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Snow balling of other competitions

posted 5-1-2016 @ 12:36 PM www
Snow balling of other competitions

G day All just a question from a new guy, I note Iam now starting to receive many email requests for surveys etc etc and also tends to lead into the same questionnaires and other competitions, which I certainly expected however I note many are emails to Activate memberships and redeeming points etc, Q is do I need to complete these Activation's etc to enable my competition to be active?, just looking for a general consensus.

Regards Wayne
posted 5-1-2016 @ 12:52 PM www

up to you i guess i personally cant be bothered
posted 5-1-2016 @ 01:11 PM www

Some competitions require you to receive the company's email, so activation is required. Just check the T&C's.

Personally I avoid surveys.

Good Luck WayneMc!
posted 5-1-2016 @ 02:20 PM www

I hope you've set up a separate email address for comping because it's only going to get worse. The spam email never stops!

I almost exclusively get my comps from Lottos. Even if I see a comp in an email, I always check here first. Just helps to avoid clicking on the 'wrong' time of link. So I tend to avoid most links to comps/surveys in my email, unless I know it's a legitimate competition, it's a prize I'd like to win and it's the only way to enter.

Activating membership is a different story. Usually when you enter a comp, if you have to first set up a membership and it needs to be activated, they'll tell you. I then go straight to my email to do so. I don't like to leave it for later as I might either forget, or it gets lost in the 100+ email I get each day. If a comp requires you to activate a membership to enter then you won't be entered until you do activate the membership. If you read the T&C it usually states you must be a member for the entire competition and drawing period to qualify to win, so don't cancel your membership too soon.
posted 5-1-2016 @ 02:25 PM www

It took me a few years to work out what to enter and what to avoid. Good luck. Wishing many great wins come your way.
posted 5-1-2016 @ 04:43 PM www

thank you all it is exactly want I wanted to know, it gets a little confusing to what you need to register and confirm but im sure I will get the hang it eventually, once again thank you very much.
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