Rimmel London, win a year's supply of Rimmel |
posted 27-6-2012 @ 10:57 PM
Rimmel London, win a year's supply of Rimmel Creative Type Comp, Vote Comp, Entry methods: Online, Freq: Once Only, Prize pool: $500, Closes 10/07/2012
Enter: https://www.facebook.com/rimmellondonau/app_483116261704959#...
Hello lovelies! We are running a Facebook Favourite competition on the Rimmel London Style Academy Photo Booth photos! Competition will open on
Tuesday 3 July and close on Tuesday 10 July. We are asking our Facebook fans to vote on their favourite photo. The photo with the most votes will WIN
a year's supply of Rimmel London products (up to the value of $500). Details to follow in the coming weeks on how to vote so WATCH THIS SPACE : )
posted 3-7-2012 @ 02:40 PM
not another voting comp....haven't got a chance..thanks anyway capchat  |