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Pre-Paid phone and 1902 competitions

posted 29-11-2014 @ 04:51 PM www
Pre-Paid phone and 1902 competitions

i tried doing a search for this question but with no luck. I'm sure this question has been asked before , so here goes . I now have a pre-paid phone. Are there any carriers that allow dialling of 1902 number from a pre-paid phone?
posted 29-11-2014 @ 05:07 PM www

I know you can Premium SMS with Virgin Pre-Paid (55¢ each), but I've never tried calling a 1902 number, I always use SMS. This doesn't answer your question sorry, but if there's an SMS option you can at least do that.
posted 29-11-2014 @ 05:32 PM www

This thread answers it all
posted 29-11-2014 @ 05:34 PM www

Now I could very well be wrong as this is just an assumption but because 1900 numbers recoup some of the of the cost as payment and that no one really knows how long the call is going to be the reason they are not included on prepaid is that possibly the charge is charged at the end of the call. If say you only have $3 credit on your prepaid and you rang a 1900 number and spoke for an hour the cost would be way way over that three dollars and Telstra and the company you rang would have no way of recouping the shortfall unless you recharged but if you are on postpaid obviously they can bill you.
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