Forum gets confused on 'Today' and 'Yesterday' for Last Post |
posted 13-3-2014 @ 10:04 AM
Forum gets confused on 'Today' and 'Yesterday' for Last Post
I was wondering if others have the same issue and if so, how it can be resolved.
When looking at the Last Post column in a forum, if the last post was yesterday, it displays 'Today' (resulting in things like Today @ 6:59pm when
it's still morning) and if it was the day before yesterday, it displays 'Yesterday'.
The date used for Today and Yesterday seems to tick over at 10:00am local time so I suspect the code isn't accounting for the set timezone in my
profile (which I've got at GMT+10).
Just a minor annoyance I guess.
Cheers |
posted 13-3-2014 @ 10:10 AM
I've noticed that too, bit weird. Wonder if there is a reason we're not getting. |
posted 13-3-2014 @ 10:20 AM
"Today" seems to be defined as last 24 hours on the forum.
CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 13-3-2014 @ 10:24 AM
Quote: | Originally posted by Andrew
"Today" seems to be defined as last 24 hours on the forum. |
Any chance of implementing a fix? |
posted 13-3-2014 @ 02:02 PM
Yes, I've noticed that, in the morning I'm looking at things that say "today" but they were the previous night. It would be good if it could be
And another suggestion, when comps are posted "New Competition, not all details known" it doesn't register if you mark it as not interested/not
eligible so I find myself marking it over and over again because it keeps coming up. Could this be changed too? |
posted 13-3-2014 @ 02:58 PM
I'll look to replacing Today etc. with the actual date.
New Comp stays as is, as comps posted there are supposed to be temporary until reposted in correct area when details are known
CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 13-3-2014 @ 03:44 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by Andrew
I'll look to replacing Today etc. with the actual date.
New Comp stays as is, as comps posted there are supposed to be temporary until reposted in correct area when details are known
Thanks Andrew.
What about not showing not-all-details-known comps with the rest of the premium reports? Since we can't enter them yet anyway usually. |
posted 13-3-2014 @ 04:08 PM
If I were to do that, you would see posts from members asking why they were not being listed, so it remains.
CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 13-3-2014 @ 04:42 PM
Could I request a webbyclosenoctsorpurchwol report excluding not all details known comps?
Hmm my two threads are starting to overlap now hehe |