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Where does your Username come from?

posted 19-1-2008 @ 08:16 PM www

Lol stuss - and am facebook adict as well. So many options.....just can't type fast enough. Talk soon :cool:

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posted 19-1-2008 @ 09:04 PM www

pablo_honey - Radiohead song. I couldn't think of a name and I like Radiohead so I just called myself that.
posted 19-1-2008 @ 10:27 PM www

A desperate attempt to hold onto my maiden name! THOMSON (thomo)

473 relates to birth month and year. :P

What a cool thread!
posted 19-1-2008 @ 10:58 PM www

How interesting to find out the reason behind the usernames we see everyday

Mine is the first 3 letters from 3 children Jonty, Danae, Nicholas hence jondannic
posted 19-1-2008 @ 11:04 PM www

Yes like Thomo, I use my maiden name rather than my marrried name.You dont want to know!
posted 19-1-2008 @ 11:23 PM www
yes we do - please tell

2017 (after a long break) : $26,720.90
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2023 : $1183 (8 wins)
2024 : $9,580 (32 wins)
2025 : $50 (from 1 win) - yah a start anyway

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posted 20-1-2008 @ 09:45 PM www

Vegas, because l love it and want to live there.
posted 20-1-2008 @ 11:10 PM www

I was positive I'd posted in here - posted everywhere else so may as well post here too!!!!:P

Kismet is the arabic word for "fate" & as one of my favourite songs goes "fate is kind"...

(Interesting how many names don't seem to be around any more - so I keep telling myself if I stick at it I will win.

posted 21-1-2008 @ 08:42 AM www

the first bit of mine is because I was born in
England and the second bit is because I am of italian
heritage, everyone laughs when I tell them!!!:P
posted 24-4-2008 @ 10:23 PM www

Mine is because of how my family used to pronounce my first name. OK, it's Nadine. But my Mum and Dad decided that Aussies wouldn't get the French pronunciation right, so even though they spelled it "Nadine", they pronounced it "Nardine". Said with an Aussie drawl, I just HATED my name (awful memories of mum standing on the back step going Naaarrrrrr-deeeeeeeeeen!!).

Of course, when I was really little, EVERYONE (yes, everyone) used to go "Oh, Nardine. That rhymes with Sardine."

I had two older sisters who thought it was hilarious to call me "Sard" (and people thought it was really funny to give me Sard soap as a birthday present). The funny thing is, once I turned about 18, I changed the pronunciation of "Nardine" back to "Nadine", but in the meantime I really didn't mind close friends calling me Sard!

And when I started using the internet a lot in my 30s, it just seemed natural to use it as my screen name... (OK, so my 30s aren't quite over, not 40 'til later in the year...)
posted 18-5-2008 @ 02:06 PM www

The day I first had to come up with a username I had just been to a Phonetics Workshop as part of my teaching my name is really boring, just a different phonetic way of spelling my real name....Kimberley!
posted 24-5-2008 @ 11:55 PM www

I usually go by the name mystic or destiny on forums, online etc because I'm mysterious.

But i went for something simple, my name + my age weeee

(kismet means destiny too! ) i used to use that name a bit.
posted 25-5-2008 @ 08:59 PM www

being an Aries and very competitive by nature, I do love to win
posted 26-5-2008 @ 07:22 PM www

I couldn't think of anything smart or funny - so I just put what I was after - LOL :P:P
I just LOVE some of the other excellent names :):)
posted 26-5-2008 @ 07:36 PM www

Well I think my user name is a dead give away for me:D:D:D
posted 13-6-2008 @ 01:40 AM www
Interesting thread

Hey, this is an interesting topic of discussion. My username, Anjali, is sanskrit for "Gift; offering" so there you have it. I'm hoping for lots of "gifts/offerings" in terms of competition wins this year.. LOL.. :D
posted 8-7-2008 @ 10:38 PM www

My last horse was called questie... I am questiehorse all over the place... I just wanted questie but its always gone so I am questiehorse... Boy I miss him!
posted 26-7-2008 @ 09:31 AM www

My username comes from "butterfly" and my year of birth 1972 - bit boring but easy

Also comment for - Twinkle Twinkle - I say silly things to my kids too. One day I came up with "Goodnight my sweet little mashed potato"!! seriously crazy and don't know why but it stuck and my 9yr son just rolls his eyes as I say it each night!! ha ha! :D
posted 26-7-2008 @ 11:06 PM www

I am Mother Of The Year.....pfffff
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:39 PM www

b2fly i always read your name as born 2 fly. Now I know better!
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:49 PM www

My name is Eve therefore I wanted my username to be "Eve". Apparently there are 58 "eve's" here already (!!!???), so I got Eve59. I am still to meet the 58 other Eves! :P
posted 28-7-2008 @ 03:38 PM www

"KOUKLA" is my precious cat's name.
and she certainly is!
posted 16-8-2008 @ 06:41 PM www
What's my name?

I forgot already!
Lucky I've got a User Name to Remind me!:P
posted 16-8-2008 @ 07:18 PM www

Pink cos I love the colour pink A LOT!
Nutella as I loovvveeee nutella!
nutella on crumpets, nutella crepes, nutella straight out of the jar... etc ;)
posted 16-8-2008 @ 08:50 PM www

Quest was the last horse that I owned ( I called him Questie)... I use Questiehorse every where and the reason its questiehorse is because most of the time just questie is gone...

I miss my boy!:(
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