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Can a mod clarify the 'no bumping' rule with regards to auctions?

posted 25-10-2009 @ 02:23 PM www
Can a mod clarify the 'no bumping' rule with regards to auctions?

Just read the rule about no needless bumping of threads in the Prize Exchange and was hoping for some clarification regarding auctions. Because they have a short life, can we bump once or twice to remind people that it's closing soon. I recently had an auction and bumped it twice to list the current highest bidders and to remind people that it's about to close soon. Is this ok, or is it classified as a 'needless bump'?

10. NO needless BUMPING of threads. You may post that you have added items.
(update) Posting on your thread that an item has been sold or sale is pending is unnecessary. Just edit that info into main post.

posted 25-10-2009 @ 06:04 PM www

No mods on this afternoon?

posted 25-10-2009 @ 06:11 PM www

WooHoo! Does that mean I can say things like "poo" and "bum"!:P
posted 25-10-2009 @ 06:31 PM www

Looks like it LovaBargain.

poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo! :P

Hope this doesn't affect someone answering my question. ;)

posted 25-10-2009 @ 06:36 PM www

posted 25-10-2009 @ 06:37 PM www

yes it does I am always watching !!!!!!!!!

When it comes to bumping cannot closing soon and last bid be put in the main post maybe in RED so its easier to edit .thats just my thought
posted 25-10-2009 @ 10:14 PM www

Auctions often get lots of bids and therefore get bumped up to top of the days posts anyway, but I think it's acceptable to make a single "closing soon" bump on auctions.

On regular for sale threads though, consider does anyone care that I've sold one of my dozen or so dvd's or whatever. don't post it's been sold. It is an unnecessary bump. If someone had their eye on that particular item they will re-check thread and find out it's been sold.
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