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posted 12-7-2009 @ 11:40 AM www

I just bought items for two Franklins Comps. One said to RETAIN original receipt, the otehr competition said to SEND IN. Original receipt. All goods are on the same receipt? I did send photocopies to both competitions but wonder if I would get disqualified. I suppose I should have paid for the items separately but didnt read the fine print.

posted 12-7-2009 @ 11:56 AM www

i always write, have original if required on entry form if i send in photo copies.
posted 12-7-2009 @ 12:04 PM www

Most comps are happy with a copy of your receipt so if this one really wants an original then make a copy to use if you win one of the other comps on your receipt. The odds of winning 2 comps off one receipt and both wanting originals is low.

posted 12-7-2009 @ 12:08 PM www

thanks. I just did a photo copy and wrote on it that I needed the original for another franklins competition. will see what happens. What the heck I'll just go and buy another two Gravox products. We'll use them up anyway

posted 7-8-2009 @ 02:29 AM www

Oh I just came here about to ask the same question.

Bought tim tams today for the tim tam comp and didn't realise I could enter a comp with the potatoes I bought too.

I bet if you send the original back it would conveniently get lost and you'll never get it back if u ask for it....

hmmm fingers crossed on the photocopies :)
posted 7-8-2009 @ 12:20 PM www

Im in the middle of the same headache. I have to send in a spud receipt but I've got Ambi pur and Jiffy on it. Two comps that just ended
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