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Gratitude to everyone who posts competitions. |
posted 29-1-2015 @ 11:25 AM
Just like to add my sincere thanks, to others who keep the Lotto's wheel turning. I appreciate the time and effort others put into posting comps. I
have only posted a few, and although not great at it, want to contribute where I can. The speed that comps are posted is phenomenal. I see one, come
home to post, and it's up! Great to be amongst like minded people, who share the love and luck in a big circle of trust and friendship. |
posted 29-1-2015 @ 12:14 PM
A huge thank you, thank you to all posters, you are the LEGENDS !!!
I wish I have time and knowledge how to post to contribute also like many of you.    |
posted 29-1-2015 @ 12:54 PM
Sincere appreciation to chingching and to all the other many fellow lottoers who generously take time away from their busy lives and post comps to
share for all of us in the hope of a large or even small win. Much thanks. May the comping gods look out for each and every one of you today and
always    |
posted 14-11-2015 @ 04:14 AM
I started this thread almost two years ago. Another year has passed since I wrote my last message here.
I want posters to know that I am still extremely grateful to them. Thank you all so much for posting comps on lottos. I appreciate it very much. Many
This year, thanks to the generosity of a poster I found out about a comp and was able to win numerous gift cards. Some were used to contribute towards
our household and others were given to friends. I also used some of the gift cards to purchase items for women in a domestic violence shelter that is
located in my local area. By posting the comp, many people have benefitted, so thanks again for posting
Another lottos person helped to put food on our table thanks to the Foodland comp they posted.
I've spent many lovely evenings out with family and friends, all thanks to the free movie and theatre passes I've received.
I've won other useful items for our home and am grateful for that 
Thanks again to all lottos posters out there in lottos land  |
posted 17-12-2016 @ 10:33 PM
Many thanks and I am very grateful for all the effort all the posters make thank you much gratitude and to everyone that replys to my posts when I
need help A big THANKYOU so happy to have help with comps .thanks lotto land  |
posted 18-12-2016 @ 10:37 AM
Yes thankyou to all that do post comps, many hands make light work and some of that work is repaid in nice surprises of winning something every now
and then. Its great that so many of you are now posting, its given me a bit of a break too as now I find that others have beaten me to most of the
comps to post which means we are all sharing the load. Thankyou to all who contribute even with codewords and updates on advent comps. Every little
bit helps and is greatly appreciated. |
posted 18-12-2016 @ 10:41 AM
Agreed, thank you and Merry Christmas to all xxx |
posted 18-12-2016 @ 11:16 AM
Heartfelt expression onlyonecanhopeyou just relayed my sentiments exactly!! I appreciate all of the posters time and effort that goes into Lottos.
I too enjoy little and big luxuries because of this very reason THANKS ALL and Merry Xmas:   |
posted 18-12-2016 @ 08:28 PM
Many thanks from me too!  |
posted 4-1-2017 @ 11:47 AM
Still very grateful to lottos Happy New Year  |
posted 4-1-2017 @ 11:50 AM
A very big Thank You to each and everyone of you that posts competitions, answers to quizzes and makes the Lottos site great. Here's hoping you are
all rewarded with many prizes throughout the year. |
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