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CompTracker - track comps entered!

posted 29-7-2004 @ 04:01 PM www
CompTracker - track comps entered!


Competitions Tracker (CompTracker) - The ability to see which comps you have entered (and thereby which ones you have yet to enter!).

CompTracker saves competitions information for currently running competitions, ie, competitions within these forum areas (saves for Premium members):

Forum Member Competitions
Web Competitions with closing date
Web Competitions - Periodic
Store / Product Competitions
Magazine & Newspaper Competitions
Phone & SMS Competitions
Childrens Competitions
Aust. Region Specific Competitions

Once a competition closes:
Closed comps marked Not Interested have the Not Interested mark removed when the close date is after 6 weeks.
Closed comps marked Follow Up are removed as they cannot be followed up to enter as they are closed.
Closed comps marked Entered will be removed after 12 months.

How to use CompTracker:

When viewing a thread, look to the left of the thread - you will see text saying 'CompTracker'.

Click the 'CompTracker' entered, follow up or not eligible link if you want to add the competition thread to your 'competitions entered', 'follow up' or 'not eligible/not interested' list.

All Premium reports and Forum display lists that display thread subjects will show an tick image for "Entered" competitions, a ? image for "follow up" or a cross for "Not Eligible/Not Interested" competitions, if you used CompTracker for those threads. There is also a 'clear' icon to remove a 'mark' from a previously marked comp.

Note: When a CompTracker link is clicked it is added to your control panel relevant list.
You can maintain this list yourself - eg. if you find a comp is 'daily entry' and don't want it to show as entered, delete it from your list.

Deleting cookies will not affect your list as this is not cookie based.
It will not mark all threads you happen to view as 'entered' - you nominate which ones you have actually entered.

Ensure you have javascript enabled on your browser!

No manual noting on pen and paper or having to copy and paste into external applications for comp tracking anymore!

Count the total number of competitions you have entered.

The total number of currently running competitions is totalled and shown at the top of the 'Comps Entered' list and the member who has entered the most competitions total is also shown as a comparison!

Count how many entries you have for each comp.

The way it works is: each time you click the CompTracker green tick image or the CompTracker text Entered link, the count for the comp thread will increase by one. You can then view all your Comps Entered and the number of entries for each comp thread via the Control Panel, specifically via

If you click the Entered mark while you are viewing the Comps Entered list, the count number will not appear to immediately increase, you will have to refresh the page to see the increase.
If you move a comp to another list from the Comps Entered list then click the Entered option to move it back to the Comps Entered List, it will increase the count by one.
If you want to clear the count for a thread, you will need to clear the thread from any of the lists (and remember to click it with a CompTracker mark if you want it back in a CompTracker list again).

Many CompTracker sections allow you to download your data to use on your own computer, such as in a spreadsheet program.

CompTracker data is removed if your membership expires.

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