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Interview Jobs

posted 3-12-2009 @ 09:26 PM www
Interview Jobs

Hi was wondering if any of our Lottos members work for either Nielsen or Australian bureau of Stats as interviewers.
I am in the sticky position of job applications with both and have been offered training/interviews at exactly the same time on the same day. So Ive got to decide which to go with. without having a face to face interview with either:mad:
Was wondering if anyone with current or previous experience with either could give me any form of heads up as to which may be better to work with, how many hours work due you get. Are expectations of the work reasonable....any info that may help me decide...please
posted 4-12-2009 @ 07:14 AM www

I have previously worked for the ABS as census worker & loved it.
Not sure it's much help to you as it was obviously a temp job.
Instead of an area covering a large section of streets/suburbs I was given a massive multiple building housing commission highrise site.
Fantastic workout going floor to floor and I met so many lovely people :)
Can't speak about how it may be as an office job but I had no problems with pay, super, or my manager.

All that being said I think both jobs would be cool :)
Good luck with whichever you choose!!!
posted 5-12-2009 @ 12:04 AM www

ABS would be a government job, possibly Federal. May have very good conditions i.e flexi-time that maybe attractive too you? Just a thought. All the best of luck tryinagain, which everway you go.:)
posted 7-12-2009 @ 01:39 PM www

My luck is in
Abs IS only testing Tuesday but I can do the other one Wednesday. So ill keep both going as long as possible or till someone offers me a definate job..

if it is of interest to anyone ABS interviewing jobs are still accepting applications for WA and Innisfail & Townsville QLD.
Australin Bureau of Statistics

Wish me Luck Please:D
posted 7-12-2009 @ 04:13 PM www

Lots of luck being wished your way tryinagain :)
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