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posted 29-5-2013 @ 02:39 PM www

Just wondering with so many comps now using Facebook as the entry point,does anyone just have a separate Facebook page purely for comps?
Or like myself I didn't use Facebook previously and only opened one for comping purposes so I haven't bothered adding anyone as friends because I only use it for comping,but I did wonder when the comp access your page they would see you are only there for that purpose anyone do the same and do you think it may disqualify you from some comps because of it?
posted 29-5-2013 @ 02:45 PM www

It's against facebook terms and conditions to have two accounts.

And Yes, I have heard of people being deactivated for being "fake" accounts.
And I support it. I mean what's to stop Joe Smith creating 16 facebook accounts and using them to enter daily comps 16 times instead of 1 time a day?
posted 29-5-2013 @ 03:01 PM www

I only have the one account and its purely for comping surely that's not in breach of any terms and conditions,but I do agree with you on having multiple accounts being unfair I'm sure lots do it.
posted 29-5-2013 @ 03:04 PM www

Yeah, my secondary point was that a FB account with no friends, that only enters comps, would probably look fake.
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