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CompTracker not tracking my "entered" comps?

posted 30-9-2009 @ 03:29 PM www
CompTracker not tracking my "entered" comps?

This hasn't happened to me before, but about 2 days ago, I thought I'd get ahead on all the comps ending today, seeing there is so many.

I went into the "all comps ending within 10 days, excluding WOL". I entered about 40 or so comps and marked them as "entered".

Now today I bring up the comps by close date, and ones that I have confirmation emails of entering are coming up with nothing on them. Now I'm so confused, because I entered so many and none of them are coming up as marked.

Has anyone else had this issue in like the past 2 days?


posted 30-9-2009 @ 03:49 PM www

yep its majorly on the fritz
posted 30-9-2009 @ 03:53 PM www

Oh good...well not good, but I was thinking I'd done something.

It's testing my memory lol!

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