Please Read: Bargains area posting issues |
posted 17-12-2013 @ 10:36 AM
Please Read: Bargains area posting issues
After deleting and removing pages worth of posts in the Bargains area of the forum I have decided to post a reminder for people to read, and re-read,
the rules to posting.
The complete rules can be found here:
The specific points I would like people to take note of are:
4. INDICATE WHAT PRICE you want for both SALE AND WANTED items.
9. Multiple items must be listed in the same post.
(eg. All FOR SALE items must be listed together, while all WANTED items must be listed together, but can be in a different thread to the for sale
items thread).
10. NO needless BUMPING of threads. You may post that you have added items. Posting on your thread that an item has been sold or sale
is pending, is unnecessary. Just edit that info into main post.
11. No deletion of posts to simply repost the same thing in order to remain at the top of the Exchange section. This is equivalent to Bumping, and
against the rules (see above).
12. No selling of items for other people.
13. DELETE YOUR THREAD when exchange is COMPLETED, or the use-by date has EXPIRED without trade.
Members failing to abide by these rules, may have posts merged, edited, or deleted, WITHOUT NOTICE and you may be
subject to no longer being able to post.
The ongoing disregard for the rules has required strict response in order to maintain a usable exchange for all.
Due to the sheer number of posts I have had to deal with, I can only guess people are posting without reading, or re-reading, the rules beforehand.
If your post is missing this morning, you most likely fall into one of the six categories posted
Please help keep the area fair, clear of clutter, and useful for everyone  |