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Favorite or Disliked Commercials

posted 9-9-2012 @ 09:28 AM www

The Karicare toddler ad. All that over the top forced laughter makes me change the channel.
posted 9-9-2012 @ 10:28 PM www

I really love the Allianz one where the real estate agent's car gets trashed with hail stones and she's trying to protect it. I like the beer one that goes in slow mo' and I quite like the Jason insurance ads too, oh and Moira.

I LOATHE with a passion the annoying KMART commercials with women all walking around the store being amazed at nothing!!! I find it rather condescending & definitely embarrassing. Stupid beyond words with those horrible sculptures of clothes and there's one where some woman says she & her boys have been baking cupcakes ALL DAY with something from KMART - what's with that?...WHO BAKES CUPCAKES ALL DAY WITH CHILDREN!???? They annoy me so much.

posted 10-9-2012 @ 12:54 AM www

I'm currently sharing an office with a girl from The Triangles (who sing the Jetstar song) when I first found out I'd realise that I was humming/singing it sometimes, how embarrassing.

My boyfriend hates that CASHTRAIN ad, I try to yell it at him at least once a day :)
posted 10-9-2012 @ 08:37 AM www

Originally posted by tacoloco

My boyfriend hates that CASHTRAIN ad, I try to yell it at him at least once a day :)

:lol: That CASHTRAIN ad is so brainwashing that even when I've got the TV muted, I still say "CASHTRAIN" out loud.
posted 10-9-2012 @ 09:00 AM www

Hahaha yes I know the CASHTRAIN one it is obnoxious LOL...

I can't stand the recent Carefree commercial, thank goodness she was so blunt what they are for otherwise hubby might have brought them home thinking they were napkins. :rolleyes:

the other 2 that drive me nuts cant think of what the brand is but they are both food related. One is where they say " EVERYTHING" and then repeat " EVERYTHING " they do it like 4 or 5 times about everything being cooked in the one pan. The other is similar think its for oven baked chicken and they say " looks crispy " like 10 times... So very annoying and ive never bought either product out of protest LOL
posted 10-9-2012 @ 12:28 PM www

Hate the ads for life insurance/funeral plans that are on afternoon TV. Had a call recently from one of the advertised companies - she didn't like my response when I said I hated the ad and would never buy their product!
posted 10-9-2012 @ 12:29 PM www

Love the new Bonds ad.
posted 10-9-2012 @ 01:03 PM www

Originally posted by Babbs
Hahaha yes I know the CASHTRAIN one it is obnoxious LOL...

yes ... that CASHTRAIN ad IS obnoxious! I feel like throwing something at the TV everytime I hear it. It would be SMASHTRAIN by the time I'm finished with it ...!

Absolutely detest all those Real Insurance ads on Foxtel ... especially the funeral plan ones. These ads quickly put you in a morbid mood.

Budget (or should I say, "boojay, boojay") Insurance ads ... how annoying is that woman!
posted 10-9-2012 @ 01:42 PM www

I love Rhonda and Ketut (AAMI ad)

there is even a fb page 'The sexual tension between Katut and Rhonda' that has 107,000 likes. I found it because they were talking about it on the Gruen Transfer last week.
posted 20-11-2012 @ 03:30 PM www

Originally posted by tacoloco
I'm currently sharing an office with a girl from The Triangles (who sing the Jetstar song) when I first found out I'd realise that I was humming/singing it sometimes, how embarrassing.

I haven't seen the Jetstar ad, but didn't they have a hit after they had a song in a Spanish ad too a few years ago?
posted 20-11-2012 @ 03:32 PM www

Originally posted by minty74
Love the new Bonds ad.

posted 20-11-2012 @ 06:34 PM www

I HATE in Instyler rotating styler add. That womans voice is way past annoying
posted 20-11-2012 @ 09:21 PM www

'Rivers' ads make me want to die a slow, horrible death - it would honestly be less painful!
Also hating on the latest 'Murdoch University' ad - why go on about an australian uni with an american voice-over?

I'm really liking the latest choc milk/iced coffee/milk drink, whatever it is, its stupid. And funny.
And have to say the number one goes to the Heineken ad!
i love the looks on the guys faces :')
posted 26-5-2014 @ 01:52 PM www

The TED Ad is disgusting:grind:

I loathe that MOUTH.....eeeeew
posted 6-5-2015 @ 03:55 PM www

I just LOVE the new Subaru Outback ad - very clever.
posted 6-5-2015 @ 04:56 PM www

I hate the its a mitsi & the stupid AAMI commercial- every time they come on they get muted oh and that other one trevor, trevor is in the tree

posted 6-5-2015 @ 05:03 PM www

I agree about the mitsi ads, they are trying hard to make it a "thing" but it won't take off. I don't like the Ford ads with that young woman who acts so condescending.

I LOVE the Mars ad where the janitor hits the catwalk, makes me laugh:
posted 6-5-2015 @ 05:14 PM www

the stupid shapes commercial conscience
the optus commericial live more yes
WHILE the birds are going “cheap, cheap” in Woolworths
“I bought a Jeep"

I dont know it is this year but there are so many that are so annoying and makes me want to throw the remote at the tv

posted 7-5-2015 @ 12:17 PM www

The Optus ads :thumbdown:

They should fix up their terrible web site than wasting money on the ads. It's the worst web site I've ever used!
posted 7-7-2015 @ 09:12 PM www

The cadbury chocolate adds with the voice singers in it "yum,yum,yum,yum"

posted 7-7-2015 @ 09:49 PM www

Originally posted by WhitePointer
I hate the its a mitsi & the stupid AAMI commercial- every time they come on they get muted oh and that other one trevor, trevor is in the tree

Glad to see WhitePointer and SuzanneR that you also hate those "it's a Mitsi" ads. As far as I'm concerned it downgrades the value of a Mitsubishi ... glad I don't own one. The ad where the old couple in the camping ground say "it's a Mitsi" is ridiculous ... as they don't even seem like a couple which would abbreviate the name of a car.

Many, many years ago I used to love that Kentucky Fried Chicken (before it became KFC) ad ... can still remember the two fat little kids ... and nearly all the words ... "and Hugo said you go ... and I said "no you go" ... and soon he was back, and then Dad hit the track .... " a really catchy tune!

I also loathe the CASHTRAIN ads!
posted 8-7-2015 @ 12:19 AM www

Originally posted by merivale
Originally posted by WhitePointer
I hate the its a mitsi & the stupid AAMI commercial- every time they come on they get muted oh and that other one trevor, trevor is in the tree

Glad to see WhitePointer and SuzanneR that you also hate those "it's a Mitsi" ads. As far as I'm concerned it downgrades the value of a Mitsubishi ... glad I don't own one. The ad where the old couple in the camping ground say "it's a Mitsi" is ridiculous ... as they don't even seem like a couple which would abbreviate the name of a car.

Many, many years ago I used to love that Kentucky Fried Chicken (before it became KFC) ad ... can still remember the two fat little kids ... and nearly all the words ... "and Hugo said you go ... and I said "no you go" ... and soon he was back, and then Dad hit the track .... " a really catchy tune!

I also loathe the CASHTRAIN ads!

Haha love it Back when advertising was still innovative and fun!
posted 8-7-2015 @ 01:37 AM www

Hate the Mitsi.

Love the "Enwhitenment" ad for photocopy paper. It makes me giggle. Enwhitenment! :lol::lol::lol:
posted 8-7-2015 @ 08:26 AM www

I don't get the llama dressed in a coat in the Ergon add. It just plain doesn't make sense even for an add. My husband is starting to tease me as every time it comes on (which is all the flippin time) I have a little rant about how stupid it is. Maybe that is their idea. Annoy everyone so much they notice it.
posted 8-7-2015 @ 10:30 AM www

LOVED this ad from the seventies. Yeah, I know, I'm old, but I can still say, "lipsmackinthirstquenchinacetastinmotivatingoodbuzzincooltalkinhighwalkinfastlivinevergivincoolfizzin.....Pepsiiiiiiiii!" Nothing wrong with my memory!

Sadly I never liked cola much...

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