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You know you're addicted to competitions when... |
posted 15-9-2005 @ 11:01 PM
..... when the oven timer goes off and you rush to grab the mobile phone as you thought it was a comp message coming through!
Loved all the other examples and can relate to most of them ... quite tragic lol
posted 15-10-2005 @ 12:14 AM
...when you spend several hours after you get home from shoping cutting out barcodes & organising the EF's to attach them too , getting those
ready that can be entered online & making the list of what to buy next for all the new EF's found . My son answered the ph a few days ago &
it was for me ,someone from Coles /Myer I answered the ph "So what have I won " was only a follow up for an answer on the Australia Post Survey .
"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .
MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~
I'm unsure of my mood right now!
“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”
"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Fear is False Evidence About Reality
Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!
If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane
Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 15-10-2005 @ 01:05 AM
Gosh i can relate to so many of these replies.
It makes me think i should be going to something called CA (Compers Anonymous).
This thread has made my week, i was having a downer not winning anything, but reading this gave me a good laugh, and know it all starts again monday.
posted 15-10-2005 @ 01:19 AM
When you make your children grab the entry forms off the shelf because your to chicken, whilst other shoppers are nearby.
posted 24-11-2005 @ 11:49 PM
I know what you mean WhitePointer!!!
My postman is now the Godfather of my baby and his wife is now my best friend - very sad I know...... I need to attend CA pretty soon.
My mum actually answers the phone "what have you won today?" |
posted 25-11-2005 @ 12:42 AM
LOL Hubby is on the phone next to me as I type this and his mum just asked what I want for Christmas. He promptly replied *STAMPS! But she doesnt need
any envelopes because there is a box of 500 sitting here* LMAO
I think his mum thinks I am weird... LOL   |
posted 25-11-2005 @ 07:40 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank nice to know I am not the only mad one!!
Thats what I love about lottos, we are not alone!!
Hint, when giving chocolates as a gift I repack them in little chinese take away containers (not used) with ribbon to make them look special. Only
hubby knows its so I get to keep the bar codes!!!   
Tarsh |
posted 25-11-2005 @ 08:29 PM
when you're typing someone's title in a word document, and instead of Operations and Completions Manager, you type Operations and Competitions
posted 25-11-2005 @ 11:17 PM
When you are on a comp wining holiday at Seaworld nara resort and you sneak out when the family are asleep to get a lotto fix at there internet
cafe |
posted 26-11-2005 @ 06:48 AM
Can you believe it but now my teenage sons friends give them their chocolate wrappers to give to me. I think I'm getting a reputation.
posted 27-1-2006 @ 06:06 PM
You go through the McDonald's drive through window and give your order in 25 words or less and try to make it rhyme as well. |
posted 4-3-2006 @ 11:32 PM
OMG as a newbie I just read the whole of this thread, and cannot beleive it, however on that note, I went to the supermarket yesterday (coles) and got
pulled up by the store detective, because I kept putting something in my hand
bag, what was the something, ........ entryforms that I had torn off.   
Oh dear is this the start of something tragic???    
Let the addiction begin... |
posted 6-3-2006 @ 11:33 AM
you stay up after a busy night shift, trying to enter more comps and reading hilarious posts like this |
posted 10-3-2006 @ 09:50 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by myeesera
I went to the supermarket yesterday (coles) and got pulled up by the store detective, because I kept putting something in my hand bag, what was the something, ........ entryforms that I had torn off.   |
lol I've always thought that could happen to me!! Luckily in the few years I've been comping, it hasn't. Hope your wins happen as quickly as it took
the store detective to 'catch you' myeesera!!   |
posted 10-3-2006 @ 09:56 PM
oh is this a competition?....did I win, did I win??? |
posted 11-3-2006 @ 01:51 PM
this is the first time i read this thread !!!!!
lmao i can relate to sooooo many of you!!!!!
i hate fridays,love mondays,check to see if my phones connected(it's never been disconnected,but you never know!)energex had to cut all supplies for 5
hours!!!!!!!!!! in our area i screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOO,how can they do this to me ,what can i do ?think dont panic yet,easy solution go to my
brothers,he only lives an hour away!!!!
omg i really do have a problem!!!!
nice to know i'm not alone |
posted 11-3-2006 @ 03:01 PM
You know your addicted're three year old thinks the parcel man is santa because he keeps bringing presents, lol! |
posted 11-3-2006 @ 03:14 PM
Baby - my daughter is exactly the same. She calls the postie 'Santa' and when she sees him, she starts yelling 'presents presents!!!'. |
posted 12-4-2006 @ 04:39 PM
When you're resting at a friends house across the road, with your foot up because you broke your toe yesterday (those karaoki nights can be lethal)
and you spot a delivery van about to leave from the front of your place. You leap out of the chair and sprint through the house, out the front door,
across the park and the road, to ask him was he delivering to your unit. The answer being no but you are happy that you did not miss a potential
delivery even though you are now in agony. |
posted 12-4-2006 @ 04:53 PM
A Category 5 Cyclone hits and you still keep going entering a few comps until you can get home to Lottos again. I ran out of ink and couldn't print
any comps out but wrote some comps down.
posted 12-4-2006 @ 06:25 PM
Before you go on holidays you check what supermarkets or other shops running competitions are available and ALWAYS pack stamps, envelopes, paper,
pens, labels, scissors and laptop (only if your visiting rellies & have your own room) to check on new comp posts on lottos if they have an early
nite. You go thru your rellies recycling bins and offer to help them clean out their pantries cause you've noticed a product past its used by
Got my brother a plastic storage bin so he could just put his nescafe, CSR sugar, and receipts in it - but I started walking a thin line when I asked
him to put his Jatz boxes in it - his eye started that rolling your nuts thing. But he is a sweetheart and the things I get from him I enter in his
name because like its wasted opportunity  |
posted 14-4-2006 @ 04:06 PM
OMG. LMAO!!!!! This post and replies are sooooo funny, my tummy is sore from laughing so much. As a newbie, I can almost associate with most of these
already. It is almost tragic to know what lies in front of me!! I was telling my hubby and he is like oh well if we win big its worth it!! lol isn't it?..
In reality though, we all could have way worse habits that cost more than just money too.. At least we are all at home right..ok glued to the comp
chair *fluffs up pillow* and keyboard(being the cleanest and dust free item in the house). We will have improved our english and typing skills
(entering 25 wol), when we age we will never not know where we live (after years of entering our name, address, phone number, email address etc)
So it's all good!
Thanx again guys for the laughs. I will be chuckling all day and when the posty arrives or the mobile rings ( will think of this post)    |
posted 14-4-2006 @ 09:29 PM
twosaints....since I have spent alot of time on the computer over the years, my spelling has gone down hill. I used to be a "sound" speller, but now I
have to think hard about some words for the spelling! |
posted 15-4-2006 @ 10:02 AM
...LOL thank god for spell check |
posted 15-4-2006 @ 05:08 PM
I have just realised just how sad a case I am - found a Priceline Pantene e/f today, where you have to buy $15 of Pantene products, then suddenly
realised my friend had picked me up $20 of Pantene products 2 days ago because they were selling the products with old packaging off really cheaply,
so now I've put on rubber gloves and have gone through my rubbish bin to find the receipt so I can enter - how sad is that??!! Even worse, I've found
the receipt, only to find they've just printed them as 'miscellaneous items', rather than Pantene so I can' t use it as proof of purchase....aarrgh!! |
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