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has anyone actually won a FACEBOOK comp yet?

posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:31 PM www
has anyone actually won a FACEBOOK comp yet?

Hi everyone,

I have only just got back into comping and really wanted to know has anyone actually won a facebook comp?

There seems to be so many comps and just wondered are they all a gimic to get you to like their page or are they really issuing prizes?

Thank you! :)
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:35 PM www

I have won a few smaller facebook comps but then all my comps are smaller ones LOL. Some make-up and a cookbook and hair products. I enter them and hope for the best but find them so very confusing for the most part and dislike them but enter them begrudgingly.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:39 PM www

Yes..I've won quite a few.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:42 PM www

I've won several very small ones, little companys tag comps etc. But one decent win from a WOL and one weekly prize from the Micaspotting. But the amount of time spent on facebook to enter these comps hasn't been worthwhile.....yet :)
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:42 PM www

Nothing here....Im still confused on how it all works???
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:45 PM www

not me, and I've entered quite a few:mad::mad::mad:
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:49 PM www

Yes - An iPad
posted 3-12-2011 @ 05:54 PM www

Yes I have won a few smaller ones.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:00 PM www

Yes, a few small one's here too, $100 voucher and a swimsuit. I only use Facebook for comping and only have lottos friends.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:03 PM www

I won a couple of smaller items at the beginning of the year, when I wasn't even putting in much effort, but now I actually spend a fair bit of time entering them I can't win a thing!
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:04 PM www

yes i won a bottle of johnnie walker double black on facebook, made my husbands day :)
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:14 PM www

Yes ;)
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:27 PM www

Yes I have also won a few
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:29 PM www

yes I have won a few smaller ones also :thumbup:

Wins for 2009 $9284.57
Wins for 2010 $5531.80
Wins for 2011 $21836.50
Wins for 2012 $13464.55
Wins for 2013 $6091.58
Wins for 2014 $16875.40
Wins for 2015 $6982.88
Wins for 2016 $2702.80
Wins for 2017 $872
Wins for 2018 $863.55
Wins for 2019 $894.50
Wins for 2020 $700
Wins for 2021 $3731.14
Wins for 2022 $4580.99
Wins for 2023 $623
Wins for 2024 $1095.95
Wins for 2025 $185
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:29 PM www

A couple of months ago I won a $2000 harvey norman voucher + I've had a few small wins
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:29 PM www

Absolutely.. My biggest prizes have come from Fbook competitions :)
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:34 PM www

yep cookbook and $50 voucher here
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:34 PM www

Yep! Think I just won day 2 for the pulsar watch comp :) plus a couple of other small ones
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:42 PM www

I won a blanco oven but that was before I joined Lottos. Mind you, I'm still waiting for it to be delivered so I hope it will still happen
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:45 PM www

I won $10,000 last Christmas on the Westfield facebook comp.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 06:47 PM www

I have won one. It was a television, I would say my biggest prize to date. People were really mean to me as well, saying my answer was crap.
That's all though. Dont spend much time on F/B comps, as usually the prize is small and something that Im not interested in.
Hope this helps.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 08:06 PM www

I won an iphone on one
posted 3-12-2011 @ 08:23 PM www

I haven't, but my daughter won a $70,000 party from a FB comp about 12 months ago!!
posted 3-12-2011 @ 09:31 PM www

don't like that everyone can read your answer on fb comps, besides have never won a thing, they probably look at my pic and think nah! too old we'll give it to someone young and pretty lol!! Don't think I'll bother with them any more.
posted 3-12-2011 @ 09:38 PM www

yep, heaps of smaller things

Voting comps I could not be bothered with. I prefer to win on merit !
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