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Travel insurance reccomendations

posted 12-10-2011 @ 01:03 PM www
Travel insurance reccomendations

Hi all,

I'm just after a few travel insurance reccomendations, we are traveling to the south pacific in feb on a cruise. I can't remember who we went with the last time we were over seas, would love to hear your reccomendations and also when you think it should be taken out/paid. Our bulk of the payment is required by mid November?

posted 12-10-2011 @ 01:08 PM www

I've stopped going with the travel agent ones and just booked them myself. I'm going overseas next week and the cheapest (and best) I could find was with MBF. Suncorp was good too, but RACQ was a bit expensive even if you're a member. Hope that helps.
posted 12-10-2011 @ 01:14 PM www

Easiest and cheapest is to do it online yourself. I have never known a person to (in my family or friends) over the years to ever use it, so go with the cheapo option. My friend just did mine for $83 to Paris. She works from home as a travel agent, and told me it was the same price for her to do it online as through her. The only benefit is I can just ring or email her if something goes wrong, and she will sort it from her end. She is awesome and would love to help you.

She is doing my cruise at the end of the year too. Ill inbox you her details. You will not be let down with her, I promise!
posted 12-10-2011 @ 02:52 PM www

AAMI do it now also

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 12-10-2011 @ 03:03 PM www

I have used travel insurance in the past and think it is a must (look at the nurse they just medivaced out of Bali $50000 no travel insurance!)
I usually use covermore with no excess but for our next trip
i have found Defence (we are members of the health insurance but they accepted mum and sh'e not) to be the best value
Have a great time
posted 12-10-2011 @ 03:21 PM www

Travel Insurance Direct and 1Cover are both pretty good. Happy travels. I take it out all the time - it's a must really and as you are going to the South Pacific, it won't cost too much.
posted 12-10-2011 @ 03:47 PM www

I used this a few times:

Happy Travels;)
posted 12-10-2011 @ 04:10 PM www

In true comper style here is comp for travel insurance purchase LOL
posted 12-10-2011 @ 04:50 PM www

My travel agent told me she had a young guy going over to Canada for a ski trip once, and he refused the travel insurance saying he couldn't afford it. So his parents said that they would pay for it as they didn't want him going anywhere without travel insurance, so they gave him the money to pay for it. But apparently he just kept the money to spend on his trip instead of using it for the travel insurance. He ended up breaking his leg while skiing and his parents had to re-mortgage their house to pay the medical bills.

How annoyed would the parents have been!?!?!
posted 13-10-2011 @ 05:01 AM www

I used while I went to LA. I got the sickest I have ever been in my life and was on the phone to them trying to work it out. The guy was telling me that I sounded alright, this while someone had to keep taking over the phone for me as I was so ill. I had food posioning.

I don't know if all travel insurance works like this but they told me that if I went to the hospital, I would need to get a certificate from the Doctor and then they decide if they will cover it! It was so complicated and I thought paying for it meant I was covered for something like this but no you have to get it approved. If I got a Doctor to my room, it would have cost $350 out of my pocket and they said they could not guarantee that it would be approved either.
posted 13-10-2011 @ 12:30 PM www

thanks for all the responses, will check them all out :)
posted 13-10-2011 @ 04:33 PM www

we always have travel insurance make sure your honest with all pre-exsisting medical conditions etc..
we really liked QBE travel insurance they where easy to claim through broke an SLR camera while overseas... thhey replaced it with the latest model one so bonus to us..

mums going through a cheaper company at the moment she saw a doctor in america over $600 later for a common cold, she has so much paperwork to fill out etc to claim seems like alot of hoops...
just check what you are paying for is what you want...
posted 13-10-2011 @ 04:37 PM www

I'm going to New Zealand for 2 weeks and went with Southern Cross travel insurance and for full comprehensive everything it only cost me $49. So good value. ;)
posted 13-10-2011 @ 05:19 PM www

I've said it before, but Covermore was fabulous to deal with both times my daughter wound up in hospital in America. I barely had to deal with forms, they were great on the phone, and never quibbled about the bills, even when I sent them in 6 months later. I always use them now, but look online for the cheapest way to buy it.
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