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Selling jewellery apart from ebay?

posted 7-12-2009 @ 08:35 PM www
Selling jewellery apart from ebay?

I've done a search for this topic but can't find anything, apologies if it's been covered before.
I was wondering if other members have sold jewellery by a method other than ebay eg jewellers, auction houses and how it went?
Thanks for any help.
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:01 PM www

Not sure about auction houses SuzanneR but if your jewellery is valuable have you spoken to a jeweller who might be able to offer you some advice?

Or you can try selling here
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:08 PM www

Not yet, but I will check with a few, thanks, zammit.
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:16 PM www

Just recently sold a diamond ring that I won in a competition. It was a very stressful experience to say the least. Had it listed on eBay 3 times and will never sell anything of such value again on eBay, too many dishonest people trying to scam you and getting personal info to access your accounts. Contacted jewelers but most would only give 10% of the value. I went into the city and found a diamond wholesaler that offered the best price but it was a lot less than the value, especially since it was new and never worn. Some places offer to sell on consignment but I would be wary of these too as they have been known to replace your precious stones with something of far less value. Good luck
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:18 PM www

Thanks for that, shazlee.
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:24 PM www

No worries, hope I have helped a little. Cheers
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