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Welcome Newbies

posted 3-7-2010 @ 12:15 PM www

Hi I'm a newbee I've been a lottos member now for a month and yesterday I had my first win.A Tim Cahill DVD.I thrilled to bits about it.Doubt was starting to creep into my thoughts about whether this comping will be any fun.This is my new hobby so I'm going to stick to it.I'm in Dandenong Victoria so if there are any compers in my area I'd love to hear from you. :):)
posted 3-7-2010 @ 04:49 PM www

Originally posted by goldilocks4
Hi everyone !
I am a newbie! Bit lost so far but enjoyed entering some online competitions yesterday! I am a bit worried about having to put my mobile phone number for comps...will they use the number to phone me all the time? and will i have to pay for it???? anyway...a lot to learn...

Thanks for this opportunity and hope u all have an awesome day!!!

Hi Goldilocks,
I'm only new as well - been entering comps for about a month and have probably entered 5 or 600. I have had 1 phone call in that time (and not a winning one!). I read recently someone say if they got phonecalls they basically said that if they didn't win it, they didn't want it.
Just check when you're entering and only put in the info that is compulsory.
Hope that helps :)
posted 21-7-2010 @ 08:14 PM www

I'm a newbie! So...Hi everyone :):P
posted 21-7-2010 @ 08:34 PM www

Hi Mandy. Welcome. Hope you have a win really soon.
posted 23-7-2010 @ 06:54 PM www

I'm new and if I want to get back and see the comps I entered and how now expired, how do I do that?

Also I just keep working on Posts in last 10 days - is this the easist way to work through the cops if you want to see them all?

Many thanks for your help, Norma-Wins.
posted 23-7-2010 @ 07:43 PM www

Hi Norma_wins88. On your user control panel next to the visit/follow up again square is a Comps entered (now closed) section. This will help you find what you have entered. When I started I found using the 10 days or less option the best. However it does mean you might miss entering comps that are daily entries earlier on in the competition. I use to work my way through my 10 day or less comps and then i would browse around other places like creative comps. I also have just started using the last 24 hour post function to make sure I can see the new listings of comps. Good Luck. Hope that helps but their will be others who will give you great advice on how they do it too!
Happy comping!
posted 23-7-2010 @ 07:51 PM www

Re the comment on daily comps - there is a Premium report for those too, even one called Open Sesame that will open the web entry forms for all marked as Entered that are Daily Entry!

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 23-7-2010 @ 10:46 PM www

Thanks Andrew. Still finding my way around too. Going to check it out now.
posted 23-7-2010 @ 11:43 PM www
A Question

Hi Everyone, I am quite new to this, joined in May but still waiting for a win, and this is my first post (hope I am doing it right). I do have a question, what does MR or M/R mean. I see M means Mail but cannot work out the R. Any answers?

Meanwhile, I am loving the comraderie, fun and mostly the respect that people have for each other on this site. It is always disappointing to look at other blogs etc and see them hijacked by bad language and idiots. Lottos is so nice to visit, and quite addictive.

Thanks and good luck to all.
posted 23-7-2010 @ 11:54 PM www

Hi Cheltenham, MR is membership required .... have a look at this ..... it holds all the secrets!!! :D
posted 24-7-2010 @ 12:13 AM www

Ahhhh, of course, that makes sense. Thanks Danya for the prompt reply. Now time for me to go to bed and give away this late night comping, I'll pay for it tomorrow.
posted 24-7-2010 @ 05:51 PM www

Thank you Matimdan and Andrew for your answer to my questions.

And thank you to everyone else for all the comps and answers. Only joined 2 weeks ago and already won movie tickets and $280.:)
posted 31-7-2010 @ 10:07 PM www

Thanks for the answer to my question! Hope u r all winning some wins for me yet but i enjoy trying to win! Have a great day!!!
posted 5-8-2010 @ 08:37 PM www
Another newbie

I'm another newbie and trying to get my way around this site. I've been entering competitions since I was a kid doing colouring in competitions. I won a package of a car, caravan and jetski in 2004 and then a lounge suite one year late. It has then been very quiet, so I'm hoping can give me some new competitions to enter. I'm taking annual leave for one week next week just to work out my way around this website and enter as many comps as I can. Good luck everyone!
posted 5-8-2010 @ 09:19 PM www

Wow. Imagine how many comps you could enter in a week. I hope you have lots of great wins here. Cheers
posted 6-8-2010 @ 11:36 PM www

hi everyone i am a newy! still looking around trying to feel my way around if i have any questions do i just post it on here? excited about all of this !:P:D;):D
posted 24-8-2010 @ 01:16 PM www

Hiya Gang! I'm new too.. joined last week! Glad to be here anyhow, great site and community feel to it! :)

I was referred by a friend/member here (VandaB), but didn't put her name in when signing up, as I thought I could later... sorry Vanda.. =(

But just checking I'm not missing something... and am assuming you can't edit things after you pay and join?

Anyhow I'll just have to send her one of my wins maybe!

posted 24-8-2010 @ 01:23 PM www

I'm so excited to have you on board sandolita!!! :) I just love this site and it's members and I'm sure you will too!!

Happy winnings!! ;)
posted 24-8-2010 @ 02:16 PM www

Welcome to the site. Hope you have lots of wins! Beware though the more you win the more addicted you get. So be warned!!! Great to see you here.
posted 8-9-2010 @ 09:30 PM www

HI everyone! I am new this is comping world! good luck everyone and good luck to me hehe hope everyone is well :) hope i can get the hang of this theres alot to learn x :)
posted 9-9-2010 @ 05:59 PM www
I am also new

Yes I joined yesterday and also new a friend told me about this great site she is also a member but for the life of me can't remember her login name

Still finding myself around enter a few comps and freebies, friend showed me how to move around the site, but for some reason today can find daily comps,I will be seeing her again on the weekend if can't find out myself will ask her for help then

posted 26-9-2010 @ 09:17 PM www

Hi, I'm a newbie here. Just joined 30 mins ago. I saw this website on TV and thought 'I gotta do it!'. But now I kinda realised that I'm not sure whether I could keep up lots of comps and stuff or not, whether I could win something or not..
The other thing is that my English isn't 100%!! So it takes me quite a while to understand whats terms and conditions etc etc etc!!
Although, I believe that life is about 'think positive and move forward' so hope one day I win something big and all my hard work paid off! (and everyone else too!!!) Look forward to it!:)
posted 26-9-2010 @ 09:42 PM www

Welcome, everyone!

takogirl, just take your time, look around the site and then start entering! There is always someone to help you if you have a question re T & don't worry.

You sound like a positive person! Good luck and happy comping!!

posted 14-10-2010 @ 11:55 PM www

Hi Everyone,

Just joined tonight and can't make head nor tail of any of this....been looking around....can someone tell me what lite/full is all about Going to call it quits for tonight. Will try tomorrow when it's not as late.

posted 15-10-2010 @ 12:00 AM www

Lite version is veiwing without images, full version contains images such as smilies and peoples avatars.

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