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Anybody willing to share a picture of their creative entry (object)? Winner or looser, all inspire!

posted 13-4-2014 @ 08:59 PM www
Anybody willing to share a picture of their creative entry (object)? Winner or looser, all inspire!

I love to see others CREATIVE efforts be they big, small, winning or in for the run.

Anyone willing to share?

Jed dog
posted 13-4-2014 @ 09:11 PM www

OK... I will start but am expecting others input XXX
posted 13-4-2014 @ 09:38 PM www

WOW.... 71 views in 15 minutes and not 1 single share....come on guys!

posted 13-4-2014 @ 09:46 PM www

Awesome! I have never tackled a creative comp so have nothing to share. Seeing entries like this one doesn't encourage me either!!! :lol::lol::lol:
posted 13-4-2014 @ 09:59 PM www

That's a really great entry jed dog. Thanks for sharing this and many of your other entries and ideas! :)

I'd be happy to share my creative entry which won me 1,000 Lindt balls in the Target Valentine's Day comp last year. I have a photo on my phone but don't know how to upload it on to lottos. I'll try to describe it - hope it makes sense.

The question was - "Why does your Valentine deserve a year's supply of Lindor?"

Basically I made a huge (flat) Lindt ball using two round cork trivets glued together and covered them with red shiny paper. I had some twisted clear cellophane bunched out from each end. I glued 3 or 4 real Lindt ball wrappers on to the top and added the Lindt logo. On a heart shaped piece of paper which was attached to the entry, my 25 words or less were:

"Thirty years of wedded bliss
Not one Valentine's Day hubby's missed
Like Lindor, my heart he's forever won,
They're both romantic, delicious balls of fun!"

(I may have exaggerated my words a tiny bit as hubby is definitely not the most romantic man in the world! :))
(I'm happy to text the photo to anyone that can upload it.)
posted 13-4-2014 @ 10:00 PM www

Never done creative but an in awe of those who do.
posted 13-4-2014 @ 10:01 PM www

Originally posted by jed dog
WOW.... 71 views in 15 minutes and not 1 single share....come on guys!


Didnt think you could share on lottos ?

posted 13-4-2014 @ 10:16 PM www

I think he means sharing your own entry's on here WP.

I would share one, but I don't have one. Never done a creative entry before. Yours is great JD.
posted 13-4-2014 @ 10:19 PM www

I also have never "created" an entry but really appreciate the effort of those who do.. something I would love to tackle eventually. Love it Jeddog :D
posted 13-4-2014 @ 10:20 PM www

I would love to have the talent to produce work like yours, jed dog, but my artistic skills are limited to stick figures! Your entry is amazing, thanks for sharing. :)
posted 13-4-2014 @ 10:51 PM www

Well - no wonder I dont win things - I have no such talent lol! I would share if I did Jed-dog but I just write and send - what a brilliant entry!:thumbup:
posted 13-4-2014 @ 11:39 PM www

This is Miss 7's effort for the McDonalds Mixed up creature last year...she won one of the runner up prizes. Pretty good effort for 7 years old. The only thing Dad did was bend the wire & use the hot glue gun...she did ALL the rest herself. Had to be 3 creatures...hers is pig, dragon and tiger and he was called "Mixed Up Mac"! She worked very hard on it over a couple of weeks and she was a tad disappointed when she didn't win. Still good lesson in doing your best.

posted 14-4-2014 @ 12:05 AM www

hi jed dog great creativity by those who have shared:)
but I'm afraid I don't have a creative bone in my body, :no::no::no::no:
I read creative entry and then click out of the page. :blush::blush:
posted 14-4-2014 @ 12:08 AM www

Thanks for sharing jed dog Diwin & kismet. They are all fabulous and worthy winners! Your 8 year old kismet, already has more creativity than me and I'm nudging 60! I stick to the less creative comps.
BTW Loved both the WOL's by jed dog and Diwin.:info:
posted 14-4-2014 @ 02:46 AM www

Thanks for creating this post jed dog. Like others, I've never entered a creative comp. I like being creative with WOL answers, however I'm not very good at drawing or creating things. I should just give it a go one day and see what happens.
posted 14-4-2014 @ 06:28 AM www

Thanks for sharing jed dog, Diwin and kismet;););)
I don't have an artistic bone in my body and usually avoid these comps.
Having said that, once I did a poster with photos from the circus to win a toys r us voucher and came runner up of $1000 giftcard.

It was asking for what theme i liked for a baby's room.;);)

posted 14-4-2014 @ 07:13 AM www


WOW.... thanks Kismet and Diwin, great entries. I think you should always have a go even if you think you are not creative in a crafty way. If the opportunity is there why not take it.
OK... so here is another one of mine..... a card that when opened pops up to be a roller coaster car with screamers insitu. LOL
Come on everyone..... lets see or hear some more, this is getting the creative juices flowing :)
posted 14-4-2014 @ 08:25 AM www

They are all so good. I never take a picture of my creative entries, but I guess they aren't that creative, as I have never won off one. I did win the Lindt balls one that Diwin is talking about, but that was just a photograph of my parents together, so don't really call that a creative entry.
I cant compete on the creative front, unless of course, no-one else enters!!!! ;)
posted 14-4-2014 @ 09:25 AM www

Thanks for starting this thread jeddog! And thak you for sharing these great entries! It is indeed inspiring to see them!! I entered for a cruise once with a 4 page scrapbook entry with photos and what I thought was a great 25 wol entry. Sadly, it didn't win and I forgot to take a picture of it. :( I have a couple of pics of another comp, but I am away from home atm...will upload when I get home if I can figure out how to do it!:)
posted 14-4-2014 @ 09:56 AM www

Great entries - you are all so talented! I'd share but I don't enter creative ones. I love seeing your entries though and hearing about the wins.
posted 14-4-2014 @ 09:56 AM www

Great entries - you are all so talented! I'd share but I don't enter creative ones. I love seeing your entries though and hearing about the wins.
posted 14-4-2014 @ 09:57 AM www

I used to make big double-sided postcards for holiday WOL comps. Destination collage on one side, postcard-y WOL on the left and my details in the addressee side. Pretend stamp. Haven't got any photos, but they never won.
posted 14-4-2014 @ 10:06 AM www

my daughter won an xbox in a Red Rooster comp a couple of years ago but I didn't take a photo because I didn't expect her to win. Wish I had of now and then I could've shared it with you.

Edit: Descrition

It was a drawing of a race track and she cut out the cars on the little red rooster boxes and glued them on so it looked they were racing. It was a comp for Speed Racer:)
posted 14-4-2014 @ 10:28 AM www

Gosh I swear I don't have a creative bone in my body!!
posted 14-4-2014 @ 10:43 AM www

Originally posted by fisy66
This is one we did in won business class to Vienna, 3 nights at Sacher Vienna and 3 nights at Sacher was amazing!
We did a take on the Lipizzan Horses of Vienna...what 3 words best describe Vienna?

Absolutely brilliant ... I can see why it won! Think I'll be avoiding these type of entries in the future ... just couldn't come up with something as clever as these!
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