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posted 24-2-2004 @ 03:50 PM www

After reading all these posts, Ive decided to go premium. lottos isnt the same anymore now. :( I'll soon be part of the gang really soon guys. YAY! Cant wait..... tick tock tick tock.. :)
posted 20-4-2004 @ 02:17 AM www

Can I just say that PREMIUM is just fab. I have not been able to access lottos for a while cos my computer died. I finally got a new one and when I logged into lottos I though "what is this premium business????" Well all I can say is it is money well spent!!
posted 20-4-2004 @ 03:03 PM www

Premium comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from me. So much easier to find the Comps I really want to enter and the ones I've missed. Loving Premium!:D!
posted 27-4-2004 @ 06:20 PM www

Premium is awesome, it is a pitty i cant afford to renew on the 10th of the 5th because i have enjoyed premium so much, so many comps, so many options for finding those comps, in the past 3 months i have entered roughly 300 comps, and i dont just enter comps willy nilly eiother i wait untill there is something i want to win.

congrats for having such a great forum, and for helping me find so many missed comps.
posted 17-5-2004 @ 02:55 PM www
i love this site

What can i say, i love this site. I only joined premium less than 2 weeks ago and have already won $500 worth of stuff so that was money well spent. I'm now on everyday i just can't help myself..i'm addicted.....
posted 19-5-2004 @ 06:48 PM www

yep i agree, im a premium member now and I just love it! i can enter comps whilst im at class and it takes no time at all.. its a great hobby! i love lottos :)
posted 9-6-2004 @ 11:59 PM www

I just looove PREMIUM....its nearly better than winning a 25WOL comp!
posted 6-9-2004 @ 05:07 PM www

Listen son,
if comping's fun.
My dear if you like grinning.
Don't be glum,
join Premium
and feel the joy of winning.
posted 12-12-2004 @ 10:00 AM www

hello everyone
im new here and from all the great feedback id love to join premium too, but i dont know all the info about it and how to actually JOIN, pay, etc...
so if anyone could direct me to those answers it would be very much appriciated. I will also need to know the price and stuff too.
Thankies! :)
posted 12-12-2004 @ 10:03 AM www

Welcome, this link will help you. :D
posted 12-12-2004 @ 10:34 AM www

thanks heaps, I will try and send a money order asap.
Do the comps end at this time of year? so would it be worth me getting premium now or should i wait until january?
posted 12-12-2004 @ 10:46 AM www

Join ASAP there are comps added daily and you have to be in it to win it.

Go for it ... you will not regret it.


posted 12-12-2004 @ 05:30 PM www

rightio, i will save an send a money order! im so excited now!
thanks everyone, its great having all the info! :)
posted 14-12-2004 @ 07:51 AM www

Ive raided my piggy bank and have now sent in my money order! I cant wait to have that word above my username! If there are any problems just U2U me.


thanks everyone for all your help with the info and feedback!
posted 15-12-2004 @ 10:32 AM www

Well i have been a premium member since March!!! I dont get much chance to use but when i do its fantastic. Its great to be able to use the reports function as with the time i have i can now enter 3 times the amount of comps i did before :)
Thanks!- Nic
posted 17-12-2004 @ 08:57 AM www

Lottos is THE BEST site ever. I only wish I had joined earlier. Love Lottos :D:D:D
posted 25-1-2005 @ 11:32 PM www

Wow... a thread I haven't posted on! I've only been here at Lottos a month, and joined up Premium as soon as I landed on planet Lottos. It's a strange land, full of all sorts of amazing and interesting creatures - some friendly, some fierce, but all winners. There's a time warp here too - one minute it's 10am the next minute the kids are pounding on the front door and it's 3pm!
Go premium - your life will never be the same!

Premium's the place to be;
You'll be addicted soon, you'll see!
Give in to your passion, let it be
Soon you'll be in the winners circle - like me!

*See what three hours of 25 wol does to a person!* :D :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:
posted 12-9-2005 @ 05:53 PM www

hello, I am new to this site, have purchased premium, as I love comps. How do I get the answers to the Take 5 and thats life mags, what do I press? please help
posted 12-9-2005 @ 06:14 PM www

There is a link at the top of the forum called 'All Premium, CompTracker Info' and a slide out menu from the left side of the forum that lists all 87 Premium reports including the magazine comps listings.

In addition, I sent an unread u2u (link at top right of forum) to you earlier to you today that has much of this info in it!

Welcome to the site!

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 2-3-2006 @ 09:00 AM www

Does premium make it easier to move around this site? Can you pay over the phone my husband doesnt like me giving bank details over the net..
posted 2-3-2006 @ 09:03 AM www


non net payment details are listed here:

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 4-3-2006 @ 09:34 AM www

hi i've just joined and am looking forward to the comping craze!
posted 4-3-2006 @ 11:22 AM www

I joined just two daysago and have been entering lots of comps hopefuly some of the entries will pay off.Thankyou for all the great advice members
new member
posted 6-3-2006 @ 12:27 PM www

very new to this will try my patience looking over sites
posted 6-3-2006 @ 05:27 PM www

Is it just me, or as soon as you wake up, do you rush to your computer to log in to

I think I'm a competition junkie!!!!


Thanks Lottos.......WE LOVE YOU!!!

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