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Where does your Username come from? |
posted 28-8-2003 @ 05:24 PM
Whilst watching the show jumping in the Sydney Olympics there was a beautiful horse named Zazu. I then bought a great dane puppy, and figuring she
would grow into the size of a small horse I named her Zazu. Then I watched the lion king again (for the 3rd time) and realised that the bird in that
movie is also named Zazu,(took me a while to notice this!) and the lion king is my favourite movie!
so there!  |
posted 28-8-2003 @ 07:19 PM
My user name is just plain old auzzie_ade, auzzie being a bit different instead of the normal way of spelling it as in aussie and ade is actually the
shortcut for my middle name being Adeline.  |
posted 1-10-2003 @ 11:01 PM
Mine is my first name's initial and my last name. |
posted 2-10-2003 @ 05:37 PM
See you REAL soon!!
Y? Because we love you!!!
Am a BIG Mickey Mouse fan...
and for those of you who might be confused....I'm a female and am TRULY the luckiest lady on the face of the earth..met the man of my dreams and
he is a bloke in a gazillion!!!
Hope you have a GREAT day! |
posted 3-10-2003 @ 09:51 AM
Hubby has always called me his "Little Wicked Wench"
over the years we have been together its gotten shortened to "Wenchy"
so there you have it boring maybe ... but a name i wouldnt trade ... for any amount of money  |
posted 3-10-2003 @ 01:53 PM
Mine comes from a friend's son not being able to pronounce my name properly, not as some thought - pill popper, rofl  |
posted 3-10-2003 @ 02:08 PM
Well I guess mine is rather easy to guess. I`ve been weightlifting for over 3 years. No I don`t look like a man, i`ve made sure to stay womanly but
toned and somewhat muscley  |
posted 3-10-2003 @ 02:20 PM
Gymjunkie yours could also be MindFreak ... cos you know your good at that    hehehehe and I know I can say that as for the weightlifting ... you know you look gr8 & if you don't I'm tellin you now - Hun you have
nothing to worry about     |
posted 3-10-2003 @ 04:32 PM
My name comes from a stuffed animal I received.
I got the stuffed animal from a friend of mine in the US. It's made by Boyd's Bears and its a cute cat called "Sneakypuss"
I thought it sounded like a great handle and have been using it ever since.
Sneaky P |
posted 3-10-2003 @ 08:47 PM
Hello everyone
my name TYJAY comes from my twins name Tyson and Jay
posted 4-10-2003 @ 03:37 PM
Yes my username comes from my name Louise I know it's very original, but I'm an original kind of gal |
posted 4-10-2003 @ 09:44 PM
My name...
A long story, so bear with me...
My friend always thought that I was a depressing person, always looking sad, lonely or unhappy.
For some reason, she decided to set up an email account for me. So, what did my email address become... gloomy_liv@...
gloomy, because of how she saw me and liv because they are the first 3 initials of my first name, and also what all my friends at my old school call
ok, so it ended up being the condensed version, but anyway...that's how my name came about. |
posted 12-11-2003 @ 06:09 PM
My real name is Cat and I just happen to adore cats..(yes its short for Cathie).and i also love Bats.. so obviously it had to be catbat..tho a few of
my friends call me CattusBattus and also I'm also nicknamed I love Jazz & New Orleans.. |
posted 12-11-2003 @ 06:42 PM
Mine's totally original, it's my initials 
Though when I get married again in January, it'll change  |
posted 12-11-2003 @ 06:59 PM
The lovey part of my name came back when i first got my puter about 9 years ago.... My hair dresser always called me "Lovey" instead of
michelle no idea why lol.. so when i went online i went in as lovey.. everyone always asked me how Mr Howell 3rd was (gilligans island) . His wifes
name was lovey lol.. Anyways it stuck..
My real name is michelle.
The aka part is basically or known as.
When I started writing poetry i took up the pen name of MichelleakaLovey 
Hence my name now  |
posted 13-11-2003 @ 05:02 PM
I once fainted at a concert, so my 13 year old brother started calling me "fainty girl" after that...cheeky bugger  |
posted 13-11-2003 @ 06:14 PM
Rembrat is the name of a RPG* character my husband has used.
My hubby set up this account, but then passed it on to me so it has simply stayed rembrat.
*RPG = Role Playing Game.
Don't hate us 'coz we're geeky :borg:  |
posted 20-11-2003 @ 08:29 AM
I was in year 6 and trying to get a hotmail account but angel was taken (i know really original) so tried to think of something pretty that was open
and it stuck. I've been angelskies now since I was 11 and I'm now 23!! |
posted 20-11-2003 @ 12:25 PM
I'm with rembrat, mine's very geeky.
SHADOWofAMN is the title of a computer game.
I thought it had a bit of mystery about it.
My avatar is a picture of a MAC2000 moving light.
I work in theatre & couldn't find anything else I liked. |
posted 20-11-2003 @ 02:50 PM
my incredibly imaginative name is derived from my real name, matthew clegg. how original!!! |
posted 21-11-2003 @ 09:38 AM
Quote: | Originally posted by matthewclegg
my incredibly imaginative name is derived from my real name, matthew clegg. how original!!! |
In my first job, my managing director's name was Matthew Clegg! |
posted 21-11-2003 @ 11:28 AM
Quote: | Originally posted by SHADOWofAMN
I'm with rembrat, mine's very geeky. |
Yay! Geeks Unite!
Ahh, the wonders of geek pride  |
posted 21-11-2003 @ 10:34 PM
Polly is the nickname that my mmum gave me as a little girl and to thins day still calls me. Louise is my middle name thus the lou...voila Pollylou. |
posted 22-11-2003 @ 04:05 PM
where your username comes from
my username comes from the movie
In which Catherine Zita Jones sings. It is called "ALL THAT JAZZ"
jazz is also a nickname of my real name. |
posted 30-11-2003 @ 10:14 AM
My name is amber so naturally people call me amberpamba or ambypamby or bambi etc I usually get amby, that was my nick in primary school which one of
the boys started, it was rather cute. |
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