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Alert Function re Australian Competitions Results Archive forum

posted 14-10-2009 @ 07:47 AM www
Alert Function re Australian Competitions Results Archive forum

I wonder if you could have a function that alerted you if there was any posts in the Australian Competitions Results Archive (and maybe even Winners URLs thread), if you surname or surburb appeared... and then you would get a U2U, like when you subscribe to a thread...

i.e. if you were Joe Bloggs from Parramatta... then you could have two criteria: "Bloggs" and "Parramatta". Any time those words are found in that forum, you would get a U2U.. then you wouldn't have to manually Ctrl Find every day in the PNs.
posted 14-10-2009 @ 08:28 AM www

No... not possible.

For privacy reasons we never hold any personally identifiable information such as names (given or surnames).

Nor do we hold data on suburb or state - although members can add these two to the 'location' field on their profile if they choose to.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 14-10-2009 @ 09:12 AM www

not even in the background??
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