rather the promoter actually look and say allio cant win this one, and I would be none
the wiser, but to have them call me and say I won a holiday, and then have them turn around and say , Nah you cant have it would be heartbreaking.
Thats my GRRRRRR
Must also add that Im happy to forfeit a holiday for a time period due to the fact that I have already won one, theres no probs with that, as its fair
for all. Would just hate to not win one down the track due to the fact that I won a set of movie tickets. That would annoy me. |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 05:55 PM
I must admit if I won movie tickets I am NOT going to keep a record of when I'll next be eligible to win from any of them...I'm simply not doing it.
and if they don't keep a record, then big deal, is some-one else out there in cyberworld going to be comparing the lists of winners from every mag to
see whether that person has won two lots of movie tickets from 2 different mags within 3 months...if they are well they need to get a life.
I simply don't have the time, energy or inclination for STUPID rules. mmmahhh.
To have to give up a major prize because you won movie tickets from another is just plain unfair. Perhaps we should boycott them.
If I won a BIG prize well I would keep a record then, but only then.
Also can you imagine the scenario that someone might won something substantial from one mag and a day or two later, having entered quite legitimately
in another, also won? What happens if they were both drawn on the same day? Goodness, how will they sort that out?
It's a total nonsense.     |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 06:39 PM
As promised, the Competitons Co-Ordinator did email me today in regard to Pacific Magazines competitions. Not sure whether he has made it clearer or
muddied the waters really?
"Firstly, thank you for your email and your interest in Pacific Magazines competitions.
In regards to your questions about the clause relating to Ineligibility Periods for our competitions, this clause does appear in some competitions,
however, it varies from competition to competition depending on the preference of the magazine itself. It is thus wise to always read the terms and
conditions of each competition to check.
I also appreciate the feedback about the clause and it's potential to alienate some competition entrants. I will discuss your concerns with those
participating magazines to see whether they would like to exclude or modify the clause.
Thanks again for contacting Pacific Magazines. We very much appreciate your continued readership."
If I do hear more, I will let you know. But as of now, make of that what you will. I am just going to enter anyway and let fate take its course.
OCW  |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 07:23 PM
Many thanks OCW   
I think I will follow your lead and just enter, enter, enter   |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 09:49 PM
Me too gibbo, why change a good thing. Thanks guys |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 09:56 PM
this what i got back from a lady at pacific magazines after my inquiry.
in regards to your questions about the clause relating to Ineligibility Periods for our competitions, this clause does appear in some competitions,
however, it varies from competition to competition depending on the preference of the magazine itself. It is thus wise to always read the terms and
conditions of each competition to check.
So it seems the 3 month rule doesn't automatically apply to all their competitions but each individual magazine. |
posted 2-7-2008 @ 11:10 PM
I'm with gibbo & OCW on this , I actually had a CD win in Issue 23 of TL! & got it last week just after reading this thread , now the winners
list only came out in yesterdays mag , thought it rather odd at the time , they are usually very slow at getting prizes out(1st win in over a year ) .
And just how are we to know when the draw was held , who has the time to read those tiny details if they are even listed .
As for producing the mag (TV WEEK) , I do the comps browse the mag then off to the doctors surgery , I don't have the space nor need the clutter in my
little unit .
"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .
MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~
I'm unsure of my mood right now!
“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”
"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Fear is False Evidence About Reality
Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!
If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane
Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 2-7-2008 @ 11:12 PM
Well that fits with the Instyle comps, as the last few I have looked at, their T&C's state 12 months.
Means we just have to read the T&C's which is a good thing  |
posted 3-7-2008 @ 05:53 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by Thorn
I've just called the Woman's day t & c's line and it does not say anything about one win every 3 months.
Is this printed in the mag somewhere Nelke? |
I rung the T & Cs line too Thorn and your right it does not say "1 win every 3 mths" so I rung Legion Interactive who do the draws and was told
the NEW T & Cs are starting next week mid July) and the T & Cs on the 1800 number will be changed to the new 12 week or 3 mth rule....
Anyone wanting to double check the new T & Cs can ring Legion Interactive on
0289164700 |
posted 6-9-2008 @ 01:16 PM
Without reading through the entire thread can someone tell me, if I win can my husband still enter? and can my son still enter kzone? Is it per person
or per household?
posted 11-10-2008 @ 10:13 AM
do I have this right.....if a comp doesn't specifically state that there is an exclusion period then its okay to enter
example Marie Claire trip to Fiji - nothing I could see in the t & c about having won a previous prize |
posted 8-12-2008 @ 10:33 AM
For some time now this clause has been printed with the New Idea puzzles: "Any persons who have won a New Idea cash puzzle prize in the last 12 weeks
are ineligible to enter."
Last week, for the 1st time, I noticed this condition has been dropped and replaced with: "Limit of one prize per person per week except for minor
prizewinners who will be entitled to win the major prize as well."
They also no longer have their T&cs recorded on an 1800 phone number & are instead publishing the full T&Cs on their website! Here's the
link for last week's puzzles:
I noticed that the 3 month ineligibility rule is missing from the full T&Cs as well!
So just letting everyone know that it appears that the "3 month rule" now no longer applies to the New Idea puzzles?!!!    |
posted 8-12-2008 @ 10:38 AM
Thanks Glenn10, now I only have to win!!  |
posted 13-12-2011 @ 05:08 PM
Hi everyone,
just so you know, this doesn't apply to that's life! competitions  |
posted 16-1-2012 @ 10:37 AM
thank god act isnt included,im contaly buying mags every a single mother and keep money aside just for the mags and try every week....i would
be doing it all for nothing |
posted 22-4-2012 @ 09:31 PM
i am so disappointed in the rule of waiting three months before you can win another prize in those magazines as i buy my magazines every week . I love
doing my comps as a hobby i am a person with an illness doing my comps fills my days in . Now pacific magazines will be missing out on my money
because i wont be buying them now after learning about this rule . |
posted 23-4-2012 @ 12:02 PM
Well I have never won a thing from a I will keep entering. And if I did win from a mag, I'm POSITIVE I wouldn't win again in 12
weeks.... Id say a year   
So I will just keep entering all the comps in all the mags, and by some miraculous chance I win something, I will write it down.
oh opps, I have won from a mag...A thats life clock, about 15months ago! Woo hoooooooooo.  |
posted 13-7-2013 @ 12:14 AM
Yes I would like to be in the position to be worried about too recent a win with magazines. Entered for years with That's Life and Take 5 and won a
tiny fake leather jacket.
I think there's been a lot of publicity on tele; promoters think we compers are all raking it in. |
posted 21-7-2023 @ 11:44 AM
on line or mail in?
Could I just ask if I can do both or which one would be more likely to win a prize?
thanks for advice  |
posted 21-7-2023 @ 07:19 PM
This seems a bit counter-productive. Many people buying the magazines are compers, so if they win a small prize they won't buy the mag for three
months or in some cases a year? Ummm. aren't they shooting themselves in the sales foot? |
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