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Where does your Username come from?

posted 28-4-2005 @ 02:00 AM www


My girls names are Christine and Charlotte-Rose... hence, chrichar - and they are princesses - well I thought it was cute when I came up with it when I first registered with Ebay.. .. I still do... so I kept it going! :D

:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:
posted 28-4-2005 @ 02:17 AM www

I am a high school teacher and my surname can be tricky so the kids always shortened it to Ms Mitt. That's how I was known to students, staff and parents!
posted 14-6-2005 @ 03:28 AM www

My Dad's MSN name is Rodo - which is a combo of his name and my Mum's name (Ron and Dot) hence Rodo. When I joined Lottos in March they were both quite ill and getting frail and I got sentimental and so called myself Rodogirl - cause I love them and I'm their girl.
Yes I am a softie!!!
posted 15-7-2005 @ 09:40 PM www

I was surprised the name didn't bounce as I thought it tooo obvious, but I guess I just got LUCKY - are you out there, LUCKY?:P:P:P
posted 28-7-2005 @ 07:22 PM www

This is the name i use on all forums.

The stick came from the fact that I was thin as a stick during my pregnancy, and the baby came from the first forum I signed up to being a parenting forum. The name just stuck! Although it should have been stickbaby but its too late now!

If you do a google search on Stickybaby it takes you to a cool website with a laughing baby the faster you move the mouse the more the baby laughs, so cute.

Having said that, I am refered to as just Sticky.
posted 28-7-2005 @ 07:43 PM www

I chose the name Barakiel because it is the Angel of Good Fortune :) And with him by my side I will hopefully win lots of competitions! :)
posted 19-9-2005 @ 08:24 PM www

tomtucker is the annoying nickname i have given my 5 year old son, thomas.
he hatesssssssss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
posted 19-9-2005 @ 08:36 PM www

Mine is the reverse of Maz my nickname M....... Munroe
Cheers everyone!!!!
posted 29-9-2005 @ 01:10 AM www

My husband is a Police Officer (so theres the cop part) and well... our daughter and I are his companions (the Co. part) all together we are copnco.
posted 22-10-2005 @ 11:31 AM www

Well my name is Jodi, and I'm born in 1975, but not I'm not from Western Australia.

I was friends and worked with a girl who used to call me Jodeswa, she said it was her French version of my name (Jod-es-wa, you have to say it as if you had a French accent)

So I use that as my username for everything I join.

posted 7-11-2005 @ 02:37 AM www

Well mine is pretty basic, first my fav colour is black, my name is rose, oh the 05, thats how many kids we have. Also a Blackrose is very rare, just like me, one of a kind & very unique.
posted 7-11-2005 @ 05:11 PM www

When my nephew was learning to talk he couldn't say my name (Phillipa) and called me pup. This progressed to puppy. About a year later he started putting heart on the end of everyone's name, so I became "Puppyheart". Unfortunately he doesn't call me that anymore, just Puppy. But I do love it.:)
posted 19-11-2005 @ 10:47 PM www

Pretty boring but here goes ...

I started on Lottos as 'rad3' ... suddenly faced with chosing a name, I'd like to say I came up with something witty or clever! Nah, I just went blank ( a bit like my 25 WOLs lol ) and then fell back on using an old ID I've had for years as I guessed it might be appropriate to comping :) And aint is just!!!

Anyhoo, 'rad' originally was used for a site eons ago and was short for Really ADdicted, 'cause I normally am. This was pre 'rad' being a cool word short for 'radical'. So, when this word became popular, I added the 3 from necessity as in Really ADdicted x three.

Because of the Username, I'm sometimes mistaken for a youngun...memories lol

So, I had my Lottos Username changed to the full ReallyAddicted and use rad for short.

Cheers and winning wishes to all!

posted 27-11-2005 @ 05:34 PM www

My cat is called Blue and after finding on numerous forums that names I picked out were already taken I thought of using my cats name and there we are.
posted 27-11-2005 @ 07:43 PM www
Where does your Username come from?

Hi Everyone.
My username is balm, It's a combinaton of hubby and my initials bruce andrew lynda may and balm is cool: this is my first time online so you will hear more from me especially when i win anything
posted 28-11-2005 @ 12:05 AM www

User name Jigsaw comes from a computer program i purchased 9 years ago:)
posted 4-1-2006 @ 03:23 PM www

I always wanted to be called Cordelia (just like Anne of Green Gables, lol) so when I signed up to Ezboard I tried Cordelia. Of course it was taken (turns out there was some girl in Buffy called Cordelia who was quite popular). I didn't want a number so I added my favourite colour and voila !! CordeliaBlue. I like it :)
posted 4-1-2006 @ 05:15 PM www

My cat's name is Zen so I've used that as my user name.

We got Zen just after Christmas about 10 years ago and my son had given me a book called Zen - The Reason of Unreason for Christmas and we thought it a good name for our black cat.

posted 4-1-2006 @ 07:39 PM www

My username is pretty boring, just a combination of my first and middle names, Larissa Anne. Riss is actually my nickname but I use rissanne on the net. I'm not as imaginative as some of you!:D
posted 5-1-2006 @ 10:25 AM www

Mine is all astrology based i guess, my old hobby b4 lottos
Cat-year of the cat
Fish-rising sign pisces.
I also LOVE cats, fish and birds(the feathered inparticular)hehe.

posted 5-1-2006 @ 11:54 AM www

My name is from my Fav pet....My Staffy

Picture fixed by Mod/Admin, so it displays correctly
posted 18-1-2006 @ 11:18 PM www

OOhhh first post, Hi everyone,

another pet name to be added for me :)
posted 22-2-2006 @ 10:18 PM www

My username is a nickname that has been with me since I was about 5! I have used it for everything since then.
It's a combination of nicknames for both my first and middle names - Lauren Rebecca.
I am known to friends and family as Lozzybeck, Loz, Lozzy or Lozza - I even get introduced to strangers by one of these names!:D
posted 26-2-2006 @ 09:05 PM www

My user name is my name "Marg" and being a mum of two girls I am able to perform magic at times!!!!!
posted 4-3-2006 @ 06:31 PM www

my middle name is myee pronounced MY- EEEEE which was passed on to my daughter, and her second middle name is sera (pronounced sarah) so it is just the two names put together, and yes with myee as my middle name I copped holy hell at school with my aa, my bb, my cc, :D, who would have thought I would grow to actually like it enough to pass on...
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