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Lottos app for iPhone

posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:00 PM www
Lottos app for iPhone

Andrew, did you consider to create Lottos application for an Iphone or iPod. I would definitely be interested to run Lottos on my iPhone/iPod.

What do others think?
posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:05 PM www

Lotto’s already runs like a dream on my iPhone... couldn’t think of any improvements. Very easy to navigate as normal. :)

Would like an App though... like an easy launch button instead of assess via safari
posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:05 PM www

I've been led to believe the lottos site works on the iPhone browser. Are you experiencing any issues?

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:06 PM www

works fine for me
posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:08 PM www

Yes, it works perfectly...I was thinking of a dedicated application, instead of access via safari, as sarah4mike mentioned
posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:10 PM www

If im reeeeallly thinking of improvments.. id have to say I would love a "shake to refresh" like on the facebook app..

where you're sitting in "post since last visit" and you shake your phone to refresh the posts :D
posted 10-8-2009 @ 12:11 PM www

I wish i had an iPhone:(:(:(:(

posted 10-8-2009 @ 01:28 PM www

As it works on iPhone as is (and we have a 'lite' version of all threads/topics/posts to minimise your data download useage), I'd have to say at this stage, a dedicated app can't be justified due to the low number of members that currently access via an iPhone.

The other thing that goes against a dedicated app is that there is no specification as to what exactly is required, apart from a '"shake to refresh" to show the latest posts. If this is all that is required from all iPhone users then I'd consider looking into it however again there is already a "Posts since last visit" report.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 20-3-2012 @ 11:37 AM www
lottos app..shortcut I mean on iphone

Hi this is probably old news but I now have a lottos app. I have an iphone 4 and I just clicked "add to home screen"
Now I can get to lottos fast and easy!! I am pretty excited!!
posted 20-3-2012 @ 11:48 AM www

Thank you for sharing this, I just did the same. Very handy
posted 20-3-2012 @ 11:51 AM www

Glad you liked it Anne thought I must of just added something lame lol..old news!!
posted 20-3-2012 @ 12:10 PM www

Not an app store app. More like a shortcut to get the lottos webpage to open is what wldchk means.

posted 20-3-2012 @ 12:23 PM www

Sorry if i have confused you. to save a web page as an icon you touch middle icon on your iphone then click add to home screen
posted 2-11-2012 @ 09:37 AM www
How do I keep my iPhone logged into Lottos?

Can anyone please tell me how I can keep my iphone logged into Lottos without having to log in each time?
Thanks in advance for any help.
posted 2-11-2012 @ 09:39 AM www

I'd like to know too!
posted 2-11-2012 @ 09:43 AM www

Is there a Lottos app?

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posted 2-11-2012 @ 09:59 AM www

I saved a bookmark after I had logged in and it seemed to stay logged in if I used it. Hope this helps
posted 2-11-2012 @ 10:33 AM www

Yes bookmark it after you log in
posted 2-11-2012 @ 10:45 AM www

Originally posted by lucymorgan
I saved a bookmark after I had logged in and it seemed to stay logged in if I used it. Hope this helps

I did the same but it logs me out each time I close it. Wish there was an app! lol
posted 2-11-2012 @ 04:00 PM www

Have you checked your settings for Safari? Go to the setting app, down to safari. Make sure you aren't in Private Browsing mode and that you are set to accept cookies from trusted sites.
posted 2-5-2014 @ 11:57 AM www
Lottos on ipad

Hiya Compers,

l am using my ipad for comping.

to access Lottos, I go into Google, look up history & get in that way.

there must be an easier way?

Hello Andrew, a Lottos App!

also how could I utilise Roboform?

any hints really appreciated.
posted 2-5-2014 @ 12:09 PM www

I use Lottos on my iPad too :)
You can save a Lottos icon by doing the following:

* click the square/arrow symbol to the left of the address bar.
* select Add To Home Screen.
* edit the name you wish the icon to have. I changed mine from the default Competitions to Lottos :)
* select Add.

You will now have a clickable icon that will open up the Lottos page you saved it from, so choose wisely when doing the above :D

You can also move the icon you've created to any folder you wish.
I moved mine into my Daily Websites folder :)
posted 2-5-2014 @ 12:24 PM www

i just type lottos into the address bar at the top of the screen in safari and it pops up
posted 2-5-2014 @ 12:29 PM www

Mine Permanently on Lottos :lol:
posted 2-5-2014 @ 12:56 PM www

thank you so kindly, l shall give it a whirl.

how do you incorporate Roboform?
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