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Hi everyone H e l p !

posted 2-6-2013 @ 09:15 AM www
Hi everyone H e l p !

Hi all
At the moment. I feel ike a fart in a collander and dont know which hole to get out of! I just cant wait till I dont feel like a stranger in a HUGE city.I joined a couple of days ago and clicked on everything like a kid in a lolly shop! and did a couple of quick comps , but I can find my way back to that page? I wanted the Schweppescomp but cant find it!! a bit lost.
Ive just retired and have been waiting this time so I can devote myself to this site and now Im here....Im a confused.blubbering would be winner !Lol!
I need blow by blow guidance. Did anyone else feel like this at first???? thankyou for listening..any feedback soo welcolme just dont tell me what I already know..that Im a complete twit ! thanx
posted 2-6-2013 @ 09:40 AM www

Welcome to Lottos, I think you will get some great guidance from some of the members. I have been a member for a while but tend to stick to the thinks I know ( bit chicken !) so if you want to find a particular comp there is a search link in the dark blue bar click on that then write in the key words and see what comes up.

I use the side bar a lot when you hover over the left hand side it comes out then I click where I would like to look. try some of the closing in 10 comps that way you won't have to wait so long for your first wins.

good luck

Sheralee :)
posted 2-6-2013 @ 10:36 AM www
Thankyou Sheralee

I tend to panic if I dont get it straight away. Ill try to take it easy and do what you said .Appreciate your help
posted 2-6-2013 @ 11:18 AM www

Welcome. :)
I posted a message to you on your other thread. Please have a look at it. It contains links to lottos info that will help you.
All the best
posted 2-6-2013 @ 05:10 PM www

Don't panic. Have fun. Go to grey slide out screen on left and enter comps ending in 10 days, then play around with the other bits on here.
Everyone is very helpful and we were all new compers once.
I see comping as fun and a hobby, and if i win, it's a bonus.
Enter, enter, enter then forget and you might get a surprise in the mail!
posted 2-6-2013 @ 07:10 PM www

In fact the slide out bar has just about every category of comp you want!
Make sure you visit the daily entries each day and the weekly's once a week.
Use the comptracker so you know what you've entered and what to come back to.
Comps ending in 10 days is a favourite with most lottoers, it's a good way to enter nearly everything you want. Keep a notebook handy 'cause you'll need it. Good luck!
posted 2-6-2013 @ 07:25 PM www


Also up the top of every page is this message
"Just Joined? Welcome! Please CLICK HERE and Read This! "

Have you done that?

Cheers & Good Luck.

posted 2-6-2013 @ 08:07 PM www

It took me a while to find the "search" up on the blue strip at the top of the page... but it's great for finding lost competitions I'd be the one lost without it!
posted 2-6-2013 @ 10:42 PM www

Another useful things is click the yellow Visit again /follow up icon (top left) anytime you see anything that interests you then you can always go back and find it later.

To find it later you go to User Control Panel (top right) and once that opens click on the yellow follow ups icon and it will bring up all the comps that you used this icon on.
posted 3-6-2013 @ 12:22 PM www

Ok Guys I am taking it all on board. Thanks so much.I do appreciate ur support :love::love: please forgive me if I ask the same question a bit later down the track but Ill try hard not to :blush:
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