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Rigged or phony comps

posted 18-9-2004 @ 02:51 PM www
Rigged or phony comps

I was just wondering if anyone has come across any rigged or phony comps...or were a bit suss about the result for any reason?

The reason I ask, is that I was at an Expo the other day and was talking to a guy running one of the booths next to me and he said they chucked out the business cards of those entering their comp they thought were losers and were not going to further the interests of the business in anyway.

I know lots of people don't enter comps because they think no one actually wins the things and it is all rigged. All the better for us I say ;)
posted 18-9-2004 @ 04:33 PM www

I'm a bit suss about any comps I don't win!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)
posted 18-9-2004 @ 04:56 PM www
I once bought raffle tickets for a mini.

I wrote to the 'promoter' (can't think why now), and it was returned 'not known' at the advertised address.
posted 18-9-2004 @ 05:03 PM www

LOL Jax :D
posted 18-9-2004 @ 05:09 PM www

La Ice is a classic example. Where are all those extra winners???????????????
posted 18-9-2004 @ 08:06 PM www

Harvey Norman comes to mind when a competition earlier this year listed their winners in the paper and only names from A to D were listed. Looked like they databased the entries then picked the first 100 or however many prizes there were.

posted 18-9-2004 @ 08:29 PM www

I'm with Jax on this one!
posted 18-9-2004 @ 10:46 PM www

I have just finished reading through the Fresh winners and am amazed at how often the same names appear in all issues and my name not ONCE!!! :(:(:(

Seriously, I do wonder sometimes .......
posted 18-9-2004 @ 11:00 PM www

prime example :

rung for a radio comp they said they will take the first caller through ...

got through said " am i the right caller and they said no we have our caller" . so I hang up and rung straight back and too my surprize got through again I said the same and he said yes your my caller $ 1000 trip to frazer island well i was not complaining because i won but how many times is this happening :)

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