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Because of My Prizes.. |
posted 28-1-2009 @ 11:10 PM
Because of my prizes.... everybody in the house is sleeping soundly, whilst Im again on the PC with brain strain from the 25WOL, but I wouldnt have it
any other way.    |
posted 29-1-2009 @ 12:12 AM
Because of my prizes.....I discovered lottos
Because of lottos...... I discovered there are hundreds others who, like me, Check the letter box 10 times a day, can hear the postie a mile off, jump
up at the sound of a car to see its the delivery van, everytime the phone rings think WPC, buy chocolate, drinks and stuff I dont need or already
have. Experience the joy of giving the family luxuries I couldn't othewise afford. Hide a stash of goodies away for Christmas. Book marked lottos as
my favourite site. Dont get the housework done like I should, stay up too late getting my entries in, justifying to hubby that I should continue to be
a stay at home Mum, hanging out for that big WPC for a car or holiday.......It brought smile to my face just reading everyones post....thinking 'yep,
thats me!!! and thats me too... |
posted 29-1-2009 @ 03:49 PM
Because of my prizes I can drive in a lovely air conditioned car in style (43 Degrees today) instead of my very old but faithful car and I can comp
anywhere thanks to winning my gorgeous laptop. Lottos rocks!!! |
posted 16-2-2009 @ 04:14 PM
Because of my prizes over the years, my family and friends have had lovely surprises and experiences and I have become a more hopeful and positive
Competitions give me joy...........I even love it when others are happy!! |
posted 18-2-2009 @ 11:49 AM
because of my prizes l have a serious addiction problem. I can spot a Postie Van 10 blocks away from my house, and just because it is heading away
from my area, l am POSITIVE that l MUST have a parcel at my door....only to arrive home to find l havent   
plus the fact that l check my front door about 10 times every morning convinced that l have a parcel waiting for me   |
posted 21-2-2009 @ 01:39 PM
Reading these posts have made me laugh so much, aren't we a funny lot of Postie Stalkers, Van talkers... Because of my prizes, I've never been to the
movies so much in my life and am getting stindgy with handing over money for a hire movie. I now find myself walking the aisles of the supermarket
with eyes for comping labels (used to consider this behaviour weird). I used to look forward to the weekends, now i look forward to the weekdays.
This comping thing sure is a joy shared and I thank God I havent got kids at home anymore because of housework! Havent won a holiday yet or got a
delivery from the van guy. Have cautioned my husband about being nice to the people we think are telemarketers as one may be for a prize some day.
Suspence is a killer, but what a way to go!!!     |
posted 21-2-2009 @ 01:53 PM
What a great thread when prizes are getting harder to come by. Reminds me why I do it.
Because of my prizes............
I drive a nice car
I took my family to Disney World in Florida and toured the States
I took my family to Switzerland
I took my family on a fishing trip to die for
I've bought lots of stuff for the house with money I have won
I dont have to replace any of my whitegoods for the next 20 (hopefully) years
I give great presents to family
I dont pay to see movies
I have an untidy house
I hate going away because its days I cant enter comps
I hate public holidays because it means no postie!
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an
attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one
hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
WOO HOO what a ride!
2006-$23411 + 2007-$69842 + 2008-$38712 + 2009-$20781 + 2010-$25344 = $178090
Jan-Oct - $8995
Nov = any minute now......
posted 2-3-2009 @ 04:18 PM
Because of my prizes my family and I do things that we wouldn't normally do. |
posted 9-3-2009 @ 04:05 PM
Because of my pizes, I almost fully own my Syd North Shore unit and I have been able to help my sister and her family as well along the way. |
posted 18-3-2009 @ 12:11 PM
Because of my prizes, I finally got to see Europe and visit Amsterdam (where my husband was born). My children are thrilled with my wins and my
husband even gets excited.
I've met some wonderful people and I have lots of fun. Life is just a little bit more interesting when I enter competitions. |
posted 18-3-2009 @ 12:13 PM
Because of my prizes I now don't have to fill the radiator of my car before I go anywhere, and can take my kids on a road trip holiday without having
to worry about not getting there, and I no longer get a shower through the leaking roof every time it rains as I'm driving  |
posted 18-3-2009 @ 10:00 PM
Because of my prizes I found the confidence to apply to a game show and won big money
Because of my prizes I applied to another game show and have been chosen to be part of the pilot...
I love my delivery man, he knows the dogs names and they now lick him to death..
Because of my prizes........I would like to thank you all...
Thanks for your posts your patience and good cheer
Good luck to you all
Regards |
posted 27-3-2009 @ 01:08 PM
Because of my prizes I am taking my three older sons to Sydney for a holiday at Easter. First time flying for some. Have promised other son to win a
holiday he can come on too, then partner and daughter put their bib in and want me to win them one too!!   |
posted 14-4-2009 @ 10:26 PM
Because of one of my prizes, I've just had a big day out!
I spent today at Sandown Raceway, doing a Level 1 Driver course, with Murchotts. I've been driving for many moons and was trained through work as
well (27 years ago) but I still learnt new things today and had a good time!
For any parent considering one of these courses for their newly licensed teenager, I would highly recommend it. Fun and informative and very safe...
Brmmm...brmmm |
posted 4-5-2009 @ 11:06 PM
Only two more sleeps, before I go to London and Paris!
Been running around all day and more to come tomorrow, before I fly out on Wednesday morning, for trip number one! Very, very excited now! I have
culled the suitcase a couple of times now, but still packed a pretty dress, in case I see HRH whilst swaning about at the front of Buckingham
Palace I'll be sure to give her a wave (if I see her) from all the royal
Gosh, this will be my first overseas trip, since joining lottos 8 months ago..will I survive, or will I get the d.t's and have a jumbo wireless
internet bill waiting for me when I get home? Never fear, I have the list of
Free wireless hotspots in UK and France!!! Tally ho, pip pip and Au revoir, for now |
posted 4-5-2009 @ 11:08 PM
Our family have something exciting and FREE to do just about every single weekend.
posted 4-5-2009 @ 11:27 PM
A HUGE TNT truck reversed right up my driveway today. I think I may have stopped breathing with excitement!!!!
The driver hops out goes to the back opens the door (meanwhile im hyperventilating) reaches in grabs a small box and delivers it to my door. Is that
all? I say. Yep thats it love, says he. So politely I ask him if next time he just wouldn't mind pulling up out the front instead of reversing up the
driveway. I want to live long enough to enjoy my wins I tell him, and excitment like that won't have me living too long!
So I go inside and open my parcel. An Apron, tea towel, 4 egg cups plates and spoons from Sunny Farm Eggs comp!!!!!
Very cute but not quite the massive plasma I pictured as the truck was reversing up my drive!
Comping has made me GREEDY and I love it! |
posted 4-5-2009 @ 11:36 PM
Because of my prizes...
I have made some wonderful friends
My husband and I have done things we would never have otherwise done....
like seeing Killing Heidi, Snow Patrol and Steely Dan
like going to the Australian Chamber Orchestra
like seeing some very strange movies
I have seen heaps of DVDs and read lots of books that I would not have seen or read otherwise
I have done things I would never have done otherwise, like .....
walk the Overland Trail, because I won three nights accommodation in Tasmania with no travel there!
hiked near Moss Vale because I won some accommodation there!
gone for a weekend to Couran Cove resort - just for the hell of it!
had a fabulous weekend away with girlfriends because I won a trip away!
taken the kids to the Gold Coast, even though they would not have normally even come away with us!
bought my Mum and Dad a Plasma TV with winnings!
got some wonderful calls from friends when things arrive in their letterbox that I won for them! (and they know its me because I am their only
"comping" friend!) |
posted 13-6-2009 @ 09:26 PM
Because of my prizes
Because of my prizes
I gave up smoking (hypnosis prize)
Love exercising (ipod)
Have a new addiction (entering comps)
Thanks for all the posts |
posted 16-6-2009 @ 01:01 PM
Because of my prizes....
My hubby and I are taking our newborn daughter to New Zealand for 3 weeks later this year for her first ever holiday. This is something that would
never have happened without comping!!!! |
posted 4-7-2009 @ 08:59 PM
Because of my prizes I get really excited when the doorbell rings and I can see an orange vest through the glass, then i open it and get really mad
when I discover it is a gas or electricity company trying to convert me over to them.... GRRRR |
posted 4-7-2009 @ 09:17 PM
Because of my prizes my family are having a day out at Luna Park tomorrow..........can't afford for all 6 of us to go but wining tix for us all means
we can go and have lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 4-7-2009 @ 10:46 PM
Because of my prizes I have a draw full of 365 unused kebab vouchers I can never use as they won't let me share with a friend to get to get a lift
there. Also keep paying fees on ebay for size 10 clothing I haven't been able to sell 
But on the upside I love my plasma that I won over 4 years ago. My best win to date....  |
posted 5-7-2009 @ 11:14 AM
Because of my prizes my kids, when they see family and friends with new items in their homes, ask in absolute innocence "What competition did you win
that in?" |
posted 5-7-2009 @ 11:21 AM
Because of my prizes, I can brighten someones day. |
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