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Where does your Username come from?

posted 10-6-2003 @ 11:30 PM www
Where does your Username come from?

An old post from the last forum.

Where does your username on come from?

Mine comes from the MGM GRAND in Las Vegas, Nevada. Which I visited last year.

posted 11-6-2003 @ 12:09 AM www

Mine is Aural.... I like music and sound...writing music is a hobbie.
posted 11-6-2003 @ 12:16 AM www

Great, aural im a fan of music too, I play the guitar and piano.

posted 11-6-2003 @ 12:16 AM www

Falling Down - Michael Douglas movie.

his licence plate was D-FENZ..

but mainly cause it sounds c00l :P
posted 11-6-2003 @ 12:28 AM www

great usernames MGM and Defenz.

Maybe we could jam sometime MGM.. haha
posted 11-6-2003 @ 09:16 AM www

I saw this name on a sticker on the back of a car i got stuck behind in a traffic jam .After half an hour of looking at the back of this car i guess it grew on me.
posted 11-6-2003 @ 12:27 PM www

Mine is a mixture of two of my kids names Kayla and Jake, i've now got a new little one so i'll need to update it soon, can i do that?
posted 11-6-2003 @ 02:14 PM www

Wow!! Your names are all so great and interesting - mines just my first and middle name!! BORING!
posted 11-6-2003 @ 02:38 PM www
my name is from

The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare. I just love how she outsmarts the baddy and saves the day! I think she symbolises how women can be strong and intelligent but she still loves men. hehe
posted 11-6-2003 @ 09:18 PM www

Originally posted by portiaa
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare. I just love how she outsmarts the baddy and saves the day! I think she symbolises how women can be strong and intelligent but she still loves men. hehe

"One pound of flesh no more, no less. Shall one drop of blood spill......."

Yes portia was very clever indeed......

posted 11-6-2003 @ 09:23 PM www

Mine is pretty boring too.... First name is Tracey and my old last name started with 'T' - so I reversed it and became tyecart! My last name starts with an 'M' now but I have been tyecart for so many years now I can just stay the same...:D:D
posted 11-6-2003 @ 10:45 PM www

yep that's it exactly! btw I know it's only one a but so often that's taken so I just use two all the time now still sounds the same.:)
posted 12-6-2003 @ 12:11 PM www

Mines pretty boring too.

Nic coz my name is Nicole...but everyone calls me Nic (must be the tom boy thing)

VS because the first time i registered on a forum it was a commodore forum and i drove a VS.

Have since sold the VS though, but the nickname is staying for now!

posted 12-6-2003 @ 01:17 PM www

I just like the sound of it:P
posted 13-6-2003 @ 09:51 PM www

my mothers name was Olive.and my sisters second name was Olive. She had the nickname Oliveoyl when she was young because she was so thin.
posted 13-6-2003 @ 10:42 PM www

well my name is Sarah
so my real life nickname is Sezza
posted 14-6-2003 @ 12:47 AM www

Everyone was always telling me that I'm a super kinda guy!

So, I said hey what the heck, if the shoe fits, wear it!

So, I'm Superman!

I have the tight little blue spandex suit and all.

posted 14-6-2003 @ 06:48 PM www

I worked at a meat works for 6 years and luscious was my nic name there and the 1978 was the year I was born.

posted 15-6-2003 @ 06:55 PM www

ours is pretty simple.
our last name is coles and we are twins
so we use colestwins for most of our chats etc
posted 7-7-2003 @ 10:26 PM www

my name in this forum is pretty silly, its the start of a thing me and my daughter say before she goes to sleep it goes.....

twinkle twinkle
i love you to the moon and back
times infinity
times 12 elephants
to the simpsons
to chocolate milkshake
to the mostest in the whole world
bon nuit mon cherie

haha yep it sounds ever sillier written down, but dont all families have em?
posted 7-7-2003 @ 10:41 PM www

that is very sweet
posted 7-7-2003 @ 10:45 PM www

I love yours twinkle_twinkle - that is adorable. I just sing nursary rhymes to my daughters!!

My username is just my first name - once again - Boring!!!

Great site though!:P
posted 8-7-2003 @ 02:33 AM www

Mine has been partly explained in previous threads on the forum. I have travelled close (<1000 km) to both poles of the earth, and seen the birds who live there. The final explanation may be found by searching the world for the answer.!! :cool:
posted 8-7-2003 @ 02:30 PM www
These are all very wonderful

When I first signed up to the net I didn;t even think of using a nickname so thats why I have just boring old marghambly, not that I am think I am boring but compared to all your lovelynames its very ordinary. But I guess it is pretty easy for members to remember as a mods name so it will stay just as it is.

On the old forum in this thead I said that if I did change it it would have to be somehthing like lothlorien as I love Lord of the Rings or maybe ronandarien (ronan because I love the name, very Irish and Darien cause I am a closet Sailor moon fan, yes sad even at 32, thought Prince Darien was rather cute for a cartoon character) lol. Anyway thanks all for sharing your nicks, keep it up.
posted 8-7-2003 @ 04:17 PM www

Mine stands for Treefrogs. We have 3 in our yard and they often scare me at night by suddenly landing (BIG thump) on the window lol :) I saved the biggest from a cat one night and the next day I won a foot spa, so now they're my luck.:D
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