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When to "report" a post

posted 9-4-2016 @ 11:10 PM www
When to "report" a post

I have been looking and looking on some guidance on when it is suitable to actually "report" a posted competition or remark.

I would have thought that there was a post that would put down specific reasons etc when it is suitable to report etc but cannot find anything. Is there a specific post for this?

If not, it would be a good idea for people to understand what happens if you report a post and why etc. Where it gets reported to etc. How to word your report.

I am one who is hesitant to report a post due to not being able to find some basic guidelines. I would rather put a comment on the particular post.

Can I get some input regarding this please????
posted 9-4-2016 @ 11:50 PM www

Just go ahead and report a post if you feel that there is something incorrect. If you just comment on the post, the person who posted it may not see it if they never go back to it.

In regards to wording your report:

-If it's a duplicate then you must include the post link to the duplicate
-If it's something like wrong closing date or WOL, Purchase, Vote etc. required then just type that in.
-A thanks or a smiley face makes a big difference to the reported person.

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posted 10-4-2016 @ 06:30 AM www

Originally posted by gssusu
Just go ahead and report a post if you feel that there is something incorrect. If you just comment on the post, the person who posted it may not see it if they never go back to it.

In regards to wording your report:

-If it's a duplicate then you must include the post link to the duplicate
-If it's something like wrong closing date or WOL, Purchase, Vote etc. required then just type that in.
-A thanks or a smiley face makes a big difference to the reported person.

I report posts that appear to be fishing for a receipt from other Lottoers after they've provisionally won a competition and "can't find their receipt".

posted 10-4-2016 @ 12:07 PM www

I agree with Silver101. I would like to see clear guidelines as to what constitutes a reportable post, who the report goes to and how it is dealt with.
posted 10-4-2016 @ 12:57 PM www

Originally posted by gssusu
Just go ahead and report a post if you feel that there is something incorrect. If you just comment on the post, the person who posted it may not see it if they never go back to it.

In regards to wording your report:

-If it's a duplicate then you must include the post link to the duplicate
-If it's something like wrong closing date or WOL, Purchase, Vote etc. required then just type that in.
-A thanks or a smiley face makes a big difference to the reported person.

As above as they are the majority of cases, in addition occasionally:

closed early, spamming, inappropriate (bad language, slanderous etc.) ie - common sense.

As to who receives the reported post - the member who made the mistake does and there is also a copy to moderators.
Who fixes it - either the member who made the mistake or a moderator (usually who reads it first)

Again as mentioned above, if you just comment (post a reply) and don't report the post, the issue is likely to not get rectified as the issue won't come to the attention of the member or moderators.

Thank you to those members who do notify us of issues so we can get the information as accurate as possible to enable members to enter correct entries by the due close date.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 10-4-2016 @ 11:57 PM www

Originally posted by Andrew
Originally posted by gssusu
Just go ahead and report a post if you feel that there is something incorrect. If you just comment on the post, the person who posted it may not see it if they never go back to it.

In regards to wording your report:

-If it's a duplicate then you must include the post link to the duplicate
-If it's something like wrong closing date or WOL, Purchase, Vote etc. required then just type that in.
-A thanks or a smiley face makes a big difference to the reported person.

As above as they are the majority of cases, in addition occasionally:

closed early, spamming, inappropriate (bad language, slanderous etc.) ie - common sense.

As to who receives the reported post - the member who made the mistake does and there is also a copy to moderators.
Who fixes it - either the member who made the mistake or a moderator (usually who reads it first)

Again as mentioned above, if you just comment (post a reply) and don't report the post, the issue is likely to not get rectified as the issue won't come to the attention of the member or moderators.

Thank you to those members who do notify us of issues so we can get the information as accurate as possible to enable members to enter correct entries by the due close date.

Thankyou Andrew. Its good to see that this has been understood to be something that, not just myself, but others are unaware of some type of guidelines etc. I was amazed that I couldn't find anything that stipulated these things for newbies etc. Yes there is a report button but its a bit like voodoo unless you know what happens etc and also there has been issues where comments sound quite abrupt so adding a smiley is a great idea to ease the stress on the person who may have made a mistake. For some, myself included, this can be offputting when thinking about posting another comp. :thumbup:
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