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Welcome Newbies

posted 15-10-2010 @ 12:00 AM www

Us_two - this is a fabulous site but there is an awful lot to learn, and that will take time. Don't worry if you can't run before you walk :lol::lol::lol::lol: Just try to enter some comps and learn the other stuff slowly.

To answer your question, if you click on full, you will get the thread with everyone's pretty pictures and it may take longer to load - nice to get to know a little bit about fellow lottoers. The lite version skips the pictures. :lol::lol::lol:

Feel free to ask questions because many of us are still learning :)

posted 15-10-2010 @ 12:46 PM www

Thanks WhitePointer & Lucywins for your help
posted 3-11-2010 @ 08:47 PM www

Hi everyone,

Just wondering - do I really need to chase up the websites to see if I am a winner, or shall I just sit back and wait to be innundated with emails/phonecalls/mail? :P

Totally addicted to this site, thanks SO much to everyone who contributes :thumbup:
posted 5-11-2010 @ 11:32 PM www
Hi all,

I am very new at this and dont know where to start!!!

I have managed to enter some comps tonight but hope I am doing it ok, are there any tips on 25 words or less? do you just write what ever or is there a trick to it???

I am excited!!!!!
posted 6-11-2010 @ 01:15 AM www

To get an idea about WOL entries, take a look here:

Hope this gives you some inspiration. Best of luck! :)
posted 8-11-2010 @ 12:50 PM www

Hi All

I have just signed up for a year, (10 Minutes ago lol ) I have never been on this site but am hoping to win some pretty awesome prizes. Looks like it takes a bit to get used to (This site) but with a bit of time hopefully I can work it out.

Congrats to all the regular winners, any tips on where to start and what to do would be appreciated.

Happy entering :)
posted 23-11-2010 @ 02:20 PM www

Hi all!

I have just signed up again! Was on here a few years ago but unfortunately never won anything! I had a bit of fun doing it all though!!

Will have to read up on all the info again when I get a chance but just wanted to say "hi"!
posted 2-12-2010 @ 08:43 AM www

Hi all my partner and I have been FUll premium members for quite few months but due to my partner falling very ill and then going into a major coma we were unable to use our membership until now I have contacted the mediators to explain. Recovering now I am hoping this is my chance to win for my little boys & my family. We have been through a really rough trot. losing our franchise, not been paid through people and nearly having a nervous breakdown in the middle of it all.
By coming on to here I have found others to be very friendly, inviting, and polite thank you so much for that., There is nothing better than to come on to a site and be welcomed in open arms so to speak. We are from sydney and say hi to all
Well done to all of you that won big and are still winning
I understand there are lots of prizes and you have to be in it to win it. I am winner of surviving a major illness. I guess If I can survive all odds and only be given 10% chance I am meant to be here for a reason.
I look forward into talking to all out there

Never never ever Give up is my motto!
There is enough around to go around for all!

Good luck and god bless you all comps out there!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 2-12-2010 @ 08:49 AM www

Hi all my partner and I have been FUll premium members for quite few months but due to my partner falling very ill and then going into a major coma we were unable to use our membership until now I have contacted the mediators to explain. Recovering now I am hoping this is my chance to win for my little boys & my family. We have been through a really rough trot. losing our franchise, not been paid through people and nearly having a nervous breakdown in the middle of it all.
By coming on to here I have found others to be very friendly, inviting, and polite thank you so much for that., There is nothing better than to come on to a site and be welcomed in open arms so to speak. We are from sydney and say hi to all
Well done to all of you that won big and are still winning
I understand there are lots of prizes and you have to be in it to win it. I am winner of surviving a major illness. I guess If I can survive all odds and only be given 10% chance I am meant to be here for a reason.
I look forward into talking to all out there

Never never ever Give up is my motto!
There is enough around to go around for all!

Good luck and god bless you all comps out there!!!!!!!!!!!..
If anyone could give me any help how to go about alot of these competitions it would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 2-12-2010 @ 06:47 PM www
Hi Everyone!!!

Gidday Everyone,

Pleased to meet you. I have only signed up today - but have enjoyed reading the forums. Everyone seems very likeable (or should I say 'Aussie").

I look forward to hopefully winning something, and getting to know everyone.

posted 3-12-2010 @ 06:52 PM www

Hi just joined and hope to win some prizes last time I won a prize I was 11years old that was 50 years ago !!!!!
I am a bit confused as to what the icons are in middle of page of comp listing maybe someone can explain 'I am finding it a little confusing to navigate':
posted 4-12-2010 @ 08:39 AM www
Hello compers

Just introducing myself. I joined up this week and have already entered loads of competitions! I'm hoping to have some beginner's luck.

Good luck to you all and I look forward to reading about your wins. :yes:
posted 4-12-2010 @ 11:50 AM www

oh how to win a comp. i have entered about 150 comps but no win. very dis-heartning. where is the lucky fairy to wave some luck dust over me!!
posted 4-12-2010 @ 03:38 PM www
i'm a newbie

just started have entered comps through other sites but this is far more organized thanks love it
posted 6-12-2010 @ 06:08 PM www
1st week winner

Hi just joined up on the 1st less than a week ago and just recived an email that I have won two return tickets to N.Z still looking for the catch (isnt that bad) . That was the first comp I have ever entered :P
posted 6-12-2010 @ 07:03 PM www

Originally posted by lindavid
Hi just joined up on the 1st less than a week ago and just recived an email that I have won two return tickets to N.Z still looking for the catch (isnt that bad) . That was the first comp I have ever entered :P

Congratulations!! Be sure to post your win in the winners circle. Which comp was it?
I won an overseas trip in my first few weeks, and didn't believe it until I was actually on the plane! Congrats again :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
posted 12-12-2010 @ 11:08 PM www
Mobile Number

Hi Guys, Im Fee. I joined about 4 days ago and am totally hooked already! :)

For you not so newbies, do you always put your mobile number in the comps? I have been, but thought I better double check.

Cheers Fee
posted 13-12-2010 @ 12:53 AM www

Hi Fee,
I only put my mobile if they insist, I check the Terms and Conditions to see if it's necessary. If not I put my landline, I've been scamed too many times with mobile subscriptions.
For example, Yahoo7 comps usually have a mobile on the entry form but in the T&C's they usually say all they require is a daytime telephone number. Other comps will insist on a mobile number and most are OK, but read the terms carefully to make sure there's nothing dodgy.
Good luck. :spin:
posted 13-12-2010 @ 04:12 AM www
I agree Fee

I have done a few contests, where it asks for name, number, age, address, male or female, contact numbers etc etc.... This also worries me abit.For in nowadays identities being copied/stolen, you would think they have a good heads up if you give them all that info. Yes some have asked for all to be completed, i try to put just what they require. Here is a question, in alot they ask if you want to get newsletters and brochures etc... How many of you click yes on that part, and i wonder if that effects you winning not doing so?. What's your thoughts.
posted 13-12-2010 @ 08:56 PM www

Welcome, guys!! :)

Needful-Things, I usually do opt in to receive newsletters keeping in mind that you can always unsubscribe when the comp has finished.

Many sites also have regular comps and you receive notice in their newsletters. I do tend to stick with sites that are well known. There are a few (!) shonkies out there.

If unsure, check to see what other members have posted.

posted 14-12-2010 @ 10:07 AM www

hi everyone I am a newbie
posted 15-12-2010 @ 10:37 AM www

Thanks heaps. I don't tick for newsletter subscriptions much, only if I am interested. I have stopped adding my mobile number on most things now. Thanks heaps, I read T&C first on everything. =) You guys are a great support. Cheers heaps and let the good fortunes roll. LOL
posted 15-12-2010 @ 12:36 PM www

Be careful though, some comps have signing up to the newsletter as a condition of entry. If they don't say so, as a rule of thumb, check the entry form and see what is asterisked as required information.
posted 21-12-2010 @ 07:01 PM www
comps entered

Hello , I have recently joined and have entered a few competitions. But how do I get a record of the comps Ive entered. Please help :o
posted 21-12-2010 @ 07:25 PM www

Top right of every forum page: "User Control Panel"
lists the various types - Entered, Entered (Closed) etc.

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