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2015 I would like to win/prize wishlist thread

posted 31-12-2014 @ 01:51 PM www
2015 I would like to win/prize wishlist thread

I'll start; pretty much the same every year:

1. Cash
2. Vouchers/giftcards
3. Car
4. Holiday or travel voucher - need a trip to Qld for a wedding in October
5. BBQ
6. Things for the boys
7. Washing machine
8. Outdoor setting

posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:02 PM www

I'll put it out there to the universe... :)

Cash and/or a car I could sell
Holidays- domestic and/or international
New bathroom/kitchen makeover
Washing machine
Home decor items
Lawn mower
Event tickets- movies, shows, aquarium, zoo etc
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:03 PM www

Similar list as previous year;)
1. Car
2. Cash Cow + CASH from anywhere else:P:P
3. Shopping giftcards
4. Travel Vouchers
5. New kitchen
EDIT: Also to continue with our entertainment covered from movie tickets, concerts , musicals and so on;);)

posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:04 PM www

Kids toys
Beauty Products
Robo Vacuum :D
New couch
Washing machine
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:10 PM www

I'd love to win…
1) Cash
2) A family holiday domestic and/or international
3) A car
4) toys for my kids
5) BBQ
6) vouchers for woolworths/bunnings/masters
7) To finally win an IGA competition!
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:11 PM www

Cash and /or 'big' wish cards
Samsung tablet
tv with built in dvd player
exercise equipment (treadmill and/or exercise bike)
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:19 PM www

1) Cash
2) Holiday
3) BBQ

And whatever else the comping gods would like to throw at me.
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:26 PM www

Minor amendments to this year's list. Which was last year's list. Which was the year before's list, etc...

1) Cash - pretty please...Yes
2) Car - mine is now 25 years old, but I don't really need one as I'm driving mr mska's because he is driving a company car, but I would love to win a car one day.
3) A holiday to London, Paris, New York or Hawaii - the top 4 on my list, but anywhere would be wonderful.
4) Vouchers - grocery, furniture, travel.
5) Tickets - Concerts, theatre.

2025 total: $44.99
2024 total: $4,108.29
2023 total: $4,023.97
2022 total: $2,863.26
2021 total: $1,034.75
2020 total: $405.79
2019 total: $7,713.89
2018 total: $2,950.76
2017 total: $2,681.73
2016 total: $3,639.17
2015 total: $32,313.15
2014 total: $11,551.52
2013 total: $6,197.61
2012 total: $15,002.74
2011 total: $13,764.61
2010 total: $43,110.39
2009 total: $15,732.28
2008 total (from August 1st): $7,794.93
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:34 PM www

1 cash
2 car
3 fridge
4 washing machine
5 shopping wish cards
6 smart tv
7 bbq
8 Wicker outdoor setting and furniture
9 Car for my daughter
10 Holiday (IBIZA) or anywhere.

I got a new iMac for xmas so thats off the list this year!

Can't wait to look back on this at the end of 2015 and see if there is anything on my wish list I can cross off!
posted 31-12-2014 @ 02:45 PM www

carpet do the whole house
TV (for son)
travel vouchers

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 31-12-2014 @ 03:04 PM www

Babbs had started one that combined comping goals with life goals for 2015 here:

Here's what I wrote there:

Kept my comping goal simple this year and reached it so maybe that's the trick.
My comping goal for 2015 is to win about $10,000 in cash and/or vouchers.

Just got a fitbit for Xmas and have already put in my weight goal which is to lose about 15kg.

Will have to find one of those tickers that I can put into my signature panel to keep track of my 2 main goals for the year. Good luck with your goals everyone. :)

posted 31-12-2014 @ 03:11 PM www

1. Top of my 2015 list is holidays, both domestic and international.
2. Mega grocery vouchers
3. Cash
posted 31-12-2014 @ 03:32 PM www

1. Holiday to Tassie top of my list but anywhere oz/overseas would be lovely
2. cash/ Wish/gift cards
4 Kitchen Reno
5. Enough Pressies to help with Birthdays/ Christmas
6. Stuff I would like but could never afford


posted 31-12-2014 @ 04:20 PM www

1: a car
2: lawn mower
3. thermomix
4. money/vouchers
5. things for my sons
6. a family holiday
7. a new mobile phone
8. a new laptop.
9. A fitbit or something similar
10. tickets to movies or things I can take my sons too.

But in reality, I am happy to win anything and feel lucky :)

posted 31-12-2014 @ 04:42 PM www

Cash / gift vouchers
Washing machine

Comping gods please note: I'd be happy with any or all of the above :lol::lol::lol::lol:
posted 31-12-2014 @ 04:44 PM www

iphone 6
posted 31-12-2014 @ 04:45 PM www

Very similar to last years list:

1. Car
2. Family Holiday
3. Cash
4. New Kitchen
5. Treats of any kind for the family

Fingers crossed & Good Luck to everyone for LOTS of AMAZING Wins in 2015!!!! :)
Happy New Year to you all, have fun & stay safe!!! :)
posted 31-12-2014 @ 07:44 PM www

1. Cash/Vouchers
2. Xbox One and PS4, some games to go with!
3. Car
4. Homewares/Kitchen Gadgets
5. Movie tickets
6. Treats for my family and friends :thumbup:

Wishing everyone a super successful comping year in 2015! Let us be swimming in prizes by the end of next year!! :yes:
posted 31-12-2014 @ 08:14 PM www

1. Holiday- international or domestic!
2. car
3. Cash, vouchers etc
4. Kitchen
6. Passes to movies, and other local attractions!
Wishing everyone luck for 2015 I hope it is a very productive and happy year for us all!
Happy New Year!
posted 31-12-2014 @ 08:28 PM www

1 Fridge, Washing machine, Microwave, NO ... but on the plus side I have heaps of OMO
2 New Kitchen NO
3 Carpets/ Flooring NO
4 River Cruise NO
5 Vouchers/Cash YES LOTS :)
6 Trip anywhere in Australia will do YES PORT DOUGLAS
7 Make up, Skincare, Perfume ...treats for me YES ... but not any of the things I asked for, not complaining

And the one thing we all deserve, a very Happy Healthy New Year ! YES ... still smiling, so I'll wish for more of the same for 2016
posted 31-12-2014 @ 09:13 PM www

a 4wd!
posted 31-12-2014 @ 10:35 PM www

1. Holiday to Hawaii (either with hubby or family!!)
2. Travel vouchers (especially to fulfill Hawaii dream)
3. Cash
4. Gift Cards
5. Washing Machine (in desperate need Comping Gods)
6. Tickets for experiences, concerts etc
7. Movie tickets - hubby and I love our date nights :yes:
8. Pressies and treats for family and friends

Fingers crossed that our wishlists are successful in 2015 ;);)
Happy New Year one and all ;)

2010 wins $8722
2011 wins $9982
2012 wins $13794
2013 wins $20007
2014 wins $14976
2015 wins $6232
2016 wins $3457
2017 wins $4309
2018 wins $5825
2019 wins $6767
2020 wins $5655
2021 wins $5432
2022 wins $7238
posted 31-12-2014 @ 10:52 PM www

I'm ordering:-

1. Family Holiday for my family - Gold Coast would be special
2. Cash over $10,000
3. Car/s
4. Caravan / Motor Home
5. Clothing Gift cards / Food Gift cards
6. Royal Albert china items
7. Cruise
8. Trip to LA with Business Class flights!
9. Furniture & White Goods
10. Jewelery
That'll do.
Anything would be better than 2014's stash..

Good Luck all.

posted 31-12-2014 @ 11:33 PM www

1. Cash
2. Vouchers/giftcards
3. Car
4. Ipad
5. BBQ
6. kitchen appliances
7. Washing machine
8. Outdoor setting
posted 1-1-2015 @ 12:45 AM www

Holiday to Europe for 4
Holiday to US for 4
$50,000 cash/gift cards
Luxury Car / 4WD
55" TV for the kids
xBox One
Surface Pro 3 laptop
Samsung phone

not in any particular order!
Bring on 2015! This year will be different! It will be so much better!
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