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comping whinge corner

posted 22-7-2011 @ 04:33 PM www

Am I the only one who didn't get one of the 8,000 razors??? :o:mad: Oh well hairy legs for me. :dork:
posted 22-7-2011 @ 07:34 PM www

posted 23-7-2011 @ 08:21 PM www

Hi just a little whinge, I noticed my name back in April as a winner on the Woolworths rewards site (only a little card) and have still not received it, anyone else ever won one of these and did it take forever to come?

That's my only whinge - love reading everyone's comments - good luck to all.
posted 23-7-2011 @ 09:38 PM www

Hubby still winging.. All effort no reward da da da bla bla bla
posted 23-7-2011 @ 11:14 PM www

Just checked my monthly entered as I was thinking I must have slacked off last month to be so slow this month, July has been my worst this year and since I started comping but I actually entered the most in June for 2011 541 comps entered and so little to show for it.. Not only that im over the rain 5 days non stop rain, ruined my movies pass " sniff * it has also got my bathroom roof leaking which as of today is now a hole :(
posted 24-7-2011 @ 01:57 AM www

Still trying to get a small prize from Visa Entertainment in the Tron comp in April. Grrrrrrrrr Countless emails...thinking of going to the next step on principle.
posted 24-7-2011 @ 10:12 AM www

im going to winge too....
mind you i don't know why..
but i feel like im missing out on all the fun :)
posted 24-7-2011 @ 11:01 AM www

Originally posted by Babbs
Just checked my monthly entered as I was thinking I must have slacked off last month to be so slow this month, July has been my worst this year and since I started comping but I actually entered the most in June for 2011 541 comps entered and so little to show for it.. Not only that im over the rain 5 days non stop rain, ruined my movies pass " sniff * it has also got my bathroom roof leaking which as of today is now a hole :(

Babbs, how do you check how many you entered for the month of June?
posted 24-7-2011 @ 11:23 AM www

Time for a whinge, waaaaaah.......especially after reading member top 10 wins. BUT also hoping that if I go with komala72 & Sondrio's logic, a car or other big win should land in my direction now it's off my chest!
posted 24-7-2011 @ 11:50 AM www

Originally posted by komala72
Originally posted by LuckyClover
Dial-up drives me insaaaaaannnne!!! Why can't we get broadband in da valleys?
Whinge whinge whine.
Right that's to go see if my channel 10 page has loaded after 5 minutes...

OMG.....yikes....I dont feel like I have a right to complain anymore . No one should have to suffer dial up.

Cant you get satelite if you live in an area without broadband. My aunty get it and its heavily subsidised if you qualify by not being able to get any other ADSL

Hey Komala72,
I have friends who have it, they reckon it's not much faster...does your aunt find it fast? Can she watch vids etc, 'cause you can't on dial up. I enter certain comps at work...

Thinking about those poor people in Norway today, I've got a lot to be grateful for, like being alive and safe in my valley...:)
posted 24-7-2011 @ 04:57 PM www

All I got in the last 2 weeks in a lifesaving teddy bear which the dog stole :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle:
posted 24-7-2011 @ 08:27 PM www

Originally posted by lucylou2
All I got in the last 2 weeks in a lifesaving teddy bear which the dog stole :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle::sniffle:


Lucky dog:P:P
posted 25-7-2011 @ 03:26 PM www

need to have a whinge again....everything I touch turns to LOSER!
posted 25-7-2011 @ 06:59 PM www

Originally posted by Gottabinit
Hi just a little whinge, I noticed my name back in April as a winner on the Woolworths rewards site (only a little card) and have still not received it, anyone else ever won one of these and did it take forever to come?

Any chance it was the Easter Egg hunt? I got a WEM and no card!
posted 25-7-2011 @ 07:13 PM www

nothing in months
posted 27-7-2011 @ 02:49 PM www

whinge whinge whinge I really hate computers
posted 31-7-2011 @ 08:22 PM www

I don't like sunday
cos postie day off
posted 31-7-2011 @ 10:44 PM www

Originally posted by Sierrasun
Originally posted by Babbs
Just checked my monthly entered as I was thinking I must have slacked off last month to be so slow this month, July has been my worst this year and since I started comping but I actually entered the most in June for 2011 541 comps entered and so little to show for it.. Not only that im over the rain 5 days non stop rain, ruined my movies pass " sniff * it has also got my bathroom roof leaking which as of today is now a hole :(

Babbs, how do you check how many you entered for the month of June?

Sierrasun go to the usercontrol panel at top right hand of page. It will display what you have entered, follow up etc..... Its what you have comp tracked, so just check you 'entered' one, and the list will come up
posted 31-7-2011 @ 10:51 PM www

My whinge......I want to win something. ANYTHING. I did win movie passes but after numb bum for weeks and RSI in my arms for entering so much, a movie pass just aint gonna cut it! Its my birthday on Tuesday so I better get a WPC or else!
posted 31-7-2011 @ 11:49 PM www

Originally posted by Sierrasun
Originally posted by Babbs
Just checked my monthly entered as I was thinking I must have slacked off last month to be so slow this month, July has been my worst this year and since I started comping but I actually entered the most in June for 2011 541 comps entered and so little to show for it.. Not only that im over the rain 5 days non stop rain, ruined my movies pass " sniff * it has also got my bathroom roof leaking which as of today is now a hole :(

Babbs, how do you check how many you entered for the month of June?

Sorry didnt see this, I go to control panel and I export it as an excel file and it numbers the comps entered by date
posted 1-8-2011 @ 01:59 AM www

Originally posted by fred111
Still trying to get a small prize from Visa Entertainment in the Tron comp in April. Grrrrrrrrr Countless emails...thinking of going to the next step on principle.

Came on Friday...better late than never. Not whinging anymore :) Yikes, I'd better get outta this thread. :lol:
posted 2-8-2011 @ 07:00 PM www

Well Im gonna go on the self pity whinge.
1. Todays my birthday and my work forgot
2. Todays my birthday and LOTTOS forgot to post me as having a birthday.
3. todays my birthday and NO WEM, NO WPC, and NO postman.

:(:sniffle: :(:( :sniffle::sniffle: :(:( :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle: :(:(:(:( :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle: :(:(:( :sniffle::sniffle::sniffle:
posted 2-8-2011 @ 07:00 PM www

Originally posted by fred111
Originally posted by fred111
Still trying to get a small prize from Visa Entertainment in the Tron comp in April. Grrrrrrrrr Countless emails...thinking of going to the next step on principle.

Came on Friday...better late than never. Not whinging anymore :) Yikes, I'd better get outta this thread. :lol:

YAY FRED! :thumbup:
posted 2-8-2011 @ 07:22 PM www

posted 2-8-2011 @ 07:24 PM www

happy birthday Kazza1!

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