Posting Help - The Green Buttons (edit, quote, report) |
posted 29-8-2008 @ 10:36 AM
Posting Help - The Green Buttons (edit, quote, report)
Hi guys,
I think there is some confusion for some people about the purpose of the three green buttons (edit, quote, report) when you are wanting to reply in

The EDIT button - is there if you want to go in and change a post you have made. If you click on it - it opens up the post you have
made in edit format so you can make changes. There is also a square you can tick in this option that says DELETE - where you can delete the post you
have made. If you have posted a competition and someone has pointed out it is a duplicate, for example, then you can use the edit button to go into
your post - and delete your own post.

The QUOTE button is there for you to quote something you may be replying to in a thread. This is handy if someone has said something
earlier in a thread - and you'd like to reply to it. By using it - sometimes it can keep the thread flowing and make it easier to read so
conversations aren't choppy.
If you press the Quote button - it will just bring the post you wanted quoted, up again, - and then I'd suggest pressing enter a couple of times and
then write your reply underneath.

The REPORT button will send a u2u to ANDREW, Moderators and the member who posted the comp. You press the Report button if you see a
comp is a duplicate (and it makes our life easier if you can point out in the report form - the original and duplicate comp). The Report button is
also used to report things that may need to be added to a comp posting - ie. WOL, phone, sms, extra states, etc...
Other things you can use the Report button for - are, if you see spam on the forum, a post that you think is offensive, receipt requests (not allowed
on this forum), offensive pictures posted, etc..
The REPORT button is preferred over sending a u2u directly to the member or posting on the topic as a u2u or post may never be seen by the member who
posted the comp or the moderators. The REPORT button ensures the issue is seen and corrected.
I hope this helps with your understanding of the buttons if you were having problems.
Tye |
posted 3-10-2017 @ 10:54 PM
I am bumping this post as it seems like many people expect that a simple comment on a thread will result in said thread being edited correctly.
FYI that is what the REPORT button is for. Otherwise the poster of said thread may miss it and Mods won't be notified as it was never REPORTED!
Hence, said thread will not be fixed in a timely fashion.
The REPORT button doesn't get you into trouble, it allows action to threads in a reasonable time.
Please use it but also PLEASE BE NICE and comment nicely! It is only to help out to allow the correct information is available to all.
Your comments aren't guaranteed to be noticed by relevant parties otherwise. |
posted 20-8-2018 @ 08:30 PM
Thanks for clarifying this. This was news to me. Now I know |
posted 15-11-2019 @ 03:53 PM
Bumping this. |
posted 16-11-2019 @ 11:51 AM
thanks Silver101
easy solution if you don't want to offend poster by reporting their post is to
post your comment on why it needs fixing or even just thanks and then use the report button on your own post.
only you and mods will see it, not the poster of the post you report.