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posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:39 PM www

Well I started off in a good mood. Just had air conditioning installed yesterday and it's working beautifully, very comfortable in todays heat. Went for a cruise around the shopping centre at Tuggerah and lashed out for a few comp's. I shouldn't have gone home, that's what started the rot.

Anyway I grab my laptop and get stuck in. First cab off the rank is the Cusson's competition. I'd seen the leaflets in Big W and grabbed the only Cusson's product they had, 6 bars of Imperial Leather. I put in the essentials and it tells me that the code is incorrect and it's not valid. Completely unimpressed I shot an email off to the offending company telling them they're guilty of false advertising. Can't wait for the reply, laugh.

Second cab off the rank is swisse multi vitamin's. I was staggered by the cost on the shelf but had managed to find that they were off loading fish oil for pregnant ladies for 5 bucks so I'd grabbed a couple. Didn't remember to take them through the cash register as separate items, more fool me. Anyway what a job I had trying to find the receipt number, kept getting it wrong. Haven't done it for a while so I'm very rusty. Finally worked it out. Sigh of relief.

Third cab off the rank is the Solo 'Everything but the ticket comp.' I'd bought 3 bottles and had 2 in the cupboard so I thought I'd give one a try. Won a supporters kit with my first effort yesterday. Do you think the rotten machine would accept the code? Not on your life. I tried it 4 times then rang the Solo help desk where I was bored to tears by their ad's for 15 minutes before I got a Human being!! Nice young chap, gave me 3 new codes to try. You guessed it, they didn't work either!! So now my case has gone to head office where it will be investigated. Stay tuned for that one.

Fourth cab off the rank. Actually I've known about this for a while. My doctor thinks that I have Parkinson's disease. I've had tremor's in both hands for a year or two and it's getting worse. I've been referred to a specialist but can't get in until late march. Talk about a sword of Damocles hanging over my head. Anyway I'll tackle it head on like I've always done, no matter what the outcome. If any of you good folk out there have a direct line to 'the boss' I'd appreciate a kind word or two.

Bad day at black rock but it could be worse. I could have been run over by a steam roller or a frenzied pensioner. Keep on comping folks and keep that smile on your dial. Big prizes are just around the corner.;:);):)
posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:44 PM www

Awww prof, sorry to hear your bad news :(

Hope you have a lovely big win to help cheer you up a bit :)

Tomorrow's another day......enter then!
posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:46 PM www

LOL Professor......I was just coming onto lottos to post about my horror trip to the supermarket with my 2 daughters

A long list of woes but worst of all they ripped up the smarties packets i bought them (just to enter the comp) and I cannot piece the codes back together.

But your post made me feel much much better.....not that it would be a great concellation to you!!

Good luck with the comping and if it is Parkinson's tackling it head on is the best way to go. Their are vitamin supplements and dietary changes that have shown success in reducing the impact of symptoms for some people.

Hope the day gets better

posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:50 PM www

Yikes that is a hairy start!!

Sorry to hear about the suspected Parkinsons professor, I'll add you to my powerful prayer list!
posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:51 PM www

sorry to hear about the Parkinson's :( That would probably interfere with your comping too wouldn't it?

But I had to laugh at your swisse vitamins for pregnant ladies - I've got spiderman on those same ones for the comp and he sobbed through Dumbo the other night so beware of emotional side effects!
posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:52 PM www

Oh dear - you definitely have to have a sense of humour when it comes to comping I've decided. How frustrating.
The day can only get better & you can keep cool that's one positive!!! ;)

Sorry about the Parkinson's - what a bummer. :(

Here's a cyber ((hug))

posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:52 PM www

Originally posted by Bigam

But I had to laugh at your swisse vitamins for pregnant ladies - I've got spiderman on those same ones for the comp and he sobbed through Dumbo the other night so beware of emotional side effects!


posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:55 PM www

Bugger me mate - what a day!!!!:P:o;):)

Thoughts with you in regards to your health. XX :)
posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:55 PM www

Sorry to hear about the Parkinson. I think the cussons competition you had to buy a cussons pure product.
posted 12-2-2010 @ 03:56 PM www

Originally posted by Bigam
sorry to hear about the Parkinson's :( That would probably interfere with your comping too wouldn't it?

But I had to laugh at your swisse vitamins for pregnant ladies - I've got spiderman on those same ones for the comp and he sobbed through Dumbo the other night so beware of emotional side effects!

posted 12-2-2010 @ 04:00 PM www

lolllllllll Professor

The Cusson has to be from the Cusson Pure range (as I'm sure you've discovered) but don't let that stop you from giving them curry!

Sorry to hear about the suspected Parkinsons :( Getting stuck into the fishoil sure won't hurt .... or at least I didn't think it could until I saw Bigam's post :D:P:D

At least you're managing to get some entries in :) Congrats on your supporters pack!


posted 12-2-2010 @ 04:14 PM www

enough to put you off comping and you have only just come back!

Sorry to hear about the parkinsons - take care
posted 12-2-2010 @ 04:26 PM www

What a day!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
Sorry about the parkinsons. Hope you can post some mega wins and have a better day tomorrow.:):):):)

posted 12-2-2010 @ 04:55 PM www

I read this incorrectly as 'Compers from Hell' and there sure are some of them,the cheaters with a hundred email addresses and the multiple grabbers.

Chin up with the Parkinsons,new tabs out now if you do happen to have it.I have friends who have had it for a few years but you wouldn't know it.
posted 12-2-2010 @ 06:19 PM www

Oh dear Professor,

I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you with a huge mega win coming your way.

Sorry to hear about the possible Parkinson's but Medical Science is improving all the time as other members have already mentioned. Will certainly keep you in my prayers:)

I actually thought my day would be a bad day. When getting ready for work this morning I inadvertently picked up my rexona deoderant spray thinking it was my hairspray. Not a good look at all lol. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful;):)
posted 12-2-2010 @ 06:25 PM www

LOl gibbo - that's a 25 wol for sure one day!
posted 12-2-2010 @ 07:49 PM www

Argh the cussons Big W comp, still waiting for them to get back to me.
One my soft soap refills wont work.
I just gave up, trust me to buy different fragrances :(
posted 13-2-2010 @ 10:28 PM www

You have a wonderful way of breaking bad news, professor. :)

The comping stuff is a minor irritation compared to health issues. As others have mentioned, the treatments for Parkinson's have come a long way. If you haven't already, maybe you could do some research on the net.

Knowledge is power and when you do get to see the doc, you might have questions ready. It could be worth looking at natural treatments such as vitamin supplements (not the ones for pregnant women!) and ways to enhance your immune system.

Anytime you need to talk, we'll be here.

...and I hope you told them where to shove their bloody 'Imperial Leather' (which century are they living in? I suppose it sounds better than Royal Cow Butt!)

Thinking of you, prof!

posted 19-2-2010 @ 11:08 AM www

My thanks to all the members who wished me well. Thought I might have got a better response. A lot of old friends didn't bother to comment but that's life. I dare say a few have fallen by the wayside in my 2 year absence.

Yes the disease, if I have it, will almost certainly curtail my comping. Pretty hard to type when your hands are shaking. So far I'm managing quite well. Take care and happy comping.;);)
posted 19-2-2010 @ 11:11 AM www

Happy comping and good health to you too professor :)

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posted 19-2-2010 @ 11:29 AM www

well well well Professer !!
I have only just come back too :):):):)
kind of been in & out for a while, but feel i'm finally settling in again
sorry to hear about the Parkinson's hopefully it's not & if it is there is lots you can do about it :):)
congrats on your win :):):)
keep comping :):)
posted 19-2-2010 @ 12:18 PM www

Oh professor, I can so relate to this. When one thing goes wrong it seems to lead to another and another...all adding up to a really blah day! On a more serious note, I'm so sorry to hear of your suspected medical condition and hope that the specialist has good news for you. Take care and please let us know how things go. (((Hugs)))
posted 22-4-2010 @ 12:52 AM www

Was a great story on Parkinson's Disease tonight on Today Tonight ,there is a new op that stops the shakes dead in their tracks , your awake while they operate on your brain , insert 2 wires to the area effected & you have a little thing like a pacemaker in your chest .It can be turned on & off , from what I saw it is nothing short of a miracle & giving people a fresh start in life , is being used to treat a number of things now , do hope all is well , was so pleased to see you back then all went quiet again ,glad I stumbled on this post ,at least now I know why we don't see much of you .
Takes awhile to adjust to being given news like that , do so hope & prayer you will be back & enthralling us with your wonderful wit very soon .:);)

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 22-4-2010 @ 01:06 AM www

Professor!! Welcome back!

I have only seriously started comping again in the last month after a year and a bit off (developed a serious case of can't be bothered) so I look forward to reading your little ditties like the old days.

Good luck with your health and say hi to your better half from me and Vic.

posted 22-4-2010 @ 02:31 AM www

Hey professor!

I haven't been online much over the last few weeks but I'm so glad to see you posting again! Your posts are always so entertaining ... lots of humour with a dash or two of sarcasm!! They always make me smile!

I hope the Parkinsons doesn't slow you down too much and that you find medication to ease the pain.

Look foward to lots more entertaining posts!;)
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