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Remove Visit Again from Reports

posted 23-6-2009 @ 04:11 PM www
Remove Visit Again from Reports

Hi Guys,

I am just wondering if there are any reports which exclude visit again? I have soooooo many marked follow up (because I mark them all as follow up and then enter in one big batch) that I would just like to see new posts. Otherwise I end up having pages and pages on my reports.

Like last 24 hours excluding Entered, Not Interested AND Follow Up
Closing in 10 days excluding Entered, Not Interested AND Follow Up
Web Comps excluding Entered, Not Interested AND Follow Up
Etc etc

Then I can just go into control panel to see the ones I have marked follow up so I can enter them

Do reports like these exist? Maybe they do and I am just blind and cannot find them :o
posted 23-6-2009 @ 06:41 PM www

No, the point of having Follow Up was just that - to ensure you see them and follow them up!

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 23-6-2009 @ 10:36 PM www

So why couldn't there be a report for people that want them removed? Just wondering. A separate report for each one. Even if it's not in the little bar on the side but in the section where you can see all the reports in a list.

Everyone uses the site in their own way and for some people who don't have time to enter them all EVERY TIME they log on they can always see the ones the need to follow up in the control panel. Even just for web comps, because there are so many web comps.

Just making a suggestion. I love the way it runs now and I thought It would make tracking sooooooooooo much easier for me and stop me missing so much.
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