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You know you're addicted to competitions when...

posted 31-8-2008 @ 09:07 AM www

last night I was talking to OH about something consumable I'd bought and told him to make sure he checked the close date
posted 31-8-2008 @ 09:36 AM www

OMG so true that it's scary.
my son said i was obsessed with comps, untill he got stuff.
my kids ignore my screams now.
my 22 month grandaughter's other nanna hates me for winning wiggles tickets.(ha-ha)
posted 31-8-2008 @ 10:33 AM www

I have heaps of packets of tea and nobody even drinks it.
posted 8-10-2008 @ 01:44 PM www

my dream car is a....'parcel post van' parked in my driveway...and omg we have a new postie and he's going the wrong way and I'm getting mail thats not mine and that could mean......someone else is getting mine.....aaaauugh!
posted 17-10-2008 @ 02:02 PM www

I get angry when my husband open my prizes before I do

I carry scissors in your purse
when you at Hungary Jacks
or Maccas you find comps in the paper to cut them out.
posted 17-10-2008 @ 02:44 PM www

Your little miss 5 takes barcodes off products and goes
"Mummy these are for you"
or tells people "My mummy works doing competitions"
posted 6-7-2009 @ 07:38 AM www

When after giving newborn 5.30am feed you stay up for some 'comping time' - who needs sleep? :P

When you become a 'curtain shifter' - constantly running to front of house curtains to see if that noise out front is mailman/ delivery truck!

When DP who originally ridiculed comping now buys products with comps on for you - brings home products unneeded! Yet to get him to check start and end date though! ggrrr!
posted 6-7-2009 @ 07:44 AM www

Originally posted by teamhippo
When after giving newborn 5.30am feed you stay up for some 'comping time' - who needs sleep? :P

yep i am hearing you there!
posted 14-12-2009 @ 11:05 PM www

This thread cracks me up, have only been doing this for just over a month and can already see myself in some of the things posted, but just had to add this that happened today (can't admit to anyone else :D

when you start to stalk someone in the supermarket because when she walked past you, you noticed a WIN badge on her chest and just needed to see what the comp was......I stopped myself when i realised what i was doing :D
posted 17-12-2009 @ 07:37 PM www run out to the letterbox after you hear the postie stop, put letters in, then drive off, running out in your thongs and slip on the wet gravel and skin your knees on the carport :( :( Happened to me this winning envelopes, just 2 badly grazed knees :( :(

No one ever said comping was dangerous :P
posted 17-12-2009 @ 07:42 PM www

omg, how funny, all of them sound exactly like me!! lol
posted 17-12-2009 @ 07:48 PM www


I prick my ears each day listening out for that Postie motor bike sound! :P
posted 17-12-2009 @ 08:16 PM www

comping might not be dangerous- but reading these posts has me fearing I might break something laughing! :P:P:P
posted 17-12-2009 @ 08:21 PM www

When your partner thinks you have a thing for the posties.

When you have 30plus packs of poppin popcorn but have a pop corn maker still!

When you spend all day looking for little aliens.

When days become winning days or non winning days.

posted 17-12-2009 @ 09:17 PM www

When you log out because there are things to be done, only to find yourself back in front of the computer 10 mins. later.
posted 17-12-2009 @ 09:22 PM www

Originally posted by Pot O Luck

I prick my ears each day listening out for that Postie motor bike sound! :P

Me too!
posted 17-12-2009 @ 09:26 PM www

...your OH walks in the door after work and the first thing he says is "Did you win anything today, darling?" even before he's said 'hi' to you!!
posted 17-12-2009 @ 09:28 PM www

when hubby's present for my birthday is a box with 100 postagestamps....and i am happy ;)
posted 27-12-2009 @ 06:16 PM www

1) When you've just gone ahead and bought a mobile phone that you otherwise wouldn't have....... you don't give out the number at all, knowing that if it beeps or buzzes...... it has to be a winner!

:) I've just done that... and I'm surely not the only one haha:P:D

2) You're going on a 'NYE Sydney Harbour Cruise' and whilst spending the day in Sydney leading up to it, you'll be in the Botanical Gardens drafting Wol's for January Comps. :P
posted 6-1-2010 @ 11:45 PM www

When everyone asks when you are going to get off the computer and you say "in a minute" then they ask in another hour and you say "just one more comp" then you look around and realise everyone went out and left you at home. lmao.:D
posted 7-1-2010 @ 12:23 AM www

When in the middle of a conversation, you suddenly space out and your companion/s ask,
"You're thinking in 25 words or less, aren't you???"

You're watching tv at someone else's house and growl "Shhhh!", while scrambling into your handbag for a pen and paper, when you see an SMS number on the tv screen during an ad, just so you can actually hear if it's a competition.

People hear my 'I dream of Jeannie' ringtone and yell out, "Quick, you're competition phone is ringing!"

Yes, my friends and family have become 'passive' addicts, from non comping:P:P:P:P
posted 7-1-2010 @ 01:33 AM www

I get more excited about possible postie visits that my own family and check the mailbox about 10 times a day, even when I know he's been, but may have missed a letter and returned!... Gawd I even check it on Saturday and Sunday!

I can't bare to leave the house incase I might miss a delivery.

As soon as I wake up I run straight to my compter to see if there are any WEM's and to check the PN'S.

Answer the phone extremely quickly when I can see its a eastern states number, with the sweetest voice only for it to drop when I realise its not a WPC!

Always thinking of possible WOL answers....

LOL yes I think I am a comp-a-holic!
posted 7-1-2010 @ 01:49 AM www

I often wish we could go back a few years and only need barcodes as proof of purchase. I must admit though the bags of barcodes have now been replaced by bags of receipts. Lord help me if anyone wants a receipt that is more than a couple of weeks old as I would have to go on a very loooooong search through many bags. One good thing about needing receipts is that at least you have to prove you have bought the product. I can relate to taking barcodes off products before giving them to people and being embarrassed in the supermarket by my godchildren when looking for comps. Cheers Marina
posted 7-1-2010 @ 08:17 AM www

I bought Gloria Jeans coffee the other day and miss nine asked "where will that coffee take us?" Optimistic isnt she?
posted 7-1-2010 @ 09:10 AM www

when you look forward to Monday and Friday becomes sad as the weekend doesn't bring parcels and mail.

when you make sure you're up showered, dressed, makeup done, lounge tidy, door unlocked. all ready for the parcel guy.

when you leave the dog in the house when you go 'out the back' to alert you of the arrival of the parcel guy or the postie with the registered mail.

when your 3 year old grand-daughter screams at any one for touching nanny's comping table. And that three year old picks up a receipt, or photocopy, and tells you you dropped a competition with disgust in her voice.

when your 18 year old daughter pulls a competition pack out of her friends dust bin and brings it home with more pride than her school award.

we are so sad but people are sooo envious of our hard earned 'luck'.
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