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List here YOUR ten BIGGEST wins |
posted 7-8-2004 @ 09:27 PM
$12,500 Trip to Mauritius with everything included - store comp
$12,500 Makeover trip to Sydney (included $5000 cash) - store comp
$10,000 cash - phone entry
$10,000 debit card - store comp - 2 entries
$9000 trip to UK - video hits web entry
$8,000 VIP trip to the Sydney Olympics with Fosters - one web entry
$7,000 wine fridge & 100 bottles of wine - store one entry
$6,000 - trip to Australian Open - one store entry 25wol
$6,000- trip to Broome and APT tour of the Kimberleys - 25wol web - one entry
$5,000- trip to London, 50wol web entry
$5,000 cash - southern comfort - lots of SMS entries!
$5,000 family holiday to Uluru - store entry
$5,000 family holiday to Queensland
$3,700 LG package (stainless steel fridge, dishwasher, and microwave) - phone entry
And heaps and heaps of other stuff - approx $3000,000 worth all up over the last 10 years!! Not bad for a hobby  |
posted 7-8-2004 @ 09:36 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by Elmo
I was just wondering what the secret is to winning big prizes? If you have won a BIG prize can you please let me know if you used coloured or plain
envelopes and also do you post your entries anytime or at a particular time during the promotion?
I am only asking as I am curious!
Looking forward to your responses |
I have only always used plain white envelopes never anything fancy..... |
posted 8-8-2004 @ 10:35 AM
I think I am depressed too!!
My best was $1000 from Yahoo last year and a $500 weekend to the Retreat (which Mum and I are going on next weekend!!!).
On reflection though, I am not entirely sure that I ENTER enough of the big prize offereing comps (other than Pepsi and LA Ice). I don't have a
current passport and am a bit put off overseas travel at the moment (never thought THOSE words would come out of MY fingers!!).
I suspect I forget to enter many of them and that I primarily enter the little things ERGO that is what I win!
I resolve to make a bigger effort on the larger prize pools using that WONDERFUL Premium Report sorting on prize pool.
We shall see......
Congrats to all those superwinners (it's a bit like the masters comp on Sale of the Century). I sincerely hope to join you one day! |
posted 9-8-2004 @ 12:00 PM
For the people who won cars, did they keep them or sell them?
I'm just wondering what to do if (A BIG IF) I ever won an expensive car worth over $50,000 when I have a hungry mortgage beast. |
posted 9-8-2004 @ 11:14 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by dbz
For the people who won cars, did they keep them or sell them?
I'm just wondering what to do if (A BIG IF) I ever won an expensive car worth over $50,000 when I have a hungry mortgage beast.
I kept my car here, as I was 18 when I one it, last year, and still on my Learners, so I got a great first car  |
posted 10-8-2004 @ 09:12 AM
I sold all mine the first went on a big family car, the next one turned into a kitchen reno and the third became a Buell motor bike and some extra
cash to invest. |
posted 10-8-2004 @ 01:15 PM
I haven't won a car but I'd be the same and be tempted to sell it to pay of a chunk of the morgage.
Or as I have a fairly new car but now out of warranty I might sell the one I have and keep the newer one with the warranty.
Oh.. It's nice to dream.. |
posted 12-8-2004 @ 09:47 PM
I hope this isn't straying too much from the topic, but I've often wondered how strictly the promoter's adhere to the 'prizes are
not transferable, exchangeable or taken as cash' clause in the terms and conditions. For a really big prize such as a trip or a car, would you be
able to exchange it for a different trip, or take the cash. Or would you have to sell it yourself, losing a lot of the value in the process? Just
curious. |
posted 13-8-2004 @ 01:34 PM
When I went to pick up the car I won, the dealer made me an offer as soon as the Revlon Rep left the lot. Course I refused and sold it privately for
$2,500 more than the dealer offered.
posted 14-8-2004 @ 05:32 PM
My top 10 wins over many years of comping
1. New York holiday for 4 - supermarket (3 or 4 entries) $27,500
2. NT holiday for 4 - supermarket (6 entries) $11,000
3. $10,000 diamond ring - web competition (1 entry)
4. Years worth of groceries ($8,000) - supermarket (3 entries)
5. South Pacific 9 night cruise - $7,750 - supermarket (3-4 entries)
6. Rotorua NZ holiday - 25wol - $7,500
7. Queenstown NZ holiday - Colgate (2 entries) $6,250
8. P&O Cruise - Ambi pur (1 entry) $5,000
9. P&O Cruise - Channel 10 web competition $4,900
10. Port Douglas holiday - phone in (1 entry) $3,800
Keep comping everyone!
(Updated November 2015) |
posted 17-8-2004 @ 12:31 PM
ha, mine are a joke, I haven't won much at all - these prizes are FANTASTIC, and DESERVED!!! Some very talented compers out there!!
Best Prize
1 Was a DVD Panasonic Slim Line Player - $549 with 5 DVDS
2. Makeup Maybaline Beauty Kit (phone in from New Woman Mag) $350
3. Ella Bache (Web Entry) New Woman Spoil Me Comp Various sunscreens and tanning lotions to $320
4. Ella Bache - Moisturisers x 2 sets $400 New Woman Web Entry.
5. Andrew Collinge Hair Care x 2 $220 (New Woman again!)
6. Breville Juice Fountain & Books! (Not sure of value yet. - just found
out I won - will edit later. )
7. Yogo Family Pack + Yogo Boys Pack x 2 Total was around $500 (instant win 5 entries) |
posted 22-8-2004 @ 03:45 AM
I've heard that if you win a car you have to keep it for 12 months before you can sell it. Is this right? Thanks  |
posted 22-8-2004 @ 10:05 AM
A family friend won a Rav 4 a few years ago and kept it for one year before selling. The only reason for this is that otherwise she would have had to
pay capital gains tax! Hope this helps!
Maybe ask your accountant to check if that is still the same or if it has changed! |
posted 22-8-2004 @ 02:29 PM
Well I have won 3 , one sold the day I picked it up, the others sold within the year,no tax, there is something about selling more than 3 cars in a
year and you need a dealers licence. We went into it and there was no tax. My advice get rid off it as soon as you can, there's always a new
modle round the corner to drop the price on yours. |
posted 28-8-2004 @ 11:34 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by beeline
When I went to pick up the car I won, the dealer made me an offer as soon as the Revlon Rep left the lot. Course I refused and sold it privately for
$2,500 more than the dealer offered.
When you sell it, do you have to declair the money as income? |
posted 29-8-2004 @ 11:44 AM
I shouldn't think so as long comping is your hobby and not your primary source of income.
Otherwise you could be a professional comper and declare all your prizes but claim telephone, envelopes, stamps, internet etc as business expenses. |
posted 3-9-2004 @ 12:40 AM
Ten Biggest wins
Updated 29/12/2008 after about four and half years of comping
Wow. What a variety people have won!
I consider myself to have had some fun over the last 4 1/2 years. We've won:
1)Family Trip to London $13,000 Designed a monster 3D found the comp on lottos (we took $12,000 in cash)
2) $10,000 of white goods Mix 102.3 radio
3) A years worth of groceries ($7,800) magazine entry 1 x entry
4) Ski Holiday to Mt Buller ($2800) Radio station limerick 2 x entries
5) Computer package ($2500) Grocery
6) Medical Insurance for a year ($2000) store x 6 entries
7) A years worth of shorts holidays ($2000) Mix 102.3 radio 25 wol
8) A years cinema pass ($1, 500) radio website 1 x entry
9) A play station & computer gear ($1, 500) 10 words or less with purchase/web 3 x entries
10) $1,000 Woolies wish card 3 x entry grocery purchase
12 cartons of Tim Tams - second chance draw
A swim Clinic with Nicole Livingston
That car is still out there somewhere
It's fun and the whole family has got involved |
posted 3-9-2004 @ 01:12 AM
Quote: | Originally posted by Ashlan
Wow. What a variety people have won!
I consider myself to have had some fun over the last year with comps. We've won:
A years worth of groceries ($7,800) magazine entry
A years cinema pass ($1, 500) radio website
A play station & computer gear ($1, 500) 10 words or less with purchase
100, 000 flyby points grocery purchase lottery
A b/b/que ($1, 000) wrote a song for a radio station comp
Jewlery ($500) 25 words or less radio station web site
Grocery vochures ($200) and dog food
grocery purchase lottery
toy's R Us vochure ($100) childs colouring in contest
12 cartons of Tim Tams - second chance draw
Perfume ($138) 25 words or less magazine
That holiday and car are still out there somewhere
It's fun and the whole family has got involved |
TWELVE cartons of Tim Tams - that's a lot of Tim Tams! Is this the record?? |
posted 3-9-2004 @ 06:21 PM
I gave a lot away |
posted 3-9-2004 @ 06:34 PM
to a charitable organisation I may add - well done Ashlan!
CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 9-9-2004 @ 03:15 PM
LUCKY PEOPLE.....Wow - I'm stunned here, and probably turning somewhat GREEN!!! - however did Comper girl win THREE CARS!!! - if it isn't a
rude question can you people who've been so lucky as to even win one car, and/or one trip, etc., mind adding and or editing your posts to tell us
how many entries you put in to win these BIG prizes. I'm sure we'd feel better if we knew you'd just got lucky with a few entries??
My top ones (or should I say bottom ones?) are:-
1. Lotto wheel spin, Big TV 63cm around 12 years ago was worth $1200 then, now outdated, won this as 2nd prize instead of big cash if had been first!
- from dud scrathie tickets (under 10) sent into TV show, was really thrilled.
2. Run around supermarket $1,000 cash, plus grocery grab $200 on top years back - from newspaper comp coupon 6 entries only, great.
3. Continental DVD player $529 in 02 store comp maybe 5 entries, nice as didn't have one.
4. 96 mini tins of friskies plus Breakfast at Tiffanys movie - $150? maybe 10 entries, happy felines.
5. Plants Plus, Pots & Shadecloth $500 in 03 - from their newsletter 25 words, 1 entry only!, lovely something for me.
6. Family Circle corning ware $119 in 03 for cooking question, 1 only
7. Billy Tea Jewellery Voucher $100, store comp 2 only in, got me a nice ring.
8. Masterfoods Dove choc Donna Hay Cookbooks $79 - store comp 1 entry only!
9. Coca Cola LG CD Player $299 store comp 1 entry only!
10. Mother & Baby Pigeon comp 25 words $400 - magazine 1 entry only! for my daughter's baby.
Total around $3376 I think. Still waiting for something BIG to turn up!! griffin
posted 10-9-2004 @ 02:10 AM
My win list
1) Bigpond music download $1.00
2) Bigpond music download $1.00
Thats it so far but I'm gonna catch you guys...
posted 10-9-2004 @ 02:48 PM
here i was sitting my 3 month drought has ended with my 3rd win ever and so i'm sitting here looking around and i find this thread ok now
i'm really...................depressed...... its official life is not kind to me, i sux at this.
After posting this i am not going to read this thread again its to depressing...
LOL only kidding...
congrats all you super winners...
ps i really am green now..(ps three cars is not fair LOL) |
posted 12-9-2004 @ 05:30 PM
go winnersrgrinners $2 and counting!!! heheh
i went over this again today showing my hubby and now he's going
how come you can't win a car???
so long for words of encouragement (hehehe) kiddding.....
can't get over these big prizes..... |
posted 6-10-2004 @ 12:34 AM
I love comping, it has given much joy to my family and friends, and I have had heaps of luck, but it has taken great patience perserverance. I mostly
enjoy sharing my wins around to all, to see the looks on their faces is priceless and worth the effort.
I have won in the past: I wont put values as for most, I cannot remember.
A Trip around the world, with $1000 cash.
A trip to Italy/France with $1000 cash.
A Vip Fosters Guest trip to the Sydney 2000 Olympics closing Ceremony.
An entire whitegoods package.
A 127cm wide screen rear projection TV.
An outdoor setting.
A garden package including a Hooded BBQ, Lawnmower etc.
A Trip to Malaysia.
An entertainment package including another TV, Stereo, DVD, digital camera, handicam etc.
$3000 worth of Myer Vouchers & $1000 worth of VIP vouchers
A solid gold bracelet.
A loose diamond.
And even more!!! And believe it or not, I work, so all this is done in my spare time as a hobby! So always stay positive, because it will happen!!!!
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