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cheapest travel method between Syd Stadium and CBD?

posted 5-12-2009 @ 10:46 PM www
cheapest travel method between Syd Stadium and CBD?

Hi all, I'm flying up to Sydney next Feb to see the Tattoo at Syd Stadium, moore park. Does anyone know which is the cheapest method of travel between the airport to the Menzies Hotel in the CBD and then from the hotel to Syd Stadium....train, bus or cab?

Any help greatly appreciated!:)
posted 5-12-2009 @ 11:24 PM www

Airport to city would be train I would say, as station leads off airport. Just be warned there is a surcharge for using this service.

then to Sydney stadium bus cheaper but taxi more convieniant

look up

and place you address in it will tell you bus numbers etc and also trains and where to get on and off....
posted 5-12-2009 @ 11:47 PM www

The train is $15 per person per trip or $25 for same day return.
There are private shuttle buses such as which will get you to the hotel door.
Plenty of bus routes go by the Stadium from the city, cost less than $3 each way.
posted 8-12-2009 @ 12:42 PM www

Many thanks guys! :)
posted 8-12-2009 @ 12:47 PM www

to and from the show: legs?? you mean sydney football stadium? you can walk straight into the city! a nice walk if its a nice night...

airport to city as mentioned is easy by any of the three available options: taxi/bus/train just depends how fast you want to get there!
posted 8-12-2009 @ 05:28 PM www

If you ring the transit line 131500 with your date of travel, destination and time, they will plot your course on public transport to anywhere in the state!
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