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Member "pamscott" has passed away.

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:00 AM www
Member "pamscott" has passed away.

Yesterday another lottos member contacted me to let me know that member "pamscott" has passed away. She had been battling bone cancer for two years.

While I never had the opportunity to meet her (some members have through lottos get togethers), I know she was a great lottos community member and that some members knew her well. As the friend who told me of her passing said: "pam scott has been a comper with your site for many years. I am sad to say she has been battling bone cancer for 2 yrs and last night it was time to say good bye to a wonderful lady. I am sure there would be someone who would remember her......she lived to comp!!!!!".

Rest in Peace. We will miss you.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:01 AM www

:sniffle: Rest in peace
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:01 AM www

Oh my goodness .... thank you for telling us

Prayers and best wishes to her family

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:02 AM www

Rest in peace pamscott, so sad I remember seeing her name around Lottos, loving thoughts to her family
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:03 AM www

My thoughts go out to her family. R.I.P pamscott
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:03 AM www

How terrible, thank you for letting us know. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this very sad time.

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:03 AM www

Very sorry to hear this. I remember pamscott - very cheerful and committed comper. She was one of those people that welcomed me when I joined. If her friend reads this, please send herfamily my deepest sympathy.
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:03 AM www

Very sad to hear, seemed a lovely lady.
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:06 AM www

That's very sad. My thoughts are with her family and friends. xxx
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:11 AM www

RIP pamscott best wishes to the family
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:13 AM www

Oh dear, how sad. I never met her, but still feel a kinship with all lottos members... we are like family.
My sincere condolences to all of her family and friends.

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:13 AM www

I'm very sorry to hear that. My condolences to pamscott's family and friends.

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posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:15 AM www

Very sad to hear.I remember her on lottos. My thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:15 AM www

My thoughts go out to her family. R.I.P pamscott

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:15 AM www

Thanks for letting us know, rest in peace pamscott. :sniffle:
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:16 AM www

RIP pamscott...
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:16 AM www

That's very sad. She was a lovely and generous lady, and totally committed to her comping.
I was thinking of her the other day when Richard Branson announced that Virgin would be flying to space within two years. She won a place on the first commercial space trip through a Franklins comp many years ago.

RIP Pam, you were an inspiration and help to many compers.
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:16 AM www

RIP pamscott and God bless her family and friends at this sad time.
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:17 AM www

How very sad, my thoughts and prayers are with her family xxx

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:19 AM www

So very sorry to hear of Pamscott passing my thoughts are with her family and friends.

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posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:20 AM www

oh, how very sad... RIP Pamscott...........
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:20 AM www

thats so sad RIP Pam
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:21 AM www

My thoughts and prayers are with her family.
posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:22 AM www

RIP Pam. I was lucky enough to meet Pam at Bimberooney's house on one of our wonderful comping trips to the Gold Coast. What an absolutely beautiful soul she was! I'm thinking of you too Mojomagic because I know how close you were to Pam (((HUGS))).

Very sad to hear this news :(

posted 11-11-2010 @ 09:23 AM www

Very sad news :sniffle: my condolences to her family
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