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Some info to help you start out - member responses

posted 25-11-2005 @ 03:48 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

This thread is members responses to this thread:

great info KK

I sure would have loved something like this when I first started

took me quite some time to find my way round

it's gonna be a huge help to all of the newbies

I am sure they will be all grateful for the post of the relevant links :)
Smart thinking

posted 25-11-2005 @ 04:58 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

yes thank you very much -us newbies really appreciate your help. slowly finding my way around this great site!! don't know how i will find time for a family life with so much to do here;)
posted 30-11-2005 @ 11:51 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

posted 5-12-2005 @ 09:54 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Thanks heaps - your tips were a big help to a new starter.
posted 24-12-2005 @ 07:51 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

I'm on my 'L' plates and looking forward to winning something!!! You tips are soooo helpful to a newby like me! Happy Christmas and Happy New year to you!;)
posted 2-1-2006 @ 06:00 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Great to read all the tips thanks to everyone who took the time .
posted 1-2-2006 @ 11:00 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses


Thanks for all the info. It can be a little confusing at first but you've cleverly guiding us in the right direction.

Thanks very much.:)
posted 1-3-2006 @ 02:14 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

hi there, i just paid via paypal for premium access, how long does it take before i can be a premium member?

im a bit worried that it has not gone through as paypal payments are instant.

Can someone in admin help?

ta :)
posted 1-3-2006 @ 02:37 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses


Paypal payments may take up to a week to process for Premium membership.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 2-3-2006 @ 02:28 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Thanks for the info, really helping, still will take a while to navigate way around though! So much to see!!
posted 2-3-2006 @ 10:21 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

hi all another aca viewer here can somebody tell me hpw you enter the comps is it just by posting a message or something ? it,s hard to figure out ....hhhelp?
posted 2-3-2006 @ 11:26 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Hi SWEETNEAT and welcome to Lottos.

Once you open a competition post you would like to enter, there will be instructions within the post on how to enter.

Web competitions will have a link that you click on which will take you to the website which is running the competition, and you enter there.

Other comps require entry forms, SMS or phone entry etc.

Good luck!
posted 4-3-2006 @ 10:57 AM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Great info, I joined after seeing ACA. Was pretty lost at first but getting the hang of it.
posted 6-3-2006 @ 02:33 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

i go in2 the comps & keep being taken back 2 the comp page?:(:mad::mad::(
posted 7-3-2006 @ 08:49 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

, Thanks very much;)
posted 7-3-2006 @ 09:46 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

You're very welcome everyone - I know from experience it's mind-boggling at first :)

mrsmblack, If you go to the index page it tells you which areas are for premium members only.

If you would like to check out the types of competitions listed, you should be able to access the expired competitions area :)
posted 16-3-2006 @ 11:25 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Hi, extreme newbee here, thanks for all the quick links. I just can't work out how to Refer someone. I joined yesterday & unfortunately my refering friend missed out - cos I didn't know what to do :( Now I want to refer someone & can't work out where to go. It's probably staring me in the face somewhere! ;)
posted 17-3-2006 @ 01:39 AM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Hi LittleTid and welcome to Lottos :)

If you click on the link above "All Premium, Comptracker Info" it takes you to this link:

Information on how to refer is down the bottom of that page under free access

Basically, the person you are referring needs to click on and join via your referral link, then upgrade to premium and you will receive your 3 months free Premium.
posted 17-3-2006 @ 07:31 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Thanks kittykatt. :)

I did finally manage to find it while I was exploring the site last night.
posted 23-3-2006 @ 08:34 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Hello to all,

Just another newby introducing herself. What a fantastic site. I have entered dozens of comps already. I wish everone the best of luck with their entries.
There is so much stuff to do here, I'll have to remember to eat and sleep at least once in every 24 hours.

Good luck and fun comping.

posted 24-3-2006 @ 11:43 AM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Hi Guys, thanks for all your very useful info.. one thing I cant seem to find though is to track down a comp that I saw on the site, when I want to get back to it.. Like, I saw a comp for Dell that I was interested in, & now I cant get back to it.. Dont know where to look, Any help will be appreciated. JO..
posted 24-3-2006 @ 11:54 AM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

use the Search link top right of forum.

when you want to revisit a comp listing use one of the CompTracker options.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 26-3-2006 @ 04:38 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

I am thinking about joining premium but want to know if Im able to pay by bpay?
posted 26-3-2006 @ 10:26 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

all payment options for joining or renewing are here:

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 5-4-2006 @ 10:18 PM www
Some info to help you start out - member responses

Wow Only been comping about a week, won 2 x movie tickets and 10 tickets to concert. Feeling a bit lucky.
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