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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

posted 8-2-2013 @ 02:20 PM www
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Hi y'all. I'm new to this... Very new to this. But I'm LOVING it. So many comps... So little time. Ahhhhh well. Please tell me this... How do I register that I've won a comp? Cos I clicked on the little "won" icon but it hasn't listed the $ value in my profile. Is it because it was under $100? Thanks for reading!
posted 8-2-2013 @ 02:25 PM www

Well done! You need to post your win in the daily winners circle. I think the little won icon is for your own benefit when scrolling through comps you've entered.
posted 8-2-2013 @ 03:30 PM www

You can also go into User Control Panel and add the value of the prize to the "Prize Wins" section.

Total for 2019: $1,369
Total for 2018: $6,791
Total for 2017: $4,190
Total for 2016: $3,441
Total for 2015: $9,655
Total for 2014: $6,167
Total for 2013: $4,327
Total for 2012: $10,061
Total for 2011: $1,912
Total for 2010: $3,331
Total for 2009: $10,918
Total for 2008: $3,845
Total for 2007: $22,100
Total for 2006: $1046
posted 8-2-2013 @ 03:57 PM www

Daily Winners Circle for today & the weekend, every day there's a new one & wins need to be posted in there to count toward the lottos totals:-

The prize icon is for your own doesn't automatically list your prize anywhere else on lottos other than under your profile in User Control Panel.
Your win will never appear on the front page unless you first post it in the daily Winners Circle and secondly it needs to be over $100 to appear. Cheers.

posted 8-2-2013 @ 07:33 PM www

Oh you guys are wonderful! Thanks so much for the advice. I just won a $2000 Target voucher but don't think the comp was listed... I entered & won before I joined. Best of luck to you all :D
posted 18-3-2013 @ 05:43 PM www

i am really new to this, i have entered a few competitions but never won anything. I tried a few years ago but didnt win anything but thought i would try again. How do you know if you have won, do they email you. I thought change of my name might help me to win, with :Ohluckyme lol
posted 18-3-2013 @ 05:46 PM www

E-mail , a call, just turns up at your doorstep, mail.

Kep entering you will win eventually but it takes alot of HARD work and

posted 18-3-2013 @ 05:50 PM www

Welcome meags906 and ohluckyme. Yes sometimes they email you, sometimes they phone and sometimes little surprises just arrive in the mail. It's worth checking the monthly winners lists to see if your name is on them and of course you can always do a google search on yourself. Good luck, hope you win big and often! :)
posted 18-3-2013 @ 05:51 PM www

Originally posted by stillsane13
E-mail , a call, just turns up at your doorstep, mail.

Kep entering you will win eventually but it takes alot of HARD work and


Absolutely agree stillsane13 and sometimes HARD work is rewarded and other times not so much lol! :lol:
posted 18-3-2013 @ 06:24 PM www

I enter any where between 20 right up to 50 comps a day and win but not all the time you do. Good luck.
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