maybe I shouldn't give up LOL! |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 02:12 PM
maybe I shouldn't give up LOL!
Just hours after my fateful "I am giving up" statement yesterday I won...a free chocolate bar from the chocolate bar I bought as comfort food! LOL!!!
Still unsure if I can comp hard for a while but I loved the irony of it!
Thanks to those who sent some reassuring words.
I was not trying to take any gloss off the winners, I am always happy to see people win as I know they are all going hard at it like me...often harder
I know! |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 02:28 PM
hehe - yes, life has it's funny little twists!
There's absolutely no guarantees nellie, people say we'll win because we're in it, or if we do nice things we'll be rewarded with "karma" or think
positive & eventually you're sure to win, etc. Don't agree.
I've read that it's been proven that people who think they're lucky and think positive are more "lucky" than others, so who knows? Sounds good.
You could enter a million comps and yes, your odds would be greater to win but the person who entered once could win over you every time.
The only thing I ever think is certain is that if you've entered you have a chance, if you never enter you will NEVER win and that's a certainty.
Finding something that makes you feel good instead of bad about comping is the answer to keeping on going, winning or not. If you focus on the losses
only then you'll feel bad. Simple.
If it's not pleasurable, & you can't think of reasons to feel good about it, then don't do it. I think it should be a pleasurable hobby overall.
As I said no guarantees, so we have to accept that fact in a hobby that just has a lot of uncertainty about it.
posted 1-8-2009 @ 02:30 PM
I know how you feel Nellie. We all get like that at times. It does get you down. I entered all the comps that ended at the end of june and didn't win
a single one. I have hardly even entered any in July as I'm in the middle of organising a house move and a holiday so not expecting any parcels here.
Hope your luck turns around shortly and you get an unexpected major win 
Kismet, your kids are so cute  |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 02:43 PM
Thanks guys. 
I have just entered a few comps now!
I know...I'm a total tragic!!!LOL! |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 03:10 PM
Thank you pg - I wish I was that young to have them, but they're my grand-children, who I do think are sooo cute, yes! It only seems like yesterday
that my 2 were that little, cherish the moments & enjoy whatever you do!!!    
p.s. good on you nellie!!!
posted 1-8-2009 @ 03:47 PM
Karma nellie 
I feel like I might quit and I win or others do so........... |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 06:52 PM
My internet friend and comping pal told me she is giving up. After takeing my advice and entering everything she can for 3 months she said she has won
nothing an was giving it away for a while. A week later she emailed to say she had a small parcel....then she went on to win an arnotts instant win
voucher (something I couldn't manage) and then a Lowans instant win DVD set.....she is now a happy comper again.
THATS IT I GIVE UP ....comping gods do you hear me......IM QUITING........     no way |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 07:38 PM
I posted on the loser thread last Thursday?? and half an hour later I had an instant win from the lifestylefood TVSN site....
So go and have a big worked for me and made me keep going  |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 08:12 PM
Funny, whenever I get fed up of entering, entering and entering I tell Hubby Im giving up Comping b ecuase Im not winning, within the next day or two
I will get a surprise in the mail. No nellie, DONT GIVE UP....My mother used to have a favourite saying - You cant get hit by a train if you dont
stand on the railway tracks... Keep it up. You will be rewarded!
posted 1-8-2009 @ 08:20 PM
I agree with the fellow members, especially the way Kismet put it. AGREE 100%.       |
posted 1-8-2009 @ 11:18 PM
Its funny how things go up and down with comping. My first year on here I won so much it was crazy, what a wonderful time it was.
This year pretty much zero but I tell you know Im no quitter. I love it too much to quit, what I have done in the past when Ive got a little over it
and all the effort I put in, I have a short break from comping.
Usually gets me inspired again, and then I give it another bash. Whislt nothing is coming my way, I know it will eventually.
And I so agree with kismets comments, it really is when you are positive, that rubs off around you. Doesnt guarantee a win, but your answers probably
shine more to the judges than someone whos comping with a gripe and the weight of the world on there shoulders.
And Karma, well I dont know how I sit on that one. I won a fabulous holiday that due to circumstances couldnt take, so I gave it to my sisters family.
Everyone kept telling me it would be karma and I would win another One. LOL LOL LOL, well that hasnt happened, but then in that time Ive gone on to
have the most beautiful healthy little bubs whom we adore, so thats the best karma, I couldnt really ask for more.
So maybe when it gets a little tiring and unrewarding, just have a short break, and come back again with a clear fresh mind. Good LUck 
Now back to comping, see the reason Im not winning, cause I chat too much !!! |