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Where does your Username come from?

posted 18-6-2010 @ 09:54 AM www

They are all cool names and ideas!
Mine is a tad sad.
I lost my lovely doberman Montana in 2004 and thats were my name comes from. I think about her everytime I log in...
posted 21-7-2010 @ 04:04 PM www
my username starlily

I truly believe in the power and beauty of the universe when you look into the bright night sky when all is lost and nothings going right the answer is there up in the bright night sky wish upon a star :) and also the beauty and fragrance of my favourite flower the oriental tigerlily happy wishes luv starlily:)X
posted 17-8-2010 @ 05:31 PM www

mine is the name of my beautiful grandson born sleeping on the 30th may 2010 (hence the 2010)
posted 17-8-2010 @ 11:53 PM www

i love the reasons behind the names... mine is slighly odd really...
my name is jo and as a child i loved the cartoon shazaam... the camel in the show was called kaboobie and he was my favourite and through my teenage years i had a few friends call me kaboobie... put em together and you get my user name...odd i know but i have used it since my teens...
posted 27-11-2010 @ 10:20 AM www
Mine is a combination of my best friends and my names...

posted 27-11-2010 @ 03:28 PM www

Mine comes from The Mamas and The Papas, and the fact that my first name is Cassandra. I don't share Cass Elliot's beautiful voice or voluptuous figure, but I am a SAHM to 3 gorgeous, irritating, quirky and often frustrating school-aged children (irritating applies mainly to Miss 7 and Master 9, whereas Miss 14 gives added meaning to the word frustrating - and also moody);)
posted 18-12-2010 @ 11:15 PM www

nickname my niece gave me
posted 21-12-2010 @ 04:39 PM www

This name is derived from my wife's work making Gollies to sell on a market stall, because each looks golly and an old English fraise when stired people in Yorkshire would say, "Golly gee by gum." and having come from there, I thought an apt name it would be. :lol:
posted 21-12-2010 @ 05:11 PM www

Mine is from my cat called Bella which means Beautiful-66 is my year of birth and 61 is my hubbies added together it is bella6166...:P
posted 21-12-2010 @ 08:10 PM www

Mine is the nickname of my first Grandchild (5).
Her name is Lilliana and my Husband and I would take her to a place in NSW called Lillypilly.

She became LILLPILL so I just replaced the I with 1.

I like to think she brings me Good Luck.
posted 5-12-2012 @ 09:34 PM www

MaiPenRai means "No Worries" in Thai.
posted 5-12-2012 @ 09:42 PM www

Wow just read through this thread, some old names there, some long gone, some still around.
posted 5-12-2012 @ 09:48 PM www

I wanted something that depicted me winning on this site... and guess what it works LOL
posted 5-12-2012 @ 10:32 PM www

My husband has this quirk that he calls everyone something other than their name. It sounds strange but its sort of loveable strange LOL. Many years ago I was trying to set up a hotmail account and everything came back as taken. My husband had been calling our daughter Dabsey for quite some time. Don't really know why as it has no reference to anything like her name or anything. Anyhooo she wandered in as I was about to try yet another username so I pinched it and it got accepted. I used it a lot after that as I quite like it although everyone thinks my name is Debbie because of it but I don't even know anyone called Debbie LOL. My daughter hasn't been called Dabsey for years now but I am happy to pinch her nickname now that she no longer has it.
posted 5-12-2012 @ 11:18 PM www

I tried lots of options, all taken, for Yahoo I think it was, and saidi to myself "What a Great to do this is"! So I typed gr82do and the rest is history. Used it here as well.

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 5-12-2012 @ 11:35 PM www

From The House of Merivale and Mr John ... in Sydney in the mid 70s ... now I'm showing my age!
posted 6-12-2012 @ 01:52 AM www

My brother has called me squeekazoid ever since i can remember (and the names i wanted to go with were taken so squeekazoid it was)
posted 6-12-2012 @ 02:29 AM www

I joined lottos and thought to myself, 'I can only hope that I win some prizes', hence the name 'onecanonlyhope'.
posted 6-12-2012 @ 05:48 AM www

Mine is just from my lifestyle;)
posted 9-4-2013 @ 03:02 PM www

"Where does your Username come from?"

Don't ask...don't tell;)
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