Personal Notes - save your Words or Less answers
We offer a way for you to save your words or less (WOL) answers for each WOL competition.
How to use Personal Notes:
Top left of any thread/topic you view, under the CompTracker marks look for the text 'Personal Notes' and click it.

A popup window will appear where you can type up WOL answers with an automatic word count to ensure you stay within the WOL limit or use Personal
Notes to keep receipt details, whatever:

Next time you view that thread/topic, your Personal Notes will be displayed where the Personal Notes link is:

You can list ALL your Personal Notes to reuse your WOL for other similiar comps via the User Control Panel - top right of every forum page.
Common questions about Personal Notes:
When I leave a personal note I assume only I can have assess to it?
Can mods also see it if they want to?
No. Although like any website, anyone that has access to the actual database could look at any data if they choose to - like the webhosting company
and the website owner.
How long are they stored for, will they eventually disappear/be non-accessable?
At this stage they are stored indefinately however they are removed when Premium membership ceases.
Is their a limit to how many personal notes I can keep?
Once I hit that "export as excel file" does that mean they will disappear from lottos website?
No, they will not disappear. The Personal Notes are just that - yours - so you should be able to (and can) download your own copy.
CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!