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Vote and win Wish Cards - $100, $50 & $25. LAST DAY!! DON'T MISS OUT!! :) VOTING FINISHES @ 5PM

posted 18-4-2011 @ 02:12 PM www
Vote and win Wish Cards - $100, $50 & $25. LAST DAY!! DON'T MISS OUT!! :) VOTING FINISHES @ 5PM
WOL, Entry methods: Online, Freq: Once Only, Prize pool: $175, Closes 20/05/2011

Results Date: 22/05/11

Please help me win the Peoples Choice Award in the Libra Cadet competition and I will return the favour with some Wish Cards.

I am currently ranking in 1st spot and if I'm still ranking in 1st spot come 20th May I will return the favour by giving away three Wish Cards.

1st - $100 Wish Card
2nd - $50 Wish Card
3rd - $25 Wish Card

To win please vote for me (let me know that you have) and in 25 words tell me what you love about lottos:love:

Winners will be selected by myself and announced on here and in the winners circle on the 22 May 2011.

Many thanks for your help;)

PinkChampagne aka Miss Jane:P
posted 18-4-2011 @ 02:32 PM www

Voted :) First time entering a lottos comp :)

Il keep it simple, Lottos gives my family opportunities, gifts, experiences that we would never have otherwise. I couldnt think off a better hobby.
posted 18-4-2011 @ 02:37 PM www

Voted! good luck PC :)

I've "caught" some wonderful friends
From the comping bug,
From keyboard strokes to real life hugs,
Through goonbags and tears, withstanding the years!
posted 18-4-2011 @ 02:46 PM www

voted, good luck

Hubby loves theres always snacks
Samboys, Allens all squished to the back.
Checking emails has never been more fun
new friendships, wins, Lottos number one!
posted 18-4-2011 @ 04:18 PM www

Miss Jane you have my vote,
Hope you're first on the tote.
I love Lottos cos now I win,
have fun, get prizes and grin!
posted 18-4-2011 @ 05:41 PM www

Voted, good luck :)

Loads of opportunities to WIN!
A founder who’s dedicated and longsuffering!
Generous members who understand my obsession
For this desperate housewife it’s ‘manna from heaven’!
posted 18-4-2011 @ 05:56 PM www

voted. best of luck!
posted 18-4-2011 @ 06:08 PM www

me 2 best of luck
posted 18-4-2011 @ 06:16 PM www

Voted, fingers crossed you stay in the lead!

I was lucky enough to find a group of people who have come together from a shared passion, who give tips, advice and share opportunities with each other. I feel truly lucky to of found this Website!
posted 18-4-2011 @ 06:27 PM www

voted and here is my entry:

I don't need a "lotto" ticket because here at "lottos" I have hit the "jackpot".
posted 18-4-2011 @ 09:13 PM www

Lottos won't send me to jail
it is my drug of choice and I won't do L.A (Lottos Anon)
posted 18-4-2011 @ 09:23 PM www

Voted good luck.
Entering & winning,
so much fun,
at Lottos grinning,
looking at all I've won!
posted 19-4-2011 @ 07:59 PM www

Some great answers and I agree with all of them:thumbup:

Still in 1st place so a huge thank you to all that have voted.

Please keep the votes and 25 WOL answers coming in :)

PinkChampagne aka Miss Jane :P
posted 20-4-2011 @ 03:55 PM www


Today is my first day on lottos ...
Its sucked me right in...
So many exciting things to look at ...
And here is where I begin.
posted 21-4-2011 @ 05:10 PM www
Voted for Miss Jane-from Anneli55

I love Lottos because it is fun,
I love Lottos its done on the run,
I love Lottos please let me become a person who has WON...
posted 22-4-2011 @ 01:55 PM www

Voted - best of luck!

Lottos has been there for me when others have not, keeping me sane and entertained through the tough times! The prizes have been awesome too!!!
posted 22-4-2011 @ 03:46 PM www

Voted....good luck

Andrew is the one for me,
I'd invite him out for tea.
I would go a bit insane
With a glass of PinkChampagne!
posted 22-4-2011 @ 04:16 PM www

PinkChampagne - I tried to vote for you but the function is obviously only for people registered with facebook.

Maybe you could also say on brief that you would create:

A new iphone application "the libra app" (short for libra applicator) to work out your flow on the go so you have a digital inventory of when you need to purchase more libra applicators so your never caught on being short.

Er, something er rather lol :lol:

I always think of Lottos as "go to my happy place, go to my happy place" :spin:

"Give me an L, O, T, T, O, S - what does that spell? Fun, helpful and friendly comp obssessed people! (Um, less spelling was never my thing lol).
posted 22-4-2011 @ 04:26 PM www

My husband and I just voted for you. Good luck I hope you win. :yes:

I'm addicted to Lottos.
My kids love it when I win.
Withdrawal symptoms when I can't log on.
Lottos every day keeps boredom away.
posted 24-4-2011 @ 01:41 PM www

Voted :)

My lottos friends are the only ones who appreciate postie stalking, and how you're heart jumps when you see a delivery van out the front!
posted 24-4-2011 @ 02:15 PM www


First impressions are ones that last
Discovering Lottos, nothing could surpass
Prizes of travel, go shopping for free
Amazing new experiences were bestowed on me

posted 24-4-2011 @ 08:20 PM www

Lottos gives me the feeling of being a sometimes winner even if I am unable to find employment and am grieving for my shattered marriage
posted 24-4-2011 @ 10:33 PM www

Voted. Good luck with the comp PinkChampagne. I hope you win.;);)

Addictive by nature and love to have fun,
no greater thrill than a EOM WEM is done.
Goodluck Lottos friends,
on Winning a big One!!:P:P:P:P
posted 30-4-2011 @ 11:34 AM www

Thanks for the votes everyone:thumbup:

Can't believe I have over 800 votes and am still coming second :( Not giving up though:P

Still 20 days to go so please help me out to get back into number 1 spot (share with family and friends) and put your 25 wol in here and you could win a wish card!!

Cheers :)
posted 1-5-2011 @ 01:05 PM www

I've voted each day good luck

I have small family, friendship base and Hudson is ahead in baby express, because of lottos and the kind people who voted, it feels like family
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